ACC-825 – Object-Oriented Enterprise Systems


Professor:Bill McCarthy, N228 North Business Complex

Off. Hours:See diagram at end

Mail:432-2913 (voice mail); (email)

Text:Object-Oriented Application Development using Java by Doke, Satzinger, and Williams (DSW), ISBN 0-619-03565-x, Course Technology, 2002 (REQUIRED).

Course Overview and Learning Objectives:

Object-orientation (OO), as you will soon learn, is the way enterprise systems of the 5-20 year future (like SAP NetWeaver) will be designed. OO allows strong embedded semantics to be placed both within the procedural business processing logic and on top of enterprise database schemas. You will learn OO by learning an OO language (JAVA) and by learning OO documetation techniques via the Universal Modeling Language (UML).

ACC-825 has fivecourse objectives:

  1. To teach students the fundamentals of OO via JAVA programming;
  2. To teach students with the fundamentals of UML diagramming;
  3. To familiarize students with the process of database development with strong embedded semantics (continuing from ACC-321 or ACC-821);
  4. To demonstrate to students how OO programming can be combined with semantically defined databases via an Open Database Connection (ODBC); and
  5. To familiarize students with a variety of advanced enterprise information systems topics (like XML tagging schemes) that have OO and embedded-semantic themes (via lectures plus student papers and student presentations).

Objective #1 is our clear primary target, and to get there, we will spend many of our class meetings in the MIS lab (105 Eppley).

On the following two pages, a schedule for class and assignment activities is given in tabular form. Grading and assignment information follows that.


28-30 / Conceptual Modeling Review / FXR, DSW pp. 116-117
6 / Java Programming Fundamentals / DSW 1 & 2
11-13 / Arrays and Vectors / CP#1
18-20 / Java Library Classes / DSW 3 & 4; CP#2
25-27 / Problem Domain Classes / DSW 5 & 6; CP#3
2-4 / Generalization / DSW 7; Team Audit Reports
9-11 / Inheritance (structure and methods) / DSW 8; CP#4
16-18 / Implementing associations and aggregations. / DSW 9; CP#5
23-25 / EXAM#1 -- 23 October @ 6:00 p.m. ; Team Cycle Projects

ACC-825 CLASS SCHEDULE (continued)

30-1 / No Class (Bill at London ISO) / Team and individual assignments
6-8 / Persistence and database linkage / DSW 14-15-16;Lab EXAM – 10 NOV @ 8:00 a.m.
13-15 / XML documents and schemas / CP#6; assigned XML reading
20-22 / Individual presentations / assigned XBRL reading
27-29 / Individual presentations; XBRL / Individual papers due on December 1st
4-6 / Team Presentations. XBRL wrap-up. / Team projects due on December 7th
Monday -- December 11th / FINAL EXAM @ 7:45 -- 9:45 a.m.

ACC-825 – Fall 2006


Exam #1 / 15
Final Exam / 10
Lab Exam / 10
Computer Projects (CP) 6@2 / 12
Individual Paper & Presentation / 20
Team Audit Report / 7
Team Cycle Project / 16
Classwork / 10
  • EXAMINATIONS–Exam#1 concerns OO technology and Java, and it will be objective with open book (DSW). The final exam will revolve around essay questions from the entire term. There will one lab test on 10 November with expectations close to the top for most students.
  • COMPUTER PROJECTS(CP) –During our lab sessions with JAVA, I will assign a number of small projects, each worth 2%. These can be done in the lab or emailed in over the weekend. Any points not allotted here switch to final exam weighing.
  • INDIVIDUAL PAPER & PRESENTATION – Individual students (or in exceptional cases, teams of two) are responsible for a project of two possible types:
  • Research-orientation – A topic from advanced accounting technology, preferably with strong OO orientation
  • Computer-orientation – A topic with advanced JAVA or database technology

Individual papers are limited to ten pages and presentations to ten minutes. All presentations should be screened by the AccountingCommunicationCenter.

  • TEAM PROJECTS – I will assemble the class in teams for two database projects.
  • An audit of the database developed by my Spring ACC-825 class (7 %); and
  • An extension of their work in both time and scope (16%).

Teams will be different each time. The second project involves a team presentation to the entire class.

  • CLASSWORK -- Classwork will count for 10 points, and it will consist mainly of everyday participation as assessed by Bill. Here are some ideas about classwork.
  • Points are added for average or above average performances; points are subtracted for below average performances or absences. If you cannot make it to class, I need to be informed by phone or email. Please try to be on time.
  • Attentive note-taking is not my standard for active participation, nor should it be yours. We should all expect to be actively informed in classes each day.
  • Surfing during the lab helps or informs no-one. If you are fast at getting something to work, look around for a classmate who isn't done yet. Actively helping other students will be a significant classwork activity. The best class grades will go the students who help and cooperate the most, especially in the lab.

Student Information

  • Name (nametag):
  • Career position and duties (actual or anticipated)
  • Resume reminder (get one to Bill ASAP)
  • Do you own your own laptop (or other home PC) ?
  • Programming history (please be detailed)