Participant’s registration form
Last name ______
First name ______
Patronymic ______
Academic Degree ______
Academic Title ______
Place of work ______
Position ______
Qualification ______
Participation – to underline:
Presentation-oral, printed, thesis
Free attendee
Postal code ______
Country ______
City ______
Street ______, House № ______
Contact: telephone/fax, E-mail.
Hotel reservation: needed/not needed.
Ministry of Health ofUkraine
National Medical Academy of After-Diploma education named after P.L.Shupik
Kyiv Regional Council
Head Department of Health
Municipal Health Institution
“Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital”
Modern Technologies in Specialized Medical Care scientific and practical conference
dedicated to 145-year anniversary of Municipal Health Institution
“Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital”
November 29-30, 2007
Kyiv – 2007
Dear colleagues!
On November 29-30, 2007 will take place a Modern Technologies in Specialized Medical Care scientific and practical conference dedicated to 145-year anniversary of Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital and included into register of congresses, conventions, symposiums, scientific and practical conferences, etc. (certificate No.555 dated 21.11.2006) which is the basis for business trip of event’s participants.
Withinthehospital’sterritoryarelocatedclinicsofNMAAE namedafterP.L. Shupykandfromthemomentofitsfoundationin 1862 isoneoftheleadinginstitutionsinUkrainepromoting modern technologies and training medical specialists.
Beingawareofextremeimportanceofspecializedmedicalcaredevelopment, aswellaspromotionofmoderntechnologieswiththepurposeofcardinalimprovementofmedicalcare,theorganizing committee invites you to the conference.
Wegratefullyhopethatyouractiveparticipationshallfurtherdevelopment of specialized medical care, and improvement of health condition of Ukrainian population.
Ifyouwishtotakepartintheconference,pleasesendbackconferenceparticipant’sregistrationformbeforeSeptember 15, 2007 totheorganizingcommittee’saddressat: Municipal Health Institution “Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital”, Baggovutivskastr., 1, Kyiv-107, 04107. Tel./fax: (044)483-71-14. E-mail: ntact person: Trach, Roman Mykhaylovych.
Workofscientificandpracticalconferencewillbearrangedasaplenarysitting (1st day), break-outsessions (2ndday), posters, discussions.
Scientificprogramincludesdiscussionoforganizational, theoretical, experimental, andpracticalissuesinthesector:
-importance of specialized medical care in health protection development;
-high-tech diagnosis methods;
-minimally invasive technologies in orthopedics, traumatology (osteosynthesis, artroscopy, endoprosthesis), surgery, proctology, urology, ENT, torocal and craniocerebral surgery, ophthalmology;
-burningquestionsinneurologyandreflexotherapy, endocrinology, pulmonology, gastroenterology.
During conference will be organized displays of companies manufacturing medical apparatus and equipment, and pharmaceutical companies.
Working languages of the conference are Ukrainian, Russian, and English.
Printing conditions
According to the conference participants’ wish scientific papers will be published in the specialized addition Composite Book of scientific papers of employees of NMAAEnamed after P.L.Shupyk.For scientific paper publication it is necessary to send the article for consideration before October 1, 2007. The article should contain original and previously unpublished materials in Ukrainian or Russian language: topical works and surveys with total volume of no more than 10 typed pages, originals up to 6 pages. Articles shall be sent along with cover letter from the institution and expert conclusion authorizing its publication and author’s contact phone. Clinicalandempiricalarticlesshallhavecertainstructure: name, lastnameandinitialsoftheauthor, institution, resumeinUkrainian, introduction (it’sobligatorytostatethesurveyobjective), materialsandresearchmethods, resultsandtheirdiscussions, conclusionsand prospective of further development of scientific research, literature (last 5 years) and resume in Russian and English.
The article shall be published with 1,5 interval, left and top margins of 2,5 cm, right margin is 1.0 cm; bottom margin - 2,0 cm; font size 14. Manuscriptsshallbesubmittedonpaperin 2 copies and on disc 3,5(А:), text formatMS Word for Windows.
Voluntary donation for composite book publication per one article (6 pages) makes UAH 70. This amount includes value of the book which the author of one article can get for one article. Every consequent page (after the page 6) shall be paid by the author in amount of UAH 15.
Articles with receipt on payment and contact phone shall be sent to the address: attn. Gosh, Raisa Ivanivna (phone 440-61-92), National Medical Academy of After-Diploma education named after P.L.Shupik, Dorogozhytska str., 9, room 403, Kyiv, 04112.
Thesis shall be published in accordance with the conference materials. Thesis along with payment receipt (thesis price is UAH 50) and expert conclusion authorizing publication shall be sent before October 1, 2007 at the above address in academy.
Mail payments for printing matter shall be sent at: c/a 35427002000113with UDK in Kyiv Region, MFO code - 821018, EDRPOU code -01993701.
Beneficiary: Municipal Health Institution “Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital”.
Reference: author’s voluntary contribution for scientific article publication.
Conference program, list of scientific and cultural events, companies participating in exhibitions will be sent additionally to the address given in the registration form.