162nd Knowledge Seekers Workshop 0309-2017

Draft v3

Transcriber’s comments

As MK has promised us the workshops are moving away from nano and gans materials and getting ever deeper into preparing for the step into deep space and reunion with the Universal Community. In WS 162 he stresses again that it is our emotions that are all-important in manifesting what we want and in the correct physical manifestation of our presence in space. This topic is then deepened by some good questions and then MK launches into another damning disclosure of the criminal activities of DL and Mr. Sylvester. The security team has all the evidence now and these have been turned over to Interpol and it is only a matter of time before DL joins SA in prison, though MK advises him seriously that the best option for his soul might be to do what he said he might do once, and step out of an upper story window. Rough topic headings and points of interest outlined in hyperlinks following…

Content Index

As you have noticed in the past few weeks, we have gone away from teaching of nano-materials and focusing more on the physicality of the man in deep space.

Western-style civilization or civilization of the man across the world has made us lose the point of trust in ourselves and in our ability to trust others.

We have always been in touch with the Universal Community, it is we who have put that barrier

The slow path to reunion with the Universal Community

The understanding of the emotion of the man will lead to the physical manifestation of its presence.

It is you who has to find the wormhole and the passage into your soul and then you can open the motorways of it.

It is the emotion that changes us to be more attractive

So, do we need to build a spaceship or can we go a step further to understand that one can use his own soul to travel the depths of the universe

I made man in the image of myself. I am the soul and through the soul I create the emotion, which in the transformation of the energy of me gives the physicality of me.

In the depths of the universe the flow of the fields become rivers of light and not the waters.

I am free in all dimensions of the universe because I have no attachments.

Rick: Thank you Mr. Keshe. Josh asks if Mr. Keshe can tell us about what the advantage is to get out of the time of the physical universe

A discussion on Scientology, L Ron Hubbard, prophets, and spirituality with J from Quebec.

A question and some drawings from Marcin on the connection of the soul

Is it OK for Europeans to relocate to Ghana to support the Kf?

DL will soon join SA in prison

Don’t be afraid to teach; these people have played all of their cards.

When I arrived in France I was given the poison exactly as John did to me in Desansano.

Mr. Sylvester, please come to Ghana. We are expecting you.

Please use…. the Facts about Dirk and release documents to your police departments and tax offices.

We have found out how they are trafficking.

We can deliver everything—the energy, space, agriculture, health.

Be proud; you carry as Knowledge Seekers and KF supporters the technology that can change humanity after thousands of years in spirit, in soul, in food, in survival and everything else.

I want to tell you something very interesting regarding Mr. Sylvester.

Mr. Delannoir kills people.

I made one promise to the soul of Fabio in Italy—I will catch his murderers.

Notes regarding the case of Sterling D Allen and the death of Judge Antonin Scalia



As you have noticed in the past few weeks, we have gone away from teaching of nano materials and focusing more on the physicality of the man in deep space.

1240: Mr. Keshe (K): good morning, good day as usual whenever and wherever you listen to this Knowledge Seekers Workshop. Hopefully we learn from each other and add to our knowledge and the knowledge of others so we can all benefit by it. In today’s teaching we are adding little by little to the space technology program and try to understand more of what we call ‘catching up’ and trying to understanding more about the technology. Part of the new understanding is what we have seen and what has been brought up by testing in different fields, and part of it is teaching the additional knowledge. As you have noticed in the past few weeks, we have gone away from teaching of nano-materials and focusing more on the physicality of the man in deep space.

1356 K: as we have said before, for us to be satisfied and to be able to live in deep space we have to come to more understanding what the conditions are. Here on earth we are used to limited changes and the parameters of the changes are within what we have. What this means is that we have come to understand to work with slight temperature and pressure changes. If the pressures and temperatures are slightly different from what we are used to we find out that we cannot cope and we go through conversion of energy that our bodies are notable to accommodate. It is not planned for or set out for our bodies to do this. It is important that we understand this. Here when we go from land into the water we have not adapted ourselves after millions of years to reverse the process where we came back from.

1526 K: we came from the water, but in living on the land we lost our habits of using our systems which are still part of us to be able to live within a liquid environment of the waters of the oceans. This is the same with us in space. We have not even adapted to where we came from to reverse to be able to live in the oceans in the water. Even now we go into the air with jetliners. A slight drop in height gives us different pressures and different problems with our emotion. A sudden drop affects our balance and raises fear. This is not what we are going to feel in space. There will be transitions, but those transitions will be totally different from what we are used to here.

