Student Responses to Reading Quiz #5, due Wednesday February 4
Question 1: What is current? What are the units of current? Why is "conventional current" defined as the flow of positive charge, when we know that in metals, electrons are the moving charge carriers?
1. The flow of electric charge through a certain area, the units are amperes or C/s. The definition was proposed before we had knowledge that it was electrons that carry the charge. The convention was kept and electrons are now considered to move opposite the current.
2. Current is the amount of charge through and area per time. The units are given in Coulombs per second. Current is defined to flow in the direction of positive charge even thought protons do not move. This was because it was decided before it was known that only electrons move.
3. Current is the rate of flow of charge through a cross sectional area. The units are C/s. The conventional current is defined in the direction of positve charge because it was established before it was known that electrons are the moving charge carriers.
4. Current is the rate of the flow of charge through an area. Current is measured in amps, 1 A = 1 C/s. Coventional current was established before we knew that it was electrons that were flowing through conductors.
5. Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a cross-sectional area. Its unit is ampere (A), or C/s. The convention was established before it was discovered that electons are the particles that actually move through the conductor.
6. current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a cross sectional area, with the units amperes. current is the flow of positive charge, because it was defined before it was known that electrons are the particles that move.
7. (cuz, just cuz) If a conduntor carries a current it is no longer in equalibrium.
8. Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a cross sectional area. The units of current is the ampere (A). The convention that current is the flow of positive charge came about before it was known that electrons are the particles that move in a conducting wire.
9. The electric field inside a conductor will be zero when it is in electrostatic equilibrium. When there is a current the conductor is not in equilibrium, so there is an electric field.
10. Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a cross sectional area. The units are amperes which equal coulombs/second. This convention was made before we knew that electrons were the only free charge to move.
11. Current is the flow rate of electric charge through cross-sectional areas (like a tiny cross section of a current-carrying wire). The units of current are Amperes (1 A = 1 C/s). The conventional current is defined as the flow of positive charge, because the convention was created before we knew that electrons are the moving charge carriers in conductors.
12. Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a cross-sectional area. A, C/s Because the convention on the direction of the current was established before it was known that free electrons move in the opposite direction.
13. Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a cross sectional area and the unit of current is the ampere. Conventional current is defined as the flow of positive charge because it was established before the discovery that free electrons are actually the particles that move in a conducting wire.
14. Current is the charge that flows through an area per unit of time. Current is measured in Amperes. Because they didn't always know that it was the electrons that were moving freely.
15. Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a cross-sectional area. The units are in amperes, which is Coulombs per time. Conventional current is the flow of posittive charge because it was established before it was known that the free electrons actually move.
16. Current is the "flow" of charge over time. Hence why the unit of current is Coulombs per second, or Amperes. Because voltage points from positive to negative
17. Current is the flow of electric charge through a cross sectional area and the SI unit is the Ampere. 1 Ampere = 1 Coloumb/second. Conventional current was defined before scientists discovered that it was actually the electrons flowing in current.
18. Current is the rate of flow of charge through a cross-sectional area. It can be said to be the change in charge divided by the change in time. Its units are ampheres (A), or C/s. The convention was established before it was known that electrons were moving in a wire, not positively charged particles.
Question 2: We've repeatedly stated that the electric field inside a conductor is zero. How can the electric field inside a current carrying conductor not be zero?
1. The current flowing through the conductor destroys electrostatic equilibrium, therefore the E field cannot be zero in order to move free electrons through the field.
2. The charge is moving so it is not in electro static equilibrium. It can therefore have an electric field.
3. The electric field inside a conductor will not be zero when it carries a current because then it is not in electostatic equilibrium. The electric field will then point in the direction of the current.
4. conductors have no electric field inside them when they are in electrostatic equilibrium. That means when there is no current, so when there is a current, there is an electric field.
5. The electric field inside a conductor is zero when the conductor is in electrostatic equilibrium. When a conductor is carrying a charge, it is not in electrostatic equilibrium, and the free charge drifts down the conductor as a result of the electric field.
6. a current carrying conductor is not in electrostatic equilibrium, so the electric field is not zero.
8. If there is current in a conductor then there must be an electric field acting on the particles in the conductor. It may be that the net electric field inside the conductor is still zero.
10. The electric field inside a conductor will be zero when it is in electrostatic equilibrium. When there is a current the conductor is not in equilibrium, so there is an electric field.
11. The electric field inside a current carrying conductor is able not to be zero because conductors carrying current are not in electrostatic equilibrium. The electric field inside a conductor is zero when that conductor is in electrostatic equilibrium only.
12. Because the field is never in equilibrium. Energy is constantly added to the current (or wire)
13. The electric field in a conductor is zero when the conductor is in electrostatic equilibrium. However when a conductor carries a current there is no longer electroctatic equilibrium and the free charge drifts down the conductor driven by the electric field.
14. In electrostatic equilibrium, the electric field must be zero inside a conductor, but when a conductor carries a current, it is no longer in electrostatic equilibrium and the free charge drifts down the conductor, driven by the electric field
15. The field can be caused by the non uniform charges with in the wire.
16. Because electrons are simply being moved throughout the conductor and not changing the net charge of the conductor. not quite sure.
17. There is a net force acting on the conductor that is causing the current, F=qE. The force that drives the electrons down the conductor is created by the electric field.
18. For the instant in which the circuit is not in equilibrium, the charges are unbalanced, and the e-field could be something other than zero.
Question 3: What (if any) are the conceptual and mathematical issues you are having difficulty with from the reading?
1. None as of now, I may have some questions after the Assigned problems
3. None
4. none
5. None
11. It all seems ok right now. Some might pop up when I have to actually apply it.
12. none
14. I'm still a little confused on the whole potential difference deal. I know its measured in volts, but what does it represent exactly?
15. None, really.
16. Question #2
17. none
18. none
Question 4: What concerns or issues do you still have with material from previous classes?
1. Some more work with the spherical charges is necessary, seeing that I struggled with it most during the Hand in set.
3. None
4. Er r hat, r vector. I know when to use it now and I think Im using it correctly but I'm not certain.
5. None
9. 9,97a
11. I don't honestly remember what all we covered. I think I'm ok as far as I remember.
12. How to use E = - grad V to find E, for example in ICE3, #1 ? (I want to know an expression for V(x,y) between the 2 sheets in this case)
13. i'm a little confused about emf and batteries
15. None, really.
16. none
17. more none
18. none