MJFF 2012 Resource: UtilizingAssay Qualification Samples
Project Summary
Principal Investigator Name: ______
First NameLast NameSuffix
Institution: ______
Project Title: ______
The Project Summary is a brief description of the experiments you propose to perform and a summary of the clinical data/tissue required for the proposed study. Please note that the goal of the Project Summary is not to provide a detailed proposal or set of specific aims. Applicants should state the ultimate goal of the proposal, explain the rationale for and impact of the proposed studies, and demonstrate previous use of the proposed methodology. References to published or ‘in press’ literature should be included as appropriate. No specific proposed budget is required at this stage; however, applicants should provide a general estimate of funding needed and how this funding would be used. A single supplemental page containing figures, micrographs or data tables may be included in addition to the 3-page narrative. These supplemental data must be referenced in the narrative. The Specimen Requirements section should be filled out and applicants are encouraged to be as detailed as possible in this section.
Required Materials:
(Thesematerials should be combined into a single PDF file with this page as the coversheet)
Project Narrative - 3 page maximum (Please address the topics raised on the proceeding page)
References – 1 page maximum
Supplemental Data – 1 page maximum
Specimen Requirements – 1 page maximum(Please describe the type and number of specimens requested for the proposed studies. Include the minimum volume requirements for the analysis)
Personnel Information (Biographical Sketches) – 2 page maximum per investigator
Please provide a brief description of the specific experiments proposed and the rationale for how these experiments will improve biomarker development in Parkinson’s disease
Briefly outline the number and type of samples requested including subject type (e.g. PD, control, any specific clinical parameters)
Please describe your experience using proposed methodologies in human biospecimens(you can list publications or include preliminary data).
Please briefly justify the sample size requested in order to observe a significant effect in the samples requested.
Please introduce main team collaborators, their relevant expertise and the role they will play in the project. (Note that biographical sketches should be attached for each investigator.)
Please provide an estimate of the support that would be requested from MJFF.
Submitting anExperimental Summary:
All Experimental Summariesmust be submitted online through the following link
To access the MJFF online submission form, please click on the above link and either create a user account or sign in to your existing account. Please retain your username and password because MJFF does not have access to this information.
Information Required: Should not include figures or basic information, such as a description of Parkinson’s disease.
- A completed online submission form that includes the following information:
PI Contact Information (Institution, Mailing Address, Email, Phone)
CoPI and/or Collaborator (if any) Contact Information (Label – CoPI, Collaborator, Consultant, etc., Paid, Unpaid, Institution, Mailing Address, Email, Phone)
Project Duration (one year maximum)
Project Budget –
- Budgets should be reasonable for the work proposed.
- Indirect costs are allowed in addition to direct costs, at a rate of up to 10% of direct costs
2. A completed ‘Experimental Summary Template’ to be uploaded as a separate PDF with online submission.
Please upload your Experimental Summary Template file (the components should be combined into ONE PDF DOCUMENT) including the following:
1. Scientific Narrative (Required): 3-page limit
- Complete template and include as Scientific Narrative within the uploaded application document (see additional formatting information on the narrative section below)
2. Literature Citations: 1-page limit
3.Specimen Requirements – 1 page maximum
- Describe the type and number of specimens requested for the proposed studies. Include the minimum volume requirements for the analysis
4. Personnel Information (Required)
- Biographical Sketches:
- Required for principal investigators and all other individuals on the grant
- 2-page limit per investigator; NIH style acceptable (2-page limit does NOT include Other Funding Sources section)
5. Support Documents
Photograph or figure – Only 1 supporting figure or photograph is allowed. This figure or photograph may appear on a page separate from the narrative.
Please Note:
• Application document components must be combined into ONE single PDF document
• Scientific Narrative
Use letter-size pages (8.5 x 11 inches) with a minimum of one-inch margins on the top, bottom, and both sides of every page.
Pages are to be typed and may be single, 1.5, or double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12-point font.
• Photograph or figure
No less than one-inch (1”) margins on the top, bottom, and both sides of this page
Both the figure and any legend must fit on this single page
Fonts should be typed in Times New Roman font and be no smaller than size 12-point
• Other elements of the application:
Outside the narrative, margins are no less than half-inch (.5”) on the top, bottom, and both sides of every page
Outside the narrative, font should be no smaller than 10-point
• Symbols do not transfer correctly to our online system. Please make sure to spell out any symbols in your application online form. For example, please type out alpha-synuclein.
• Please type your login email address correctly otherwise you may not receive important information regarding your submission, or be able to access your account.
• Once you begin an online application, you may save and return to it before final submission. When ready, please click ‘submit’ to ensure that your submission is delivered promptly to MJFF.
• Notices of proposal receipt are automatically sent by email upon online submission. If this automatic notification is not received within one hour of submission, please contact MJFF to check on the status of your proposal (). Please also expect an email within one-week of the submission deadline notifying you of administrative review status.