“Let’s work together to be the best that we can be”



Name of policy / PSE Policy
Author / PSE Coordinator (LH)
Date approved / adopted / Jan 2018
Date to be reviewed / Jan 2020

Newton Primary School

Personal and Social Education (PSE) Policy


PSE comprises all that a school or college undertakes to support and promote the personal and social development and wellbeing of its learners.

“Each pupil should receive a broad and well balanced curriculum which: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society and prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.” Education Act – Section 352 (1996)

“PSE enables children to develop a sense of self-worth and interact effectively with others. Learners are equipped to be more informed. Confident and skilled in order to take an active and responsible part in society and enhance learning, motivation and achievement.” Welsh Assembly Government – Personal and Social Education Framework (2008)

PSE is a statutory element within the basic curriculum for pupils aged 5 to 16. It is the responsibility of the school to plan and deliver broad, balanced PSE provision to meet the specific needs of all learners.

This provision would include;

  • valuing all learners
  • promoting positive relationships and self esteem
  • effective coordination, staff training and support
  • good use of links with and involvement in the community.
  • pastoral care, guidance and monitoring of progress
  • opportunities for pupils to participate in decision making
  • extracurricular experiences such as school clubs, school council, etc
  • positive behaviour approaches
  • planned PSE sessions, projects and courses
  • teaching and learning strategies which use interactive and experiential approaches
  • involvement in recognised national programmes
  • use of visitors and visits

The United Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is at the heart of our school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. As a Rights Respecting School (RRS) we not only teach about children’s rights but also model rights and respect in all relationships. Our aspiration is that these values guide the behaviour, actions, attitudes and relationships of all members of the school community. The aim of this policy is to permeate throughout the life of every stakeholder at the school.

At Newton School we wish to promote the personal and social well-being of every pupil and equip them with the information, skills and confidence needed to become responsible, active members of society and develop learners that fulfil the 4 Core Purposes set out in Successful Futures (Donaldson 2015). The effective delivery of PSE, and an ethos based upon the Rights of the Child, will help us achieve this.

Aims of PSE

PSE provision at Newton reflects the aims of the Foundation Framework and the PSE Framework for 7 to 19 year olds in Wales (2008) and aims to;

  • Develop pupils’ self esteem and a sense of personal responsibility
  • Promote self respect, respect for other and celebrate diversity
  • Equip pupils to live safe, healthy lives
  • Prepare pupils for the choices and opportunities of lifelong learning
  • Empower pupils to participate in the their schools and communities as active, responsible citizens locally, nationally and globally
  • Foster positive attitudes and behaviour towards the principles of sustainable development and global citizenship
  • Prepare learners for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of work and adult life.

In addition to this Newton Primary school aims to;

  • To make pupils aware of their rights and develop a sense of responsibility
  • To provide a safe, stimulating and challenging learning environment
  • To encourage children to think / act for themselves in order to create independent and autonomous learners
  • To support and develop the personal, social, intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual development of our pupils.
  • To enable pupils to recognise their individual worth, to appreciate others and give consideration to their beliefs, values and culture.
  • To provide a programme that covers the following strands within PSE – self-awareness, citizenship, health education, environmental awareness and economic industrial understanding.
  • Develop a Growth Mindset to foster a belief that even basic talents and abilities can be developed over time through experience, opportunity, effort and embracing challenge
  • To foster an environment where all stakeholders work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, challenge and exploration as part of a supportive community with a focus on lifelong learning.

PSE in the Foundation Phase

Personal and Social Development (PSD), Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity is at the heart of the Foundation Phase. Pupils’ Skills are developed across all areas of learning through participating in experiential learning activities indoors and outdoors.

Motivation and commitment to learning is encouraged, as pupils begin to understand their own potential and capabilities. Pupils are supported in becoming confident, competent and independent thinkers and learners. They are encouraged to develop their self esteem, their personal beliefs, moral values, and to develop an understanding that others have differing needs, abilities, beliefs and views.

Positive attitudes are developed to enable pupils to become increasingly aware of, and appreciate the value of, the diversity of cultures and languages that exist in multicultural Wales, as well as for enjoying and caring for their environment.

