Health facility baseline survey report
Detailed outline
Executive Summary
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Tables index
Figures index
Note on annexes (Explain organization and layout of annexes containing complete tables resulting from the analysis of HF data, including control variables that may not be presented throughout the report itself)
- Overview
- Introduction
- Project Background
- Progress made towards MDGs 1C, 4 and 5
- History of RBF in COUNTRY
- Use of evidence base by COUNTRY authorities[ER1](Emphasize how evidence mattered in decision process so far, or stated desire for more evidence by authorities)
- Project components (Describe type of intervention, usually describe the supply-side and/or demand-side interventions, without going into a study arm discussion yet)
- Component 1: XXX
- Component 2: YYY
- etc.
- Objectives
- General purpose(Which general questions are explored)
- Aim of the impact evaluation (What we expect the IE to show – Hypotheses)
- Questions and objective of the impact evaluation(Specific questions on ANC, maternal and child health, quality of care and CHW motivations, etc.)
- Policy perspective(How the generated evidence will inform policy decisions)
- Methodology
- Randomization(Briefly explain why it is the best method)
- Study design
- Sample size and strategy
- Variables for data analysis(List indicators of input/process/output/outcome/impact calculated, with their definition, numerator and denominator)
- Instruments for data collection and data quality insurance(Describe the structure of all questionnaires used for IE, not only health facility questionnaire. Describe instruments that guarantee data quality, e.g. international measurements of healthcare quality through direct observation, exit interviews, etc.)
- Data storage, management and access policy
- Sample representativeness and External validity of the study
- Geographic representativeness
- National representativeness
- Health sector and health facility level representativeness
- Comparison between baseline study and existing national statistics (Report key statistics regarding health facilities, health workers and/or patients and compare them to existing statistics from national statistics institute, or DHS, or other ad-hoc papers or data)
- Findings of the DATE baseline survey
- Structuralhealth facility characteristics
- Services
- Financial resources
- Equipment
- Staffing(Distinguish non-CHW and CHW if applicable; Number, training, income, benefits, secondary jobs)
- Protocols
- Management, decision and authority
- Provision of maternal and child care services (Distinguish Process and Output indicators of healthcare quality)
- General health worker knowledge (Distinguish non-CHW and CHW if applicable; Knowledge on general health, not including case studies)
- Antenatal care services (Distinguish non-CHW and CHW if applicable)
- Health worker knowledge (Case studies)
- Service provision (Direct observations and/or Exit interviews)
- Postnatal care and Child health services
- Health worker knowledge (Case studies)
- Service provision (Direct observations and/or Exit interviews)
- Staff culture, satisfaction and motivations
- Internal validity of the study
- Ex-post power calculations
- Threats to the validity of the study
- Sample balance: Summary of F-tests and T-tests results
- Recommendations (If relevant; Comments on critical findings, e.g. on motivations, input shortages which limit workers’ ability to provide good healthcare and potentially respond to incentives from the intervention, dissatisfaction on working conditions, etc.; Recommendations for future survey rounds)
[ER1]These parts may not be included or may be adapted depending on country context and whether the RBF intervention is the first one in the country or not