11 Cwrt Morgan, Caerwent, Caldicot, Mons. NP26 5QZ. Tel: 01291 422089

Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held on Monday 11th April 2016 which commenced at 6.45pm. in the Village Sports Hall.

Public Forum

M4 Relief Road

Resident requested a Public Meeting to gauge public opinion on the proposed M4 Relief Road. Unhappy at the lack of progress and considered Rogiet and Llanvihangel to be a top priority. He stated he was preparing his own report for the Welsh Office and complained at the lack of information coming from RCC.considered his rights were being neglected and felt the Council was not functioning. He requested information is included in the Windmill Post.

The Chairman pointed out that this was a Welsh Office initiative; they had held consultation meetings in all local areas inviting residents to participate and make their own individual responses. She and the local member had attended the Magor consultation, the matter was to be discussed this evening, a course of action to be agreed, culminating in a RCC response to be sent to the Welsh Office by the 4th May 2016. It was further pointed out that until this evening the council had not been contacted by any residents, other than himself, over the matter, there had been no local interest shown whatsoever. RCC had only received details recently and had acted swiftly to deal with the matter.

Further resident stated the proposal was available in September 2015, there were no change in the plans since the initial proposal and that the proposed new 23a junction was twice the size of the existing junction 23, and confirmed he had written in September objecting to the scheme. He also complained that RCC had not responded

Local Farmer said on seeing the detailed plans he was devastated at the scale of the proposal and its implications to his farm. And the amount of land that would be taken. Brian Greeves the Public Liaison Officer had called to see him a couple of months ago to discuss further acquisition of his land to provide a burrow pit. He also requested a meeting as a matter of urgency.


Requested permission to make changes to the pitch and changing rooms in order to meet the guidelines as set down by the Gwent League. Based on this season’s results they are hoping to move up to the higher Gwent League. They assured the CC there would be no cost to the CC as they had obtained sponsorship funding and were endeavouring to raise additional monies through

fund raising. RCC being aware of the proposal and the funding arrangements were happy to grant the request.

The FC were requested to bring their accounts up to-date. Dates played to be emailed to the Clerk in order that an invoice could be raised, together with their contact details and remaining fixture list. A contract would be drawn up covering their use of the building and the pitch.

Worked needed to be expedited as the Gwent League Officials had set Saturday 30th April as the inspection date to approve facilities. All in favour of arrangements, motion passed.

Alison Howard – Community Food Growing

Alison outlined this County initiative of getting communities together to grow food to create a greater sense of community, engaging businesses and involving communities has a whole. Members were informed it had proved popular in other parts of the county. Members welcomed the project and iIt was agreed to publicise it on the website/facebook and in the Windmill Post.

12/2836 Present

Chairman - Cllr Mrs S Oliver Holland

Vice Chairman - Cllr R Stallard

Community Councillors - J Douglas ,Mrs L Guppy and Mrs J Tyrrell

Clerk - Mrs M Williams

Paul Cromwell - Rogiet Resident

Nick Kitely - “ “ “

Mike Smith - “ “ “

Steve Phillips - “ “ “

D Griffiths - STNPFC

Dean Man - “ “

Josh Birch - “ “

Neil Hughes - “ “

12/2837 Apologies

Cllr J Douglas would be late - arrived


12/2838 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Mrs S Oliver Holland - MYS / 8 – 15 Club/Garden Skills as and when on agenda

R Stallard - As and when on Agenda

Cllrs Mrs L Guppy - Nil on agenda

M Smith - M4 Consultation

12/2839 To consider Co-option – Community Council

As previously stated recruitment remains a serious concern despite numerous efforts to rectify the situation. It was suggested letters to all local organisations be sent requesting they nominate a representative to serve on the council. All in favour, motion passed.

12/2840 Minutes

It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 14th March as a true and correct record of the meeting.

12/2841 Financial Matters and Schedule of Accounts

The Schedule of Accounts and Financial Matters dated 11th April 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman. Members approved a donation of £100.00 to Olivia Barbieri to support her attendance at the British Youth Fencing Championships.

12/2842 To receive Action/Progress Report

Matters on-going

Future Maintenance of WWI Memorial Offer of help rec’d from local resident and RALGS members.. Meeting to be arranged to co-ordinate progress

Car Parking issues STJ -Awaiting up-date on completion date. Roger

Hoggins ’office to be contacted.

Register of Interests - Remain outstanding – Completed Forms

urgently required.

MCC Dog Fouling Initiative - Confirmation rec’d from MCC damaged bin will be

installed in the next couple of weeks. Donation of £100.00 to be made to MCC to cover costs, thus greatly reducing initial quotes. In the meantime notice posted requesting residents to take responsibility for their dog mess by taking it home and disposing of it in their general household waste.

Follow-up meeting of MCC Red Card Initiative re-scheduled for Tuesday 19th April. Member to attend.

Further notice had also been posted down on the Countryside Park requesting people to refrain from throwing/hanging their used doggy bags on nearby trees and bushes, and placing the offending matter in the bin provided.

Trees on the Allotment - -Work completed much to the satisfaction of all


Traffic Issues on Station Road/School Crossing

-  Situation on-going. and continues to be observed.

Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations Arrangements in hand to light the Beacon at 8pm... Letters to be sent to owners of Nos 1 and 2 Windmill Cottages informing them of arrangements. Fire Brigade to also be informed. Residents to meet on the site of the Christmas Tree


Co-option onto RCC Recruitment situation to be evaluated. Chairman

requests all local organisations be contacted with a view to nominating a representative.

Motorway Junction/M4 Relief Road Member of the public requests updates on these two issues

VSH/ Playing Fields Issues

Painting issues - Outstanding work discussed at the meeting on 9th

March. Situation to be progressed..

MUGA Care and use to be considered. (Five-a-Side Football Sunday evenings at present being trialled)

Police Report

The “Your Voice” updates for February 2016 were received via email and circulated to all members.

12/2843 To consider use of green area on old Primary School Site

MCC to be contacted expressing concern at the excessive use of the land and fears of the meadow being destroyed.

12/2844 Correspondence

As listed in the correspondence schedule dated 14th March 2016. It should be noted more and more correspondence was being rec’d via email and circulated to members accordingly.

12ours/2845 Planning Applications/Permission

Following applications received and under consideration:-

Planning Application No DC / 2015 / 01329

Application Type Listed Building Consent

Description of Proposal Demolition of existing modern steel and concrete

Agricultural buildings and the proposed conversion of existing farm buildings (excluding the farm house) to 11 residential dwellings, associated residential curtilages, pubther infrastructure works.

Location: Green Farm, Caldicot Road, Rogiet NP26 3UR

Recommendation: Approval subject to consideration of RCC’s concerns.

Planning Application No DC / 2015 / 00095

Description of Proposal Residential development with associated roads,

drainage etc.

Location: Ifton Manor Farm, Chestnut Drive, Rogiet

NP26 3TH

Recommendation: Approval

Planning Application No DC/2015/01330

Application Type: Conservation Area Consent

Description of Proposal Demolition of existing modern steel and concrete

Agricultural buildings on site.

Location: Green Farm, Caldicot Road, Rogiet. NP26 3UR

Recommendation: Approval

12/2846 Confirm Date of next Meeting

It was confirmed that the Annual Meeting would take place on Monday 9th May 2016 commencing at 6.45pm and the monthly Meeting would commence immediately afterwards .. Meeting closed at 9.40.p.m.

Signed: ______

Dated: ______

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