PSE in Key Stage 2

At Key Stage pupils build on the skills, attitudes, values and knowledge and understanding they have started to acquire and develop during the Foundation Phase. The themes of PSE at Key Stage 2 are:

  • Active Citizenship
  • Health and Emotional Wellbeing
  • Moral and Spiritual Development
  • Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
  • Preparing for Lifelong Learning

Holistic PSE

  • Breakfast club
  • After school provisions
  • Healthy option tuck shop / milk
  • Soap dispensers
  • Salad bar at lunchtimes
  • Healthy Schools initiative (Recognised as Phase 5 standard)
  • Assembly / Collective Worship
  • Religious Festivals / Celebrations
  • Swimming sessions
  • Celebration / Leavers Assemblies
  • Rights Respecting School- UNCRC (Recognised as Level 1 standard)
  • Class / Playground Charters
  • House Teams
  • Outside agencies e.g. Show Racism the Red Card
  • Community Links
  • P4C
  • Circle Time
  • Child led learning
  • Anti Bullying strategies / working parties
  • Transition days
  • School Council / suggestion box
  • Eco Committee (Recognised as Platinum standard)
  • Recycling protocols in place
  • Visits / Visitors e.g. PCSO, School Nurse
  • Cwricwlwm Cymreig – Siarter Iaith
  • Outdoor curriculum
  • Kerbcraft
  • Parental consultations
  • AfL strategies embedded including Self / peer assessment
  • Class Dojo reward/sanction system
  • Class Dojo home school dialogue system

Delivery of PSE

PSE is the responsibility of every member of staff within the school community. Teachers need to build positive relationships with pupils that encourage mutual respect, trust and responsibility.

At Newton PSE is taught in an integrated (where appropriate)cross curricular manner enhanced by focused activities e.g. circle time/Philosophy for Children (P4C), to develop personal and social skills.

A coherent programme of PSE can be delivered by efficient use of a range of methods which place an emphasis on active learning by including the children in discussion, investigation and evaluation. These methods include:

  • Timetabled PSE lessons e.g. Sex and Relationship Education
  • Cross curricular components within the National Curriculum
  • Focused activities e.g. Anti Bullying Week
  • During Assemblies (RRS)

Pupils will have the opportunity to develop a range of skills, both personal and social including:


  • accepting responsibility for their own behaviour
  • making choices and decisions
  • resisting negative pressure
  • assertion and confidence
  • coping with loss
  • self-assessment


  • co-operation
  • negotiation
  • conflict resolution
  • relationship forming
  • management of change
  • discussion
  • participation

Content of PSE

PSE comprises the development of skills, the promotion of positive attitudes and values and the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in accordance with the PSE framework and Swansea Healthy Schools Scheme. This content is part of the Long Term planning across the school.

Visitors compliment planned provision for PSE. At Newton Primary School we make use of a range of community based agencies to enhance our provision of PSE.

In the Summer Term all pupils in Year 5 and 6 are invited to take part in age appropriate session about the changes that occur to our bodies during puberty. These sessions are led by the School Nurse. The girls in Year 6 are invited to take part in an additional separate session to discuss puberty. The school Nurse also leads this session.

