Homework Sheet WWII Chapter 13 & 14 Ms. Sanyigo

Assignment 1

Read and take notes Chapter 13 Section 1 pages 386-393. Complete Section 1 worksheet.

Due: ______

Assignment 2

Read and take notes Chapter 13 Section 2 pages 394-398.

Complete Section 2 worksheet.

Due: ______

Assignment 3

Read and take notes Chapter 13 Section 3 pages 399-405.

Read and take notes Chapter 14 Section 4 pages 441-445.

Complete Worksheet Ch 13 Sec 3/Ch 14 Sec 4.

Due: ______

Assignment 4

A. Read and take notes Chapter 14 Section 1 pages 418-425.

Complete Chapter 14 Section 1 worksheet.

B. Complete Rationing worksheet. Write down what your family had for dinner for a week. Be as specific as possible.

Due: ______

Assignment 5

A. Read Chapter 14 Section 2 pages 426-431.

Complete Chapter 14 Section 2 worksheet.

B. Bring in any image from WWII-of the Holocaust, a battle, propaganda, etc. You can easily google images or you can bring in a copy of an image of a WWII veteran that you know.

Due: ______

Assignment 6

Read and take notes Chapter 14 Section 3 pages 433-440.

Read and take notes page 456-457.

Complete Chapter 14 Section 3 worksheet.

Due: ______

Assignment 7

Read and take notes Chapter 14 Section 5 pages 449-455.

Complete Chapter 14 Section 5 worksheet.

Due: ______

Assignment 8

Extra Credit: See Attached.

Due By: ______

Name: ______

Chapter 13 Section 1 Worksheet Score: ____


Identify: Identify what title each leader had, what country they led, and what type of government they ruled under.

1.  Adolf Hitler-

2.  Benito Mussolini-

3.  Joseph Stalin-

4.  Francisco Franco-

5.  Emperor Hirohito-

6.  Winston Churchill-


7.  Fascism-

8.  Inflation-

9.  Dictatorship-

10.  Totalitarian-

Name: ______

Chapter 13 Section 2 Worksheet Score: ____


Fill In the Blank

1.  To prevent a war from breaking out, Great Britain and France decided to use a policy of ______in which they would give in to Hitler’s demands to maintain peace.

2.  Hitler formed a non-aggression pact with ______in August of 1939, and promised the ______that he would not invade them and would give them parts of Eastern Europe that they had lost in WWI.

3.  The first attack of WWII was in ______on September 1, 1939.


4.  Blitzkrieg-

5.  Vichy France-

6.  Charles De Gaulle-

Complete the chart: on the back by listing the countries who were Allies, Axis, Neutral, and Conquered by Germany. We will finish the chart in class so leave room. You may want to complete it in pencil.

Allied Powers / Axis Powers / Neutral Countries / Conquered by Germany

Name: ______

Chapter 13 Section 3 and Chapter 14 Section 4 Worksheet Score: ____


Chapter 13 Section 3


1.  Pacifists-

2.  Cash and Carry-

3.  Lend Lease Act-

4.  Atlantic Charter-

Short Answer:

5.  At the start of WWII, the United States claimed it was neutral under the Neutrality Act. Do you believe the U.S. was neutral at the start of the war? Why or why not?

6.  Why did the United States officially enter WWII?

7.  What was the date of the attack on Pearl Harbor?


Chapter 14 Section 4

Short Answer:

8.  List 4 items that were rationed during WWII on the American Homefront.

9.  List 2 ways the American citizens were asked to support the war effort.

10. ______American citizens were placed in internment camps during WWII because the US government wanted to protect national security after Pearl Harbor.

Name: ______

Chapter 14 Section 1 Worksheet Score: ____


Fill In the Blank

1.  The US strategy to win the war in Europe was to first invade ______.

2.  The next stage was to cross the Mediterranean Sea and knock the ______out of the war. Then the U.S. would focus on defeating Germany.

Short Answer: (2 Points Each)

3.  What was the goal of Operation Overload/D-day?

4.  What date did D-day take place?


5.  Battle of the Bulge-

6.  Tuskegee Airmen-

7.  George Patton –

8.  Dwight Eisenhower-

Name: ______

Chapter 14 Section 2 Worksheet Score: ____



1.  Anti-Semitism-

2.  Ghetto-

3.  Genocide-

4.  Holocaust-

5.  Kristallnacht-

6.  Final Solution-

Short Answer: (4 Points)

7.  What was the outcome of the Nuremberg Trials? Do you think there was justice in the outcome? Why or why not?

8.  Attach picture. (10 Points)

Name: ______

Chapter 14 Section 3 Worksheet Score: ______


Define: (2 Pts Each)

1.  Navajo Code Talker-

2.  Kamikaze-

3.  Bataan Death March-

Identify the significance of the following battles in the Pacific.

4.  Battle of Guadalcanal-

5.  Battle of Midway-

6.  Battle of Iwo Jima-

7.  Battle of Okinawa-

Name: ______Score: ______


Chapter 14 Section 5


1.  Yalta conference-

2.  Occupy-

3.  Enola Gay-

4.  V-E Day-

5.  V-J Day-

6.  United Nations-

Short Answer:

7.  What happened to Germany after WWII?


8.  Do you think the U.S. was justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan? Why or why not? (2 Pts)

9.  Why did Harry Truman decide to drop the atomic bomb on Japan?
