Hill City Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 11, 2014

The Board of Directors of the Hill City Area Chamber of Commerce met on Wednesday, June11th, 2014 at noon. The following members were present:Judy Harper,Colleen Hardiek,Mary Goddard, Jennifer Windholz, Ross Bugbee, Lindsay Bryant and Jim Logback. Diana Crouch, Executive Director of Chamberand Kirk Schweitzer, Executive Director of GCED werealso present.

Board members absent were, Rhonda Goddard, Belinda Griffin,Fred Keener and Ty Hockman.

The meeting was called to order by Judy Harper.

The agenda was approved with an addition of an update on the Wounded Warrior “Business After Hours.

The minutes of the May 8th, 2014 meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer, Lindsay Bryantpresented a report on receipts and expenditures. After review the treasurer’s report was moved and seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Lindsay reported that the Board needed to approve the 2014 Budget. It was moved, seconded and the motion passed unanimously. There was a discussion of needing addition funds for future projects.

Communications: The Board received a letter from the Kansas Department of Commerce with a list of the twenty-four Regional Business Excellence winners and 76 Merit Award winners. The Chamber of Commerce’s nomination, Hill City Livestock Market, was honored with a Merit Award.

Diana reported that she received a bill from Outdoor Trails Media, Inc. and would have Lindsay Bryant pay it.

Subway had mail the Chamber office a request for potential franchisee owners in our community. Kirk Schweitzer noted that he had received the same letter and would pass the information on to prospective franchisee owners.

HCACOC Report: Diana noted the success of the June 7th, 2014 City-wide Garage Sale and it had depleted her sign inventory. The cost of ordering new signs from DSNWK, Inc. would be $10.50 per sign and questioned why we only charge $5.00 a sign for the garage sale. After a brief discussion it was decided to reorder and change the pricing of the signs for the next garage sale in September.

Diana noted that there is some discrepancy in handling of Ringneck Bucks among the local merchants. There was a discussion of the expiration date and dispersing of change. Diana said she would do some follow-up work to see how other Chambers are handling similar dollars.

Diana discussed her plan for the County Fair parade and booth. She expressed a need for a banner in the booth declaring it is a Chamber of Commerce booth and Kirk mentioned he had one to give to us.

Summer “Shop Local” Promotion: Jennifer Windholz reported that the “Shop Local” promotion is underway with an article to appear in the Hill City Times soon on the awareness of keeping tax dollars here in the county. The second event would be a scavenger hunt with the local businesses choosing what they want on the list. The prize is $50 in Ringneck Bucks and there areplans to coordinate it with the County Fair booth. The third event would be preprinted bingo cards to be picked up at the County Fair booth and the prize is $100 in Ringneck Bucks.

“Business After Hours” Update:Mary Goddard thanked everyone for their assistance at the event. She reported that it was successful and the hunters appreciated the support from the community.

Announcements & Dates to Remember:

  • Monthly Chamber luncheon meeting, Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 – Speaker will be Heidi Goff, Kansas Veteran’s Cemetery–Remington’s Bar & Grill.
  • “Business After Hours” will be June 18th, 2014 – Schweitzer Hotel.
  • “Business After Hours” will be July 2nd, 2014 – Taz’s Fireworks and Citizen’s State Bank.
  • The next regular Chamber Board meeting will be held on Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at noon at the GCED office.
