Buckeyes for Appalachia



The name of this organization shall be Buckeyes for Appalachia.


The purpose of Buckeyes for Appalachia is to expand networking for students from Appalachian community; give students, staff, and faculty the opportunity to experience and discuss Appalachian culture, history, social impact, and challenges faced by the community; as well as provide opportunities for related outreach activities on and off campus. This organization will be shaped by the needs of its members. Buckeyes for Appalachia is a student organization that is student initiated, student led, and student run.


·  Voting/Active membership for Buckeyes for Appalachia is open to all currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students at The Ohio State University. To gain this status, members must complete the following:

1) Members must attend a minimum of four meetings through the school year. If a member cannot be present at the required number of meetings, attendance in organizational events shall count toward their meeting total.

NOTE- If a member does not meet the voting/active membership requirements prescribed above, the member forfeits their ability to vote in officer elections and make proposed amendments to the constitution. The member may regain voting/active status at anytime during the year unless otherwise noted by the officers.

·  Non-voting/Honorary membership for Buckeyes for Appalachia is available to any faculty member, alumni, professional, graduate student, or etc. within Ohio State University. To obtain this status, the applicant in question must gain the approval of two officers before proceeding within the organization. Non-voting/Honorary membership is limited to educational and leadership developmental involvement only as deemed appropriate by the officers and advisor.


In the event that a member and/or officer(s) do not meet the expectations of this organization the following procedure(s) will be activated:

1) If a member and/or officer(s) is found to be in violation of this organizations procedures and/or the Ohio State University Code of Student Conduct, the member is then subject to removal for the organization. The member must meet with officers (and advisor if needed) to discuss further actions and possible termination from Buckeyes for Appalachia.

2) If a member and/or officer(s) is found to be in violation of any local, state, or federal laws and regulations it is up to the discrepancy of the advisor alone on the member and/or officer(s) termination from Buckeyes for Appalachia.


Buckeyes for Appalachia and its members will not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.


The leadership offices in this organization will be President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Social Chair. Each position can only be filled by currently enrolled undergraduate Ohio State University Students. Each term will last for one school year. The duties of each office are detailed below.

Duties of the President:

1.  Plan and conduct monthly meetings.

2.  Prepare an agenda for these meetings and send it to other officers and advisors before the meeting.

3.  Coordinate with officers and advisors while planning organizational events.

4.  Reserve meeting spaces and resources needed for meetings and events.

5.  Be present and involved with events as well as representing the organization at other campus events such as involvement fairs.

Duties of the Secretary:

1.  Assume all responsibilities of President in their absence.

2.  Assist President with planning and running of the monthly meetings.

3.  Manage all paper work and documentation for the organization.

4.  Take minutes at each meeting and keep the minutes on file.

5.  Present minutes from previous meetings at every monthly meeting.

6.  Communicate with members and advisors to keep them updated and organized.

Duties of the Treasurer:

1.  Maintain all financial records and receipts.

2.  Present a written financial report at every meeting.

3.  Report on the financial status of the organization at every meeting.

4.  Manage bank account.

5.  Oversee and manage all transactions made under the organization’s name.

6.  Organize and maintain receipts.

7.  Assume all responsibilities of Secretary in their absence.

Duties of the Social Chair:

1. Plan and coordinate social events

2. Oversee publicity of social/outreach events

3. Help monitor social media outlets of the group

4. Coordinate with officers and advisor on group events

5. Assume all responsibilities of Treasurer in their absence.

Collective Duties of the Officers:

1.  Be available and open to all members of the organization.

2.  Attend all meetings and events unless alternate arrangements have been made with the officers.

3.  Organize executive committees and/or standing committees as needed.

4.  Maintain the upkeep and integrity of the constitution.


Officers will be elected annually with elections being held in March. All prospective officers must notify current officers of their intentions to run for office at least one month before the election. Each member must receive a majority vote in order to gain their position. If an officer fails to meet the standers of Ohio State University and Code of Student Conduct, the Ohio Union, or the organization at any time during the school year then a new election will be held immediately to replace the given officer(s).

Members may run for multiple offices, but may only hold one at a time. If they win the majority vote for multiple offices, they shall assume the highest office, and there shall be another vote for the remaining candidates.

The sitting President may not vote, except to break a tie – he shall also build the ballot box and count the votes.

One meeting per semester shall be dedicated to Elections and Amending the Constitution (see Article XI). During this time, each candidate shall make a three-minute speech to promote their candidacy and explain what sort of policy decisions they intend to make, then answer any questions by members, officers, and others running for the same office.


All officers can be re-elected as long as they meet the membership requirements, go through the proper election procedures, hold good academic standing, and are in compliance with the Code of Student Conduct. There is no limit to the number of times a person can run for office.


There shall always be at least one full time faculty member serving as advisor to the organization. If there is a proposal for an additional advisor, then a general member vote will be held and must pass with at least a 2/3 vote.


Meetings will convene on a weekly basis during Autumn and Spring semester. If membership is considered low at the discretion of the officers, this shall be reduced to a biweekly basis (that is, every two weeks). The weekly dates and times shall be determined every semester by the President based on when officers and members are available and willing to attend meetings. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the President – usually to hold special events.

Officers shall meet as needed to discuss the organization’s affairs and make necessary decisions at their discretion.


If a member wishes to propose an amendment to the constitution, then they must submit a written document detailing the proposal to the officers or orally explain the proposal during an Election meeting, which shall be written down by the Secretary. Two of the three officers must approve the document for further action to be taken. The officers will meet with the member to discuss revisions if the proposal is not approved or debate this further during the Election meeting, with input from all attending members. The document must contain the proposal, the name and contact information of the member(s) involved, and the date chosen by the officers of the meeting at which it will be discussed. The proposal will be explained by the presenter and offered up for general election. It must pass with a 2/3 vote.


All documents, minutes, letters, and financial reports shall be considered records and property of Buckeyes for Appalachia. The records shall be kept on files under custody of the officers.