Sample Lesson Plans

Fitness Awareness – Kindergarten

Lesson Focus: Fitness – Cardiovascular and muscular endurance

Standards/ Maryland Learning Outcomes:

1.3.2.Identify the health related and fitness components.

1.3.6.Identify factors that promote or limit physical activity.

Integration: Draw a picture of a person and place a heart on the correct area of the body.

Objectives: The students will be able to:


  • Sustain moderate physical activity.


  • Shows joy and excitement for movement experiences


  • Identify feelings that result from participation in physical activities.
  • Recognize that physical activity is good for personal well-being.

Materials: Poster of the human body and functions, paper and crayons.

Warm-Up: (5 min.)

Head rolls – right/left

Shoulder rolls

Arm circles – forward/backwards

Trunk rotations – forward, right side, backwards, left side, and repeat.

Quads stretch – hold onto wall, grab foot behind body and pull upward.

Toe reaches – reach and count to 10

Ankle stretch – rise up on tippy toe

Run in place 30 sec.

Introductory Activity: (10 min.) – Have students feel for their heart. Ask them how does it feel, is it beating fast or slow? Ask them do they know what the heart does for the body? Talk about this special heart and the importance it is to living a healthy life.

  1. Single line formation in the middle of the gym. Student spread out by extending their arms out in front not to touch the person in front of them. On signal, students will slide-step to the right wall, then the left.
  2. Run around the gym once, then do ten sit-ups, and go to the circle and sit pretzel style.

Repeat question, How is your heart beating now ? Are you breathing heavier?

  1. Quickly skip to one end of the gym, jump up and down 5 times in a row and return to the circle to sit.

How are your legs feeling, tried? Explain how the heart is pumping the blood to your leg muscles.

  1. Touch your nose on all four walls, crab walk to the circle and touch your elbow on the line, bear walk to 2 different black lines, and return to the circle line.

How do your arms feel?

Let’s place our hand on our heart. What is it doing now? Is your breathing getting heavier?

Cool-Down Activity :( 5 min.)

Jog around the gym 2 times

Walk to the front of the gym, then the back.

Repeat the Warm-Up stretches

Closing Activity: (10 min.)

Open discussion with visuals to follow-up the lesson about the heart and cardiovascular system. Explain factors that could damage the heart: Eating too much junk food, smoking, drugs, not exercising.

Have the students draw to express what they have learned.

Games and Sport basics/Underhand tossing

Kindergarten grade level

23 students

I. Topic/Unit of Study

Games and Sport basics/Underhand tossing

II. Objectives

The students will be able to:

-demonstrate the underhand toss using their dominant hand to a distance of 10 feet into a square target on the wall

-demonstrate correct technique of a one-handed underhand throw at a target 10 feet away

-demonstrate the difference between an overhand and underhand throw

-demonstrate basic locomotor movements while traveling in forward and sideways directions and change directions quickly in response to a signal (M.L.O. 4.3.1)

-travel, indifferent ways, in a large group without bumping into each others or falling (M.L.O. 3.3.2)

-sustain moderate physical activity (M.L.O. 3.3.7)

-recognize that physical activity is good for personal well-being (M.L.O. 1.3.4)

-participate in developmentally strength and flexibility activities to enhance manipulation and control of body weight (M.L.O. 5.3.2)

-work in pairs while sharing a ball for equal practice (M.L.O. 3.3.2)

III. Equipment

23 – yarn balls and square targets on the wall

1 – hoop per paired students

2 – large boxes

1 – music box

1 - poster chart with steps to demonstrate an underhand throw

IV. Assessment for objective(s)

-performance rubric on underhand throw

-checklist for observation of locomotor skills

V. Lesson Procedures

Warm-up:Stop/Go Loco’s

Students will scatter around gymnasium on direction of the teacher. The teacher will call out specific locomotor movements in which the students will perform in open space around the gymnasium. On signal, students will stop for directions and travel with new movements. Teacher may use this for observation assessment.

Loco Relay

Students will line up 4 to 6 in a line. On signal first student in each line will perform a locomotor movement across the gymnasium, return to original line to tap hands with next person in line. As each student finishes their turn they will sit at the end of the line until everyone in the line has had a turn. Teacher may use this for observation assessment.

Stretch/Fitness Awareness:

BFS Flexibility Program sheet – to improve and teach students how to perform stretching correctly

Jellybellies and 5 push-ups – to improve strength of the abs and arms for future Presidential Fitness testing

Skill-Development Activities:

-Students will practice correct technique of the underhand throw without a ball. Discussing the use of dominant/non-dominant hands and opposite side of the body. A demonstration of arm swing, transferring weight, and releasing the ball.

-Students will practice from a line into open space with a ball

-Hoop Tossing: Students with pair up and share a hoop. Both students will place hoop on the floor and take two giant steps back from the hoop. Feet together, hold ball in your favorite hand. Step forward on the foot opposite to your throwing hand. Toss upward and out. Keep you eyes on the target and let your hand follow your ball to the hoop.