1703 K: the transitions are in so many ways non-tangible but they are felt internally because they will play with our fields strength of our emotion and the field strength of our soul and with the field strength that our physicality has to react and change to accordingly. The small changes in pressure and temperatures have created different colors of races and heights and features for the man on this planet. Now that we re going to deep space it is going to be a massive change where we have to learn how to cope and how to change and interact with these new changes of environment.

1756 K: the change of environment is not the temperature any more but the field strength. How do we react? How do we protect ourselves to keep the integrity of the physicality, the emotion and the soul together? Here when we interfere with the working of the physicality, the emotion and the soul separates from the physicality and we call it a death. How can we live in space that we can keep the totality, but according to the condition of the environment we can adapt to?

1834 K: here it has taken thousands of years to adapt into color and different colors of hair, eyes, and skin and different heights. In space we don’t have millions of years of evolution. The evolution comes from within us within the strength of the transformation of the strength of the soul to the emotion and the physicality. This is the part of the teaching of man into space. How do we adapt? Is there a common denominator feature that allows us to live a life in deep space irrespective of the condition? Or do we become prisoners of our own spaceships in the space of the universe? We go out but we cannot step out of our spaceship and we cannot interact with what we came to see. We become more or less a ‘fish’ in the ‘fish tank’ of the spaceship. Or we have to learn that we have become citizens of the universe and this means how to adapt into the environment and how to interact. It is like instead of going from China to Europe to Africa on one planet, we interact and breathe the same air, but we have different features.

2013 K: is this also possible in deep space and how do we react to it? How do we change accordingly to be able to be part of the universal community but to be able at the same time to change to fit the environment? This time it is not a hat, a jacket or a tee shirt or a bikini according to where we are. This time it is the strength of the emotion and the soul that creates the barrier and the boundary of the physicality of the existence. This time we have to understand our inner strength in the soul level so that we can feature according to the environment we arrive in and at the same time be the chameleons of the environment.

2110 K: we don’t have millions of years of evolving and coming to see what the people in that area are so that we can sit there to evolve by looking at it or trying to get into the environment so that we can adapt. It has to be spontaneous. You travel at speeds that are beyond the speed of the imagination of the man as we have said before. It is not the rule of E=MC2 anymore because this is irrelevant. We are traveling at the speed of light at several times by order of magnitude,hundreds of times by order of magnitude. How ready are we? Do we need to be educated? Yes, but how can we educate those who want to be the passengers of space? Otherwise the space and the spaceship become the prison of man.

2204 K: we have seen it when we bring people from one country to another country and after awhile they want to go back. There is no lock on the door, no keys and they have the freedom of the country, but they still see the country as a prison because it is not what they are used to. Now imagine when you send man into deep space. The freedom has to come from the balance of the soul and the emotion of the man. Then the man will find space his oyster. We have to understand how to change, to react to the change according to the emotion of our soul so the physicality can follow to accommodate it.

2300 K: how do we do this and how do we interact? How do we go into the barrier step of the reversal to understand that in so many ways the way our bodies are composed, they are composed of the elements of the solar system and the cells are composed of the elements of the universe? So we have a common denominator and we have a point that we can refer back to that on it we can build the big blocks of the soul of the man to the strength that with it, it manifeststhe physicality of the man. The talk and the teaching is not any more nano and ganses; it is about understanding the strength of the soul of the man so the man can become the passenger of space.

2354 K: otherwise you will be trapped in the world of the earth and as a foreigner in your own country. We have become foreigners in the space of the universe where we came from because we don’t understand how we fit into it. In the process of the change and the understanding and development of the soul and emotion, man will come to understand a key point, and that is I have a common denominator with the rest of the universe and that is the field strength of the spectrum of it which has created me. Can I change the strength? Can I change the dimensions of the strength so that I can exist in any dimension in the world?

Western-style civilization or civilization of the man across the world has made us lose the point of trust in ourselves and in our ability to trust others.

