Program: 10th Journée Magmatique

Celebrating a Decade of

Cooperation, Communication & Collaboration

Room 001, 13 rue des Maraîchers, Geneva


13:45 Opening Remarks

14:00 Werner Halter (ETH-Zürich)

Predicting macroscopic properties of silicate melts through their atomic-scale structure

14:40 Fidel Costa (Jaume Almera Institute of Earth Sciences, Barcelona, Spain)

The tempo of magmatic processes

15:20 Thomas Pettke (UNIBE)

The LA-ICPMS analysis of heterogeneous phase mixtures: Analytical requirements and unique solutions to long-standing problems

16:00 Olivier Bachmann, Julie Bourquin, Caroline Bouvet de Maisonneuve, Cédric Schnyder, Wim Dregruyter, Alexandra Nowak, Céline Longchamp (UNIGE)

New findings on the magmatic evolution of the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center by the Geneva connection

16:40 Alain Burgisser, Bruno Scaillet, and Harsh Vardhan

(ISTO-CNRS, Orleans, France)

On the evolution of volcanic gas composition during magmatic ascent

17:10 Fleurice Parat (Mineralogy & Petrology Institute, U. Freiburg, Germany)

Influence and record of soulfur in oxidized magma chambers: Inferences from apatite composition and phase equilibria

17:50 Catherine Annen (UNIGE)

Thermal constraints on the replenishment rate of Mount Pelée magma reservoir (Martinique, Lesser Antilles Arc).

A buffet dinner hosted by the Department of Mineralogy and the EDSM will be served to those who have reserved a place in advance. Room 605 (~18:45-19:00).


09:00 Michel Pichavant (Invited Guest Speaker: ISTO-CNRS, Orleans, France)

The Deep Feeding System of Basaltic Volcanoes: Experimental Evidence from Stromboli and Vesuvius

09:30 M. Chiaradia, B. Beate & D. Fontignie(UNIGE)

Origin of adakitic signatures in the Ecuadorian volcanic arc

9:45 Erwan Bourdon (UNINE)

Variations in the Subduction Factory output: geochemical input versus geodynamics

10:00 Greg van den Bleeken & Othmar Müntener (UNIBE), and

Peter Ulmer (ETH-Zürich)

Melt-peridotite interactions in the thermal boundary layer: An experimental study

10:15 Othmar Müntener (UNIL)

The upper mantle as a reactive filter: refertilization and the vexing question of inheritance.

Coffee Break 10:45-11:00

11:00 Costanza Bonadonna (UNIGE)

New approaches to numerical modelling of tephra dispersal and fallout

11:30 Oliver Jagoutz & Othmar Müntener (UNIBE/UNIL)

The respective roles of hydrous and anhydrous liquid lines of decent for continental crust formation: evidence from the Kohistan arc

11:45 Zoltan Zajacz (ETH-Zürich)

Copper transport by high temperature, sulfur-rich magmatic vapor: evidence from inclusions in basaltic-andesites of the Villarrica volcano

12:00 Carl Spandler (UNIBE) & Hugh O'Neill

Survival times of anomalous melt inclusions: Constraints from element diffusion in olivine and chromite

12:15 Flurin Vils, Laure Pelletier & Arjan Dijkstra (UNINE)

Iridium strip heater: a shortcut to whole rock data

12:30 Olivier Reubi, Jon Blundy & N.R. Varley (Bristol University, UK)

Linking the petrology of magmas with surface monitoring data at active

volcanoes: A perspective from Volcan de Colima, Mexico.

12: 45 Saskia Erdmann (UNIGE)

Country rock contamination in the South Mountain Batholith