The document is outdated and is subject to be updated with new projects


Thank you for your interest in my Excel skills inventory document. My goal here is to give a good insight regarding what I can do using Excel in a data analysis role at a large organization. What motivated me to create this document and put it online was that for each contract job interview I have to explain my Excel skills and when doing so depending on the audience, I feel that sometimes I can make the connection but there are times that I can not. I decided to have a document like this explaining my skills level in a greater detail that resume or even job interview may not sufficiently cover.

The items under the heading below “Sample Excel problems that I worked with…” areactually sampled specific problems that I worked on so far. I tried to show what I can do in Excel utilizing the power of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). The following sectionon “Excel Functions and Formulas”does the same thing except they do not focus on VBA but instead it focuses on Excel’s own features that are accessible through the user interface.

They are from my personal compilation from various Excel projects that I have worked on in the industry. I have been working as a contractor for the past 4 years using Excel extensively to create spreadsheet based business solutions and worked before on several permanent positions also utilizing Excel heavily. In my graduate school I also had to leverage the power of Excel for my projects in statistics and finance. Most of the below stuffis accumulated over time project by project and some got here because of my personal interest like when trying to find something I came across with another interesting concept or code in the process or I was trying to help my own personal financial management.

For the most part when tackling with Excel VBA macro problem Iutilize various resources. Those are internet research using newsgroups, Google, MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network), user forums, Microsoft TechNet knowledgebase resources, Excel VBA programming books, InformIT Online computer books library, CDs, VBA language reference books.

Simply I do whatever it takes to find that code and then tweak it to get that code to work right for the problem at hand. First I determine what needs to be done in Excel. Before delving into the VBA side I need to convince myself that problem can not be solved byusing the available built in functions and features of Excel or using formula line logic within spreadsheet.

To create a VBA code within the VB Editor environment (VBE) of MS Excel as a second step I start my search for the right object, property or a method or a function or a sub procedure/routine then a finding/creating the code for it. Unless it is a simple enough automation that can be done with a macro recorder or a slight modification of it then the only solution is to use VBA code that can be stored under modules as macros.

I believe any person who works extensively with data within spreadsheet environment whether it is Excelcan easily relate to below problems.For each case the solution is in for the most part achieved via VBA code if the complexity exceeds the built-in capabilities of Excel.

Although I must admit that there are many ways of getting something done in Excel which is a wonderful thing. Excel also offers enormous capabilities even without touching VBA code through its own spreadsheet level formulas and built in functions. As I am not coming from hardcore programming and application development background my first inclination is to utilize the available functionalities of Excel to solve the problem only when that falls short then I explore my options with VBA.

Sample Excel Problems that I worked with utilizing VBA:

Identifying unique values in a range

Custom user defined functions

Dynamic ranges

Adding columns using VBA

Calling subroutine from a different file

Populating List boxes and Combo boxes on user forms

Advance Find and Replace

VLOOKUP on multiple columns

Changing cell colors based on the day of the week

Getting totals based on a cell color

Linking checkbox to a formula


Replace function (not under Find menu option)

Message Box prompt

VBA to retrieve data from Access into Excel

Filtering on text color

Outlook email from within Excel

Number of workdays between workdays excluding company specific holidays

Creating a range object

Macro that sets up an email

Using VBA to lock cells based on a value in another cell

Cell contents as Strings

Macro to move from cell to cell after entering data

Using input box to populate arguments in a formula

Changing cell values in macro

List Box and Combo Box

VLOOKUP with condition

VBA array formula

Loop function

Selecting next blank cell

Check boxes, command buttons and other controls

Functions and sub procedures

Event handling such as an active cell changes its color

Conditional copy of a cell

Delete interior color

Data source changes

Counting by range

Class Modules

Import large delimited file

Cell=textbox value

How to recognize string variable in an array

Printing out range names

Extracting Word info into Excel

Select current cell row

Data entry form

Several workbooks into one summary

Print range macro

Separating columns

Fill combo boxes

Run SQL statement in VBA not in MS Query

Prevent a cell from being selected

Combo box populating

Option buttons

Finding a blank cell in a column using VBA

Removing duplicates

Skipping blank lines

Changing query references

Summing visible cells only in a range

Counting visible cells in a range

Extracting the nth element from a string

Does the text match a pattern

Returning an acronym

A user defined functions for commission, discount or interest calculations


The below sample cases can be solved via writing logic in the formula line of MS Excel and incorporating the built-in functions available through the Excel user interface (menu items listed in the tool bar).As in the VBA cases these are also representing typical problems and scenarios that I had to deal with over time at various companies working as a contractor.

Sample Excel Problems that I worked with using Formulas and Functions:

Various mortgages,loan amortization tables, buy vs. lease scenarios, credit card debt management spreadsheetsusing the financial functions and applying formula line logic

Comparing two different data sets to see the newly added data using VLOOKUP

Populating formula based spreadsheets with dynamic ranges to get updated calculations from another worksheet or workbook or another data source such as MS Access.