At the moment we travel from one country to another and we are totally lost. We don’t know how to communicate and we don’t have a common language. Why has man demoted himself to the point of the sound so that I can stand in front of you and feel your emotion of what you want, what you are offering me, what you want me to pay and what you want for me to take and what I have given?

2533 K: the more that you call Western-style civilization or civilization of the man across the world that has taken place, we have lost the point of trust in ourselves and in our ability to trust others. With trusting we lose half of the energy that has been created for us to protect ourselves. We’ve done the same thing in our lives on this planet we will do the same thing beyond this planet. We have always been afraid of being demolished, destroyed and being taken out or killed. If the man realizes that his life is eternal it is he who decides in which dimension to be physically manifested the way he wants.

2628 K: I have said in many of the teachings in the recent past that it is a big surprise when you come to Africa if you are not used to it. In Europe everything is weighed on scales; in Africa that doesn’t exist, unless you’re in the white man shop.Here I give $1 and I trust the other person gives me equal to that of what I asked for. In one $1 in one shop I might buy 6 eggs and in another $1 might buy 5 eggs. Nobody weighs it; in one shop you get 10 tomatoes for $1 and in another you will get 6 tomatoes for $1. It is I who trusts you and there are no scales. In Western world they measure to the gram and they are not giving one gram more than one kilo.

2733: This doesn’t exist in Africa because the level of trust has been kept to a point so half of the problem is not there to start with. This goes back to us how we trust ourselves and how we trust the transition from physicality to emotion and we trust, that in trusting our emotion we can trust our soul that it will keep everything in integrity and totally intact that we can exist to confirm our existence. But do we need to confirm our existence in the level of the physicality of the earth? Or, are we confirming our existence to the existence of our soul, which understands the language of the universe? We have never wanted to understand it, to use it and to obey the rules of it.

We have always been in touch with the Universal Community, it is we who have put that barrier

2834 K: how many of you have had a dream about your mother, your brother, your uncle or somebody you knew? How many of you have had a dream in interaction with their soul and you did not need to see their physicality with your eyes, in your dream, that they manifest themselves as your mother, your brother or your friend. Then man has to understand the next step that in the strength that the soul level already operates, man is already in communication with the universal community and has been from the beginning of the time of the creation of the man. It is we who have put that barrier that we do not give the physicality that then we can confirm its existence.

2940 K: So it is for us to go back to the strength of our soul the way the soul sees the soul of the mother who died 30 or 40 years ago or the grandfather who died hundreds of years ago and we believe because we have changed the knowledge to the vision and that the vision confirms the existence that we confirm this is the mother who speaks. Now the problem for the man is to understand how busy his soul has been in interaction with other souls in the universe and the way they have been communicating. But it has been blinded to the man because the physicality of the man cannot understand the emotion of the essence of the creation of the soul and its operation.

3036 K: To you these things sound very strange but it is the reality of what man has done by confining to the physicality of his body and his atmospheric condition. Then when we open into the dimension of understanding the operation of our souls, would we start translating the emotion of the passengers of the universe and then can we give them shape, to confirm that this is from this planet or from this part of the universe? Strangely enough when we start understanding the strength of our emotion the gates of the communication through the universal community through the soul of the man will open up. These are the stages we have to go through. But there is a key point; it is the creation of the environment of the plasmatic condition that the survival of the man in his total physicality exists, and this transition point willcome when the doors of the spaceship are shut.

3156 K: Then man through the process of the conversion in total new dimensions in the interaction with the fields will understand the level of the new life. At this moment of time when we go to space we condition ourselves on the physical condition with pressure. In the new spaceship which is getting developed and used by some nations, the passengers of the craft in being in the new condition of the environment which is in balance with the rest of the universe shall see the operation of their own souls and the communication in how to join the universal community.

3248 K: This is the message that is on the table. How far man is prepared to go to become part of another society that he is part of and is not aware of? We go from the village to the city and in the city we are still part of the same nation. But, it is a very different environment from the village and the center of the modern city. When the man comes from rural areas and walks into the middle of Times Square and sees everything else in the middle of Moscow or Beijing, it is a different world. The head is up and the mouth is open, baffled by the new of what he is part of but he didn’t know it existed. Man’s mouth in space will be opened so wide it will never shut because he has been part of this and he didn’t know he was part of the universal community. How do we understand this and develop this? How do we handle this and learn not to be afraid of what is to be and what is to come?