“Azneft” PU of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)

announces an open procurement competition (№11016-17) in order to meet the demand of spare parts for diesel generators

I.  / Documents to be submitted for participation in the competition:
§  Application letter for participation in the competition;
§ Bank document on payment of the participation fee;
§ Bid
§ Application for participation in the competition (signed and sealed) and the bank document on payment for participation fee should be submitted in Azerbaijani or Russian languages no later than 19.04.2017, 17:30 by Baku time, to the address of the Purchasing organization specified in the notice.
The copies of the required documents (except the bid) may be sent to the e-mail address of the contact person specified in the notice. In this case, the originalsof the documents shall be submitted to the Purchasing Organization until the last day of submission of the bids.
II.  / The deadline for submission of the bids:
§  Separately for each lot, including one original and two copies of the bid shall submitted to the Procurement Group of Purchasing Organization on 28.04.2017 at 12:00 by Baku time at the bidding hall. Bidders must be at the Purchasing Organization 30 minute before bid.
§  Bidder must note name, surename and duty of his representative who will represent him in the bid.
§  Late bids shall be rejected.
§ Any changing about representative willn’t accepted.
III.  / The acquisition of the aninvitation to bid and participation fee:
§  Those wishing to acquirean invitation to bid in Azerbaijani or Russian languages can obtain it from the contact person in electronic or print form after paying 118 Azerbaijani manat ( VAT included) or an equivalent amount in any other freely convertible currency to the below-mentioned account, till the date specified in the paragraph I of the notice, on any business day of the week from 09:30 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.
§ Account number:
International Bank of Azerbaijan OJSC,
TIN: 9900003871,
Customer Services Department,
Code: 805250,
Correspondent account: AZ03NABZ01350100000000002944,
TIN: 9900001881,
§ The participation fee is not refundable
IV.  / The execution date of the Contract:
It is required to fulfill the conditions of the purchase contract within 60 calendar days
V.  / Bank guarantee for the competition proposal - should not be less than 2% of the total amount of the bid
VI.  / The address of the purchasing organization:
Sabail district
Neftchilar ave. 73
Administration building of PU “Azneft”,
Contact person:
Kamil Asgarov
Procurement and Supply Department, expert
karporativ phone number: +99412 521 00 00 - 11 381 (internal)
karporativ mobile number: +99450 841 13 81
karporativ fax number: +99412 521 11 72
karporativ e-mail address:
VII.  / The notice , information about the subject of procurement and application form to obtain tan invitation to bid are placed at the internet site:
www.socar.az (http://www.socar.az/socar/az/company/procurement-supply-chain-management/procurement-notices)
VIII.  / Time, place and the opening date of bids:
Bids wil be opened on 28.04.2017 at 12:00 a.m. by Baku timeat the address of the Purchasing Organization specified in paragraph VI of the notice.
IX.  / An information about contracts awards:
An information about the final results of the competition can be obtained from the following web link:

The procurement group of the PU “Azneft”, SOCAR

(In the firm blank of the applicant)

Application form for participation in open competition and for acquisition of ITB-Invitation to Bid (Set of Basic Conditions)

______city “__”______2017


Attn.: ______,

Head of procurement group of

SOCAR [insert name of Purchasing Organistaion]

Hereby we,[full name of the applicant consignor (Contractor) is specified]confirm the intent of participation in an open competition number 11016-17 announced by SOCAR PU “Azneft”,, for purchasing spare parts for diesel generators

At the same time, we confirm the absence of any cancellation or bankruptcy procedures, activity interruption in relation to [full name of the applicant consignor (Contractor) is specified] or any situation making it’sparticipationimpossible.

We kindly ask You to send the soft copy of an invitation to bid to the following e-mail address:______.

(name, surenmae, duty) will represent our company in the bid.

The contact information for propmtly responding the queries relating the documents submitted by us and other issues:

§  Contact person: ______

§  Position of the contact person: ______

§  Phone number: ______

§  Fax: ______

§  E-mail address: ______


1.  Original of the bank document on payment of the participation fee – __ pages.


(name, surname, patronymic of the responsible person) (signature of responsible person)


(position of responsible person)

