Conservation Review Form


Artist: (enter name)

Artwork Title/Component:(enter title)

Site/Agency:(enter name)

Conservation Specialist:(enter your name)

WSAC Project Manager:(enter name)

Date:(enter date)

You should have received most or all of the documents listed below. Please check the box for each received:

Technical drawings showing artwork components, their attachment points, and hardware

Technical installation drawing showing anchoring system to foundation, footing, and/or attachment point, including hardware

Technical drawing showing foundation and/or footing, if applicable

Written description of the materials and finishes of each material (or of materials in consideration)

Written description of concept and imagery

Material samples and/or product specifications and Material Safety Data Sheets

Scale renderings or maquette of artwork, labeled with dimensions, materials, and hardware

Location of artwork on site/floor plan or photograph

Other: (enter description text)

Proposal Assessment

The proposal assessment is broken into four subsections: Materials; Structure/Fabrication;Technological/Mechanical Components; and Maintenance/Conservation.


Assess eachmaterial,including hardware and protective finishes, proposed by the artist. Consider short and long-term environmental factors, as well as public interaction. As needed, recommend possible alternatives in size(gauge) and/or different materials (for additional bullet points, simply use a hard return at the end of recommendation text).When providing a recommendation, please explain how and why the recommendationwill benefit the artwork.

MATERIAL (1)-(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

MATERIAL (2)-(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

MATERIAL (3) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

MATERIAL (4) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

MATERIAL (5) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

MATERIAL (6) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

HARDWARE (1) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

HARDWARE (2) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)


Assess anyproposed technological systems, mechanical components, and equipment that are necessary to the function of the artwork. Provide recommendations and explain how they will benefit the artwork.

TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (e.g. computer components/software, circuit boards, LED systems) - (enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

MECHANICAL COMPONENTS (e.g. kinetic parts, bearings, sound implements) - (enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO THE FUNCTION OF THE ARTWORK(e.g. air compressor, video monitor, projector) - (enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)


Assess the proposed fabrication techniques and any issues relating to material combinations,particularly focusing on inherent vice.Provide recommendations and explain how your recommendations will benefit the artwork.

Fabrication of Components and Structure -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

Assess the installation methods proposed and provide recommendations.Explain how your recommendations will benefit the artwork.

Installation -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

WSAC asks artists to design with deinstallation in mind, given building remodeling and the potential need for removal for conservation.Assess the reversibility of specific components and the entire artwork.Provide recommendations to enhance reversibility.

Reversibility - (enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

Assess environmental factors that may impact the artwork and provide recommendations.Explain how your recommendations will benefit the artwork:

Landscape -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

HUMAN INTERACTION including vandalism - (enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS - (enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)


Assess short and long-term maintenance requirements, including routine and irregular, but anticipated maintenance requirements. Recommend maintenance procedures.

Routine Maintenance(occurring at less than 5 year intervals) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

Anticipated Special Maintenance(occurring every 5-20 years) -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

Artwork Lifespan

Anticipate the condition of the artwork throughout its lifespan by the intervals listed below:

Short-Term (0-5 years)ExcellentGoodFairPoor

Mid-Term(5-15 years)ExcellentGoodFairPoor

Long-Term (15-30 years)ExcellentGoodFairPoor

Assess potential conservation and restoration needs in the future.If possible, provide recommendations to ensure the greatest lifespan of the artwork.

Anticipated Lifespan of Artwork -(enter assessment text)

  • (enter recommendation text)

Additional Comments and Recommendations -

  • (enter comments and recommendation text)

ArtsWA Comments

Follow-up review and comments from ArtsWA staff:

For Agency Use Only