LTP PSE Overview

Autumn / Spring / Summer
Main Theme: / Tell Me a Story (Traditional Tales and Nursery Rhymes / Splish, Splash, Splosh / People Who Help Us
Cycle 1 YN/R / Personal Hygiene
Suggested discussion starter
N -What is good hygiene?
R -How can I make sure I have good hygiene?
Having friends.
Suggested discussion starter
N - Who are my friends?
R – What makes a good friend?
RRS – Right and wrong
Suggested discussion starter
N - What things are right and wrong?
R - Why should we do things that are right?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Meet and greet
Road Safety / Sharing Emotions
Suggested discussion starter
N – How are we feeling?
R – How can we express emotions?
Animals and us
Suggested discussion starter
N – How do we take care of animals?
R – Why should we take care of animals?
RRS – Wants and needs
Suggested discussion starter
N –What are our wants and needs?
R – What are the differences between wants and needs?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Internet Safety / People who help us and emergency services
Suggested discussion starter
N – Who are the people who help us?
R – What things do the emergency services help us with?
N- Oral Hygiene (Design to Smile)
R - Oral Hygiene (Design to Smile)
RRS –Creating a class charter from UNICEF rights (5)
Suggested discussion starter
N –Do you understand our rights?
R –Do you agree with the rights chosen?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Role of police
Main Theme: / Nursery Rhymes / Out of This World / Minibeasts
Cycle 2 YN/R / Personal Hygiene
Suggested discussion starter
N -What is good hygiene?
R -How can I make sure I have good hygiene?
Having friends
Suggested discussion starter
N -. Who are my friends?
R –What makes a good friend?
RRS – Right and wrong
Suggested discussion starter
N - What things are right and wrong?
R - Why should we do things that are right?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Meet and greet
Road Safety / Sharing Emotions
Suggested discussion starter
N – How are we feeling?
R – How can we express emotions?
Suggested discussion starter
N – How are we all the same?
R – How are we all different?
RRS – Wants and needs
Suggested discussion starter
N –What are our wants and needs?
R – What are the differences between wants and needs?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Internet Safety / Animals and us
Suggested discussion starter
N – How do we take care of animals?
R – Why should we take care of animals?
N- Oral Hygiene (Design to Smile)
R - Oral Hygiene (Design to Smile)
RRS –Creating a class charter from UNICEF rights (5)
Suggested discussion starter
N –Do you understand our rights?
R –Do you agree with the rights chosen?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Role of police
Main Theme: / Superheros / Egyptions / Castles
Cycle 1 Y1/2 / Self Esteem
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 -What are you great at?
Y2 –What are you good at / what can you get better at?
Preparing for a new baby (Christmas)
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 - What do we need to do to prepare for a new baby?
Y2 -What do we need to do to prepare for a new baby and why?
RRS – Discussing rights that children have from UNICEF material.
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – What are children’s rights?
Y2 - Why are children’s rights important?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Road Safety / Belonging to a family
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 -What is your family like?
Y2 - What makes a family?
Fair / Unfair and Sharing
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 - Why is it important to share?
Y2 - Fair / Unfair and Sharing
What is fair and unfair?
RRS – Select 5 rights from the list provided and explore these in more detail
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – What do you think of the rights chosen?
Y2 – Why do you think the rights chosen are important?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Internet Safety / Roles and responsibilities
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 - What is a kings role / job?
Y2 – What is a king’s role/job and responsibilities?
Germs, illness and hand washing
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 - What can I do to stay clean?
Y2 - Why is keeping clean so important?
RRS –Creating a class charter from rights explored (5)
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – Could you order the rights in your charter – most / least important?
Y2 – Why have you chosen to order your rights the way you have?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Street Corner Culture
Phone a friend – Crime
Main Theme: / Hot and Cold / Famous People / Life at Sea
Cycle 2 Y1/2 / Safety around the home.
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – What dangers can you spot around a house?
Y2 – What could be done to make a house safer?
Sun sense
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – How can we stay safe in the sun?
Y2 – Why is it important to stay safe in the sun?
RRS – Discussing rights that children have from UNICEF material.
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – What are children’s rights?
Y2 - Why are children’s rights important?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Road safety / Beating bullies
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – What is bullying?
Y2 – What can we do about bullying?
Inappropriate and appropriate behaviour
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – What is inappropriate / appropriate behaviour?
Y2 – Why are some behaviour inappropriate / appropriate?
RRS – Select 5 rights from the list provided and explore these in more detail
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – What do you think of the rights chosen?
Y2 – Why do you think the rights chosen are important?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Internet safety / Germs, illness and hand washing
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 - What can I do to stay clean?
Y2 - Why is keeping clean so important?
Y1 - Water Safety (RNLI)
Y2 - Water Safety (RNLI)
RRS –Creating a class charter from rights explored (5)
Suggested discussion starter
Y1 – Could you order the rights in your charter – most / least important?
Y2 – Why have you chosen to order your rights the way you have?
Weekly Circle Time sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Street Corner Culture
Phone a friend - Crime
Main Theme: / Me and My World / Celts and Romans / Weird and Wonderful Weather
Cycle 1 Y3/4 / Personal Strengths / qualities
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – What do you think your best qualities and strengths are?
Y4 – Can you think of examples of when you have shown your best qualities and strengths?
Me and my learning
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – Can you identify movers and blockers of learning? (D. Pardoe)
Y4 – How can you avoid blockers of learning? (D.Pardoe)
Taking part
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – What new things would you like to try?
Y4 – Why is taking part / trying new things important?
RRS – Select 10 rights that children have from the UNICEF list provided and explore these in more detail
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – Can you explain what the results you have chosen mean?
Y4 – Can you explain why these rights are the most important?
Weekly P4C Sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Internet Safety / Looking after me – Staying clean
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – Why is staying clean and having good hygiene important?
Y4 – What kinds of things would happen if you had bad hygiene?
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – What different forms can bullying take?
Y4 –How does bullying make people feel?
Animals and us – Taking care of pets
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – What is our responsibility as a pet owner?
Y4 – Why are these responsibilities important?
RRS –Creating a class charter from rights explored (10)
Suggested discussion starter
Y3– What impact do you think the class charter will have?
Y4 – Why do you think the class charter will have an impact?
Weekly P4C Sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Street Corner Culture - Anti Social Behaviour & Actions and consequences
Road Safety / Qualities of friends
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – What kind of qualities does a good friend have?
Y4 – Why are these qualities important?
Making and breaking friends
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – What kind of things make friends fall out and how can these be stopped?
Y4 – What can be done to fix friendships after people have fallen out?
Developing school grounds
Y3 – Selected area clean up (Pond)
Y4 – Selected area clean up (Herb garden)
RRS – Exploring the responsibilities that come with each of the selected rights.
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 –What responsibilities come with what rights?
Y4 –Why are there responsibilities that go with rights?
Weekly P4C Sessions to explore themes
Police Core Programme:
Street Corner Culture
Phone a friend - Crime
Main Theme: / Tudors / Journeys / Symbols – Water and Light/Age of Princes
Cycle 2 Y3/4 / Sharing points of view
Suggested discussion starter
Y3 – Why is it important to have your voice heard?
Y4 – Does everybody have to have the same point of view?