Utilizing array functions for the below goals

Data validation

Summing the largest values only within a range

Computing the average without zero values

Determining if a particular value appears in a range

Counting the number of differences in two ranges

Finding the row of a value’s nth occurrence in a range

Determining if a range contains valid values

Recovering non-numeric characters from a string

Returning non-blank cells from a range

Returning a list of unique items in a range

Manipulating text strings to apply conditional logic based on a certain value in that string

Using MS Query to import and export data via ODBC in conjunction with other applications such as Crystal Reports, MS Access, Oracle, SQL Server or any application or data warehouse that support ODBC technology

Utilizing pivot tables and customizing them to present data in several dimensions for reporting purposes

Using conditional formatting

Creating views and using them in Macros for custom views for reporting goals

Creating named ranges and using them within spreadsheet based formulas

Using List function (this is available in Excel 2003)

Using XML Import/Export (this is available in Excel 2003)

This feature comes very handy when it comes to upload spreadsheets to web, to corporate intranet and making web service calls talking to other applications residing on the intranet

Data validation, ensuring that user data entry is error free either at spreadsheet level or using Forms

Advance Filter (Microsoft can improve this function to make it more user friendly)

Working with subtotals

Linking cells across the worksheets

Charts and Graphics

Financial Functions and Statistical functions of Add-Ins

Used statistical functions heavily such as simple and multiple regression models, curve fitting, hypothesis testing also financial functions such as Time Value of Money problems

What-If scenarios – Iterative approach to estimate the best possible solution for the goal to be reached

Working with mega formulas

Protecting the formula cells only on a spreadsheet but making other cells unprotected

How do I Rate My Excel Skills:

Any time I had a job interview either with a technical recruiter or with client one of the most typical questions are “On the scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate your Excel skills?”

My response to that question goes like this

Short answer

I was tested on my Excel skills numerous times on those standardized PC based Excel skills test applications. On the average my scores hover around the neighborhood of 90%. As far as the person asking this question I place myself I guess on 9 out of 10 for my Excel skill and that is very satisfactory for the most part. I understand that by using this test they gauge candidates and narrow down their options as anyone can claim expertise in Excel and even sincerely think they know a lot about it without even realizing what they are not even aware of. Most of the client needs fall into the category that can be handled without leveraging the true power of Excel. So it makes sense that they use this test but it certainly does not measure the programming abilities, and creativity of the power user in order to create highly complex spreadsheets nor it shows how the user tackles a certain problem for data manipulation. For more complex tasks such as creating a pricing decision tool in already complex setting like a trade room, or complex rate sheet development to support and automate shipment process typical Excel skills just do not cut it.

Long Answer

This 90% and this test itself do mean almost nothing to me. Person who is asking this question is most likely not even thinking about the vast capabilities of Excel and asking this question from the perspective of Admin functions in my terminology. So it even bothers me some as I see my capabilities is a bit better than that.

My long answer to that question would be like this

There are two dimensions to Excel one is the one that most people are familiar with, Excel’s user interface and famous spreadsheet, ok maybe some functions and formulas utilizing the formula line, even pivot tables and MS Query and there you go you have so called advance Excel skills. Even Advance Excel classes that they cover in technical colleges do not go any further than that.

The other dimension of Excel is wide open and if one does a little bit internet research it is possible to see the possibilities and capabilities are literally endless there. This dimension is literally Visual Basic for Applications programming and using Excel only as a platform. The same thing can be done by another application too except VBA is native code of Excel and can leverage the power of the Excel’s object model hence it is a very good platform. How do I rate myself here? Well you are now asking a very serious question, as there are people with years of programming and development experience, those who work on full blown application and tool development, who perform as software engineers, it would be very hard for me to compare to them and say I rate myself as 4 or 5 or 8 out of 10. So thisquestion should be rephrased or changed to capture all these possibilities.

Career Direction as a Data Analyst:

For all practical purposes for most of the Excel based work within the industry whether it is financial or operational or logistic work I believe I am a good source per se. My personal career goal in data analysis world is well exceeding what I have done so far with Excel. I eventually would like to develop enough expertise in spreadsheet based and database applications that I can provide tool based complete business solutions.

This would be complex application or tool development for a particular business need. I envision doing this as a private consultant for clients. My work so far as a contractor gave me some exposure to various challenging projects. I value this experience a lot and believe it forms a base for my future career goals. I intend to keep at it for a while until I am better armed with more experience as nothing substitutes experience and then go out and offer a full array of data centric business solutions as a private consultant.

Needless to say as one looks at the industry trends it is easy to see the technological trend regarding the data analytic work. MS Office applications development is moving to .Net framework and VB.Net will eventually replace VBA. And the integration of Office and Visual Studio will bring lot more encompassing capabilities. Also data analysis and reports generation capabilities combined with XML based web technologies is adding yet another powerful choice and this is Web based business solutions. Trying to constantly keeping yourself up-to-date in this area is a serious challenge and the feeling is you are always behind hopefully not terribly but never the less this is my professional growth area and where my direction is headed.