Meeting Date: 10/27/11

Present: Angela Austin, Ken Sperber, Laura Bates, Cassie Larrieux , MC Rothhorn, Michelle Nicholson, LeAnne Lock, Chris McCarus (parent/visitor)

The agenda for this meeting was crafted and agreed:

  • Consensus RESJI – how to use
  • VISTA and/or other support
  • Preliminary goals & objectives, testing assumptions – Theory of Change (TOC)
  • Working in neighborhoods/areas
  • Announcements

RESJI (Racial Equity Social Justice Initiatives)

Laura initiated discussion and her RESJI (PowerPoint Presentation) Purpose of Goals & Initiatives was projected on the screen. We discussed:

  • Identifying their (other initiatives’) actions so not to duplicate
  • Benefit from their experiences
  • How they measure(d) progress
  • How we might use PAS (Promoting Academic Success among boys of color) to build on public awareness – building on lessons learned
  • How we might use all of this as we move down the road

We then talked about ACTION faith-based group and how we might build a potential relationship together and work together toward common goals. Suggestion was made that we might attend ACTION meetings or invite “them” to our PAT meetings -- somehow bring together and align with pertinent organizations and community groups to implement system changes re: equity issues. Ken has been attending some of their committee meetings as they identify an issue to work on. They did identify early childhood education (preschool) and high school dropout programs as their focus.

  • What’s our next step?
  • How do we engage the faith-based groups/culture?

Angela and Ken will pursue beginning to build “the relationship” with ACTION and individuals within the inter-faith communit(ies).

Below is a link to the faith-based toolkit developed by the Ingham Great Start Collaborataive:

VISTA & other support

Per Peggy’s presentation of last meeting, will it help to have a VISTA person with us?

Consensus is ‘yes’ – to help coordinate the community groups.

Ken will get VAD letter format and draft it.

The cost of a VISTA could be $3,000 – budget for that was discussed.

Angela put forward the idea of engaging a woman she met (Sallay B) that might be considered as a student team member/service provider (in addition to a VISTA person) for data collection, mobilizing & engaging others into our work (specific to this Kellogg Grant). She will email Sallay’s vitae to the PAT members. We also talked about the possibility of engaging an MSW student.


Bob presented an “unpacking of the grant” document.

Suggestions from the team were discussed and noted. Bob will revise it and email it to the team.

Angela then presented a colorful BTW 0-8 Theory of Change chart.

Suggestions from the team were discussed and noted. She will email the updated version to the PAT. She also suggested the Theory of Change website as a good learning/informational resource tool (

Angela reminded (10/14 meeting) us to think about crafting a Standardized Agenda and how it would shape our work plan.


How to we engage the neighborhoods (areas)?

Measurable data? Do we choose neighborhoods or groups within those areas?

What is the focused engagement?

How many areas? 1? 3? 10?

We discussed first going into 1 area and focusing, learning, & doing.

Then Angela suggested we look at 10 areas (using broad communication tools) with a sense of each area self-organizing and BTW PAT supporting them, guiding as needed, and coming along side.

Homework: Try to outline how we frame the neighborhood (areas) engagement process in these areas.

Angela will email to the PAT some BTW Engagement Recommendations which includes information re: My Lansing. Members’ feedback is encouraged (emailing Angela is fine.)


Alternative Holiday Gift Fair and Bake Sale (per Michelle N.)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Grace United Methodist Church, 1900 Boston Blvd., Lansing

Includes Women At Risk, Int’l., KIRABO’S Fair Trade Store, Shining a Light Sandals, Healing Hands Nicaraguan Ministry, Church World Service, Solar Ovens for Tanzania, Zimbabwe Ministry, Cards by Haitian artists, & others

Michigan’s Fair Chance Coalition (see attached brochure, per MC’s email)

Ban the Box Campaign

January 17, 2012


Featuring Professor Michelle Alexander, Nationally acclaimed author of The New Jim Crow

OPEN HOUSE – November 10, 2011 @ 3-6PM (per Michelle N.)

New EARLY ON and Great Parents, Great start office(s) at Harley Franks

2924 Newark Ave., Lansing

Next meetings: November 11 12N – 2PM Pennie Foster-Fishman will present ABLe framework

November 24th 9 – 11AM = THANKSGIVING – choose another date?

December 9th 12N – 2PM

December 22nd 9 – 11AM

Respectfully submitted,

LeAnne Lock