Next Friends’ Meeting –March 17, 2014
Lecture Series: March 2, 2014 –Owls, Birds of Majesty and Mystery
April 6, 2014-Birding Down Under Australia
Adopt a Highway Clean-up Day: March 20, 2014 @ 9:30
Dave Gearhart called the meeting to order with 27 members present.
The minutes of the January meeting were amended to read that Joe Elton has been appointed interim DCR director and Craig Seaver, the interim park director. They were then approved with this addition.
Income 415.11
Expenses 452.79
Net Income -37.68
Previous Balance 12/31/14 46,760.66
Current Assets
Boat Fund 35,852.98
CD-Carter B&T 5,446.88
Checking 3,303.12
Petty Cash 50.00
Savings 2,070.00
Total Balance 1/31/14 46,722.98
The treasurer’s report was approved.
BOAT-Jim Gerhart
Two communications have been recently circulated containing information for the members.
This committee has two major purposes: To obtain money for the boat by this summer and to increase public awareness of the Friends and to increase membership.
The committee has been writing grants and contacting community organizations, government agencies, business owners and high profile individuals who live at the lake.
Kathy McDonough has updated the web page and added a face book account. She said all with a face book account should “like” the Friends’ pages.
The Friends have joined the Chamber of Commerce for $100. The Chamber will provide publications, a monthly “e” blast, and advertising space at the Chamber’s Visitors’ Center.
The Friends will have a display at the Business Expo in Downtown Moneta on April 25. Pat Eastwood, the district visitors’ services specialist will provide the supplies for the display and from her budget, pay the $230 fee.
The Speech Committee needs a chairman to coordinate their functions.
The 5k race had to be cancelled currently but will be planned for a future date.
Jim has received boxes of used books from the Westlake Library and the Moneta Library.
The Moneta School Principal is working on getting some used books.
Jim has ordered 69 new books for $1 each.
Used books are always needed.
PUBLICITY-Sally Hutslar
She explained the voting procedure to name the Friends’ group as the #1 Civic Club by Laker Magazine.
Sally is looking for a replacement to take pictures at events because she does not have time to attend all events.
TRAILS-Jim Gutzwiller
Due to the weather, this week will be cancelled. The group usually meets the first and third Thursday at 9:30 at the Park Office. You can walk a trail at any time. Check the log in the office for a needed trail.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY-Donna Gearhart
The signs should be up any day.
The group is asked to meet on March 20 at 9:30 am to clean from the Firehouse to the south boundary of the Park.
Kathy said there have been 28 “likes” on Face book.
21 members reported 155 hours. Year to date is also 155 and cumulative is 62,414 hours.
LECTURE SERIES-Kit Harahan for Shearer Rumsey
The lectures have been well attended. Shearer is doing well. If you attend the lectures, please bring some cookies.
PARK STAFF REPORT- Brian Heft and Nate Clark
Brian reported there would be new carpet in the DC for the next lecture.
There are now 3 park rangers: James Harlow, Donovan Newman and John Mitchell. He is interviewing to hire a new chief ranger.
Because of a new governor, Joe Elton is now the interim DCR director along with other changes. These changes could be good for the park.
The new Secretary of Natural Resources will be reviewing the state parks beginning at Smith Mountain Lake State Park in April.
The staff has spent 2-3 days plowing snow.
Catherine Eubank, the former concession director, left a cake for the group.
Natural Bridge will become a state park soon.
Nate then reported that the HVAC would be repaired by next lecture. They are working on the exhibits in the next room. Mark Goode, housekeeping supervisor, has lost his father.
There is a YCC group coming this year from June 22 to July 12.
Nate has been promoted to Park Manager at Hungry Mother State Park.
She has posted events on the website. She is currently performing outreaches in schools. Field trips are planned for April 4, April 25 and May 5. She will need 3 volunteers for each. At the meeting on March 17, she will send sigh-up sheets for these events and after the meeting the group will fill Easter eggs. April 17 is a Trails Days and will also be a stewardship event where others are invited to take part.
A tractor driver will be needed for the April 19 Easter egg hunt.
Dave said there was a need for 2 battery-powered remotes microphones to be used with our new speaker system. These will cost $90 each. The original speaker system was under budget, so it was decided to buy them.
Bob Phipps, with the help of Charlie Locke will be in charge of the Fishing tournament to be held on June 14.
Herm McCreary reminded the group that the Bedford Rec. sponsors a fishing clinic on June 7 and will expect volunteers. James Harlow is looking into this.
SPECIAL THANKS- Trudy Hakin and Emily Chianelli for the coffee and goodies before the meeting.
50/50-Herm McCreary
Jim Dodd won $11.
The meeting adjourned to a reception for Nate Clark. Thanks to Donna Gearhart and Patti Gerhart for the refreshments.
Respectfully submitted,
Dot Tipton