The list of purcasing goods

s/s / Name of spare parts / Standart / Measure / Quantity
Caterpillar 725 kVA diesel generator
1 / Strap 9L6639 / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 1
2 / Strap 4N-8220 / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 3
3 / Thermostat 6N-2194 / IEC 34.1 / unit / 1
AC-703 kVA diesel generator AKSA
4 / Regulatory P / N3098693RevM / IEC 61968-9(2009) / unit / 2
5 / Magnetic isəsalıcı IBA AF75030 / İEC 60898 / unit / 2
6 / 586114112 Starter coil 24V 6A / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 3
6 / Dinamo strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 12
7 / Motor strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 12
275 kVA diesel generator AKSA AJD
8 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 2
9 / BOSH 88700300371 fuel pump. / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
10 / Fuel pump PES6P120A720RS746 / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
11 / Generator BOSH 0120488205 14v23 / 65A / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
12 / Heater 1000 W APH-1000 4.2 A 240V / İEC 60079 / unit / 2
13 / RE 69 704 2280006532 DENSO Starter John Deree / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1
14 / Thermostat / IEC 34.1 / unit / 6
15 / Oil sensor / IEC 61000 / unit / 7
16 / Stop SOLENOID / IEC 60068-2-2 / unit / 3
17 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 5
18 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 2
19 / Temperature sensor / İEC 751 / unit / 2
20 / Water level sensor / unit / 2
21 / Heater ten / İEC 60079 / unit / 4
22 / Control (natijitel) / IEC 61968-9(2009) / unit / 4
23 / Water Pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
24 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 10
25 / caloric sensor transceiver / İEC 751 / unit / 1
26 / Start the engine starter relay 12 V / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1
27 / Start March Motor Relay 24 V / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1
28 / Front cover sealing / IEC 62208 / unit / 1
AC 350 kVA diesel generator AKSA
29 / Strap 187160Wrs / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 3
30 / 11/2 Heater ten REZISTTANS3000 W380V / İEC 60079 / unit / 1
31 / 20A Termorequlyator TSDOO705 240vat 100 3714 / IEC 34.1 / unit / 1
32 / Strap (Parin) / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 1
33 / Strap Dynamo / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 2
34 / DSE 7320 card / IEC 7811 / unit / 1
110 kVA diesel generator AKSA
35 / Starter RE5090025 / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1
36 / Strap R128807 DEERE / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 3
37 / Strap (dynamo) DEERE3288790 / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 2
38 / Heater ten TRS152GT-10000 / İEC 60079 / unit / 2
39 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 3
250 kVA diesel generator AKSA
40 / Strap CB / T135528PK8000ERDM 8PK-1202 / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 4
41 / Strap (PER) / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 2
42 / Heater ten TRS152GT-10000 / İEC 60079 / unit / 2
43 / Starter D2738V / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1
AKSA ALP 15 kVA diesel generator
44 / Start March Motor Relay 12 V / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1
45 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 8
46 / Stop SOLENOID / IEC 60068-2-2 / unit / 2
47 / Thermostat / IEC 34.1 / unit / 2
48 / Water Pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
49 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 2
50 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 2
51 / Propeller / IEC 61400-2 / unit / 2
52 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
AKSA ALP 22 kVA diesel generator
53 / AVR card / IEC 7811 / unit / 1
54 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 1
55 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
AKSA APD 25 kVA diesel generator
56 / Water Pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
57 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 1
58 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 3
59 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 3
AKSA APD 125 kVA diesel generator
60 / Start March Motor Relay 24 V / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 2
KJ 200 kVA diesel generator Kurcuoglu
61 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
62 / SOLENOID / IEC 60068-2-2 / unit / 1
AKSA APD 200 C kVA diesel generator
63 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 1
64 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 1
65 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
66 / Stop selenoidi / IEC 60068-2-2 / unit / 1
TJ 116 KVA Diesel genrator TEKSAN
67 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 1
68 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 3
69 / Strap Strap V13x1465 / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 7
70 / Oil sensor / IEC 61000 / unit / 2
71 / Starter T737018 / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1
72 / MARK V CARD / IEC 7811 / unit / 1
73 / Stop selenoidi / IEC 60068-2-2 / unit / 1
AKSA 25 kVA diesel generator
74 / Thermostat / IEC 34.1 / unit / 1
75 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
76 / Oil sensor / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
77 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 1
78 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 2
79 / Water Pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
Aksa 132 kVA diesel generator
80 / Thermostat / IEC 34.1 / unit / 1
81 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 3
82 / Oil sensor / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
83 / Heater ten / İEC 60079 / unit / 1
84 / Stop SOLENOID / IEC 60068-2-2 / unit / 1
85 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 8
86 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 4
87 / Water level sensor / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
88 / Control / IEC 61968-9(2009) / unit / 1
89 / AVR card / IEC 7811 / unit / 1
90 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 2
Aksa 145 kVA diesel generator
91 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 3
92 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
93 / Temperature sensor / İEC 751 / unit / 1
94 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 2
95 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
Diesel generators Teksan 150 PR
96 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 1
97 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
98 / Oil sensor / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
Aksa AD 275 kVA diesel generator
99 / Oil sensor / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
100 / Dinamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 2
101 / Central Ph.D. / İEC 60079 / unit / 1
102 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 4
103 / Fuel hand pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 3
104 / Control (natijitel) / IEC 61968-9(2009) / unit / 1
105 / Front cover kipləsdiricisi / IEC 62208 / unit / 1
106 / AVR card / IEC 7811 / unit / 2
107 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 2
Aksa 550 kVA diesel generator
108 / Propeller / IEC 61400-2 / unit / 1
MGR-55 kVA diesel generator MAGRU
109 / Dynamo holder (bracket) / IEC 61968-9(2009) / unit / 2
110 / Strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 4
111 / Dynamo / İEC 60034 / unit / 1
112 / Oil sensor transceiver / IEC 61000 / unit / 1
700 kVA diesel generator AKSA
113 / Water radiator / İEC 335-1-94 / unit / 1
405 kVA diesel generator TEKSAN
114 / LED set / İEC 62560 -2011 / unit / 1
1035 kVA diesel generator AKMTU
115 / Motor strap / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 5
Perkins 1250 kVA diesel generator
116 / Motor strap set / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 1
117 / Dinamo strap set / ГОСТ 1284-89 / unit / 1
KDE-12YA-9.5 kVA diesel generator KIPOR
118 / Oil pump / İEC 60335-2-41 / unit / 1
119 / Starter (Starter) / IEC 60252-2 / unit / 1