Infographic Rubric

Infographic will be evaluated after they are posted on wiki.

·  No notes on Noodletools – redo

o  No parenthetical citation – redo

o  No Works Cited page – redo

o  MLA documentation – parenthetical citation and/or Works Cited page – is saturated with errors or missing key information – redo

Topic / The topic of the infographic is specific in nature and is intended to inform or convince. / The topic of the infographic may be a bit too broad to allow for understanding / The topic of the infographic is hard to ascertain and needs to be more specific.
Organization / The infographic utilizes one of the following LATCH (see back) formats to create unity and cohesiveness: location, alphabet, timeline, category, hierarchy. / The infographic utilizes some components of the LATCH formats (location, alphabet, timeline, category, hierarchy) but unity and cohesiveness is lacking. / Very little/no information organization choice.
Appearance / The data visualization formats chosen enhance a clear understanding of the information. The font and color choices enhance the content. / The data visualization formats chosen showcase the information without creating understanding. The font and color choices may be distracting. / Poorly selected (or no) data visualization formats chosen that do little to showcase the information. The font and color choices detract from the infographic.
Citations* see above / Contains thorough and correct MLA citation for each source used. / Shows an attempt at MLA citation for each source used. / No citations (or URLs only).

L.A.T.C.H. stands for:

L – Location; organizing information based on space or place, such as a subway map

A – Alphabetical; a good way of organizing information if there’s no other prevailing strong organizational structure

T – Time, as in timelines, directions, or other sequential information

C – Category, as in types of information (perhaps an infographic about students might sort data first by grade, then by gender, etc.).

H – Hierarchy, as in tallest to shortest, most expensive to least, youngest to oldest.

Above information from:

Adapted from Kathy Schrock from “Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything” at