ECHSDA 2015 Essay Contest
$500.00 first place prize
$250.00 second place prize
2015 Essay Prompt
Many people think that recent events have brought to light a lack of racial equality in the United States. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Is racism still a problem in America today or has Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream been realized? Support your position using reasoning and examples from history, literature, current events, and your experience.
Official Rules
General Conditions
Erie County Home Schoolers Diploma Association sponsors an annual essay contest for seniors registered with our diploma program by February 28 of their senior year. By March 1 of each year, an essay prompt, rules for the contest, and a judging rubric will be posted on the ECHSDA website. Essays must be written and edited by the student only, without the assistance of a parent or other advisor/teacher. Through May 15, ECHSDA will accept essays of 1000 to 1300 words on the given topic. Winners will be notified by July 15 of the same year.
Essay submissions must be typewritten double-spaced on 8½ by 11-inch plain paper using Times New Roman size 12 font. No graphics, art, or presentation folders are allowed. The essay should include a title, but not the participant’s name or other identifying information. It should be submitted along with a separate page which includes the participant’s name, address and phone number, title of the essay, word count, and a signed statement that the work is original and solely that of the participant with no outside assistance. If outside sources are used within the essay, correct citation is required and should include a properly formatted bibliography according to the MLA format.
Essays must be original and cannot have been previously published or submitted in any other competition. Entries that do not follow the general conditions cited above, and essays that do not follow the given prompt, will be disqualified. Judging will be based on content, essay development/organization, adherence to theme, creativity/originality, grammar, punctuation, and spelling, using the enclosed rubric scale. In the case of a tie, essays will be judged on development (50%) and relevance to the theme (50%). Judging will be conducted by three qualified judges chosen by ECHSDA personnel. The decision of the judges is final and binding in all matters relating to the contest. Submissions will be returned by July 15 with judges’ comments. By entering the contest, participants and their parents/legal guardians agree to these official rules.
ECHSDA will award a monetary prize to each of the top two contest winners. Prize amounts will be determined each year by ECHSDA personnel. Participants will be advised of the prize amounts along with notification of the topic in March.
In accepting the prize, the winner and the winner’s parent/legal guardian release and discharge, and agree to hold harmless, ECHSDA and its representatives from any and all damage due in whole or in part from the acceptance, possession, or misuse of the prize awarded in this contest. All taxes are solely the responsibility of the winner.
The following rubric scale will be used in judging the essays:
Appearance/Appropriate formatting (5)
Clarity – easy to read/understand (5)
Flow – a logical plan to a conclusion (5)
Sustaining interest – keeps reader’s attention (5)
Well-developed and substantiated concepts (5)
Creative approach, original (5)
Well-developed introduction (5)
Clear purpose/support of viewpoint (10)
Well organized body (15)
Plausible conclusion (5)
Transition between ideas – smooth, not forced (5)
Mechanics – spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. (5)
Language – grammar, word choice, etc. (5)
Language – variety of sentence lengths, beginnings, etc. (5)
Use of anecdotes and examples – (sources must be cited) (5)
Overall Impact
Captures attention (5)
Stimulates thought (5)