5x’s – favorite hand, and other hand. Try moving a step further back.

-Wall Target Tossing: Each student will be ask to find their own square on the wall, when they get there to place the ball under their chin and remain standing next to the square until directions are given. Students will be asked to move to the blue line in front of the square and face the wall. Stand feet together and perform the underhand toss into the square. Remember to step into your throw! Try 10 times for practice. How many times can you hit the ball into the square? Take one step back away from your target and toss again.

-Toss Away: A box will be placed in the middle of 2 circles, split the class in half. Have the students try to toss their ball into the box. If you miss, do 3 jumping jacks and try again, until your ball lands in the box.

Concluding Activity: Review

- students will name a locomotor movement, and point to it on the


-students will demonstrate left hand and opposite foot for a stamp.

-Hand-out locomotor word find for homework.

VI. Assessment of Lesson:

Name ______

Date ______

2-3 Fitness

I. Objectives of Lesson

  1. Children will review last lesson.
  2. Children will be able to do the Scissors.
  3. Children will be able to do Toe-to-Toe.
  4. Children will be able to the reverse wheelbarrow.
  5. Children will be able to walk on hands like a seal.
  6. Children will be able to review the lesson.

II. Equipment- CD player

III. Activity and Time Allotment

  1. Warm-up—toe touches, arm circles, leg circles. Check pulse.
  2. Stunts—scissors, Toe-to-Toe, reverse wheelbarrow.

C.Game- Seal Tag

  1. Review lesson
  2. Homework

IV. Follow-up—Write about- Why exercise is good for you.

  1. References—MuscleBuilding Games

4-5 Fitness

I. Objective of Lesson

  1. Children will be able to do warm-up exercises.
  2. Children will be able to do a fun activity with a parachute.
  3. Children will be able to walk up and down the rope.
  4. Children will be able review and do homework.

II. Equipment—Parachute, Climbing ropes, and Hoops

III. Activity and Time Allotment

  1. Warm-up—Hopping into Hoop-right, left, forward, backward. Check pulse and heart rate.
  2. Fun activity Parachute—shaking, turning to right and left and releasing parachute.
  3. Climbing ropes—walk up and down and climb not using feet going up, but using feet going down.
  4. Review and homework.

IV. Follow-up Find out what is a Horizontal bar and how is it used

V. References—BCPSS Guide and P.E. for the Elementary School Child

4-5 Rhythms & Horseshoes

I. Objectives of Lesson

  1. Children will be able to do a warm-up.
  2. Children will be able to do a fun activity.
  3. Children will be able to do pattern one with the lummi sticks.
  4. Children will be able to do a review and homework.

II. Equipment—Lummi sticks, CD player, Horseshoes

III. Activity and Time Allotment

  1. Warm-up—Jump to music, side jumps etc. Check pulse rate.
  2. Fun Activity—Chicken Fat
  3. Lummi Sticks—Patterns (tap down, tap together. Tap right, tap down, tap together, tap left)
  4. Review and homework

IV. Follow-up—Make a game that is similar to Lummi sticks with paper towel tubes and a piece of equipment that you can throw.

V. References—BCPSS Guide and Dynamic P.E.

5th Grade – Basketball

Lesson Focus: -

-Assessment: Chest pass, Cross-over dribbling, Free shot at close range, and Overhand lay-up from dominate side

-Fitness Challenge – Jump roping

Standards/Maryland Learning Outcomes:

3.5.1.Chart performance over time in a variety of physical activities to evaluate the relationship between effort and skill improvement

6.5.4.Observe and record skillful movement in daily life experiences exhibited over a designated period (Homework – predictions)

5.5.2.Design and participate in developmentally appropriate strength and muscular endurance activities involving manipulation or control of own body weight.

Objectives: The students will be able to:


  • practice independently a variety of learned basketball skill for assessment
  • demonstrate the chest pass to a target 10’ away in a one minute timed period
  • demonstrate the cross-over dribble in a one minute timed period
  • demonstrate free shot made at close range in a one minute timed period
  • demonstrate dominate side lay-up shots in a one minute timed period
  • demonstrate jump roping skills in a one minute timed period


  • work cooperatively as a group, taking turns during each testing time


  • analyze, detect, and correct errors in personal/partner movement skills
  • record personal/partner scores for assessment

Materials: Basketball for each pair, nets, targets on wall, jump ropes for each student, carpet squares for each pair, assessment sheets (recorded scores, checklist of technique) and pencils for all students. Provide extra review sheets for written test next week.

Warm-Up (10 min.)

Independent practice (2 min.)– jump roping

Assessment: Number of jump rope turns in a minute – record

Strength/Flexibility practice for Presidential Fitness – (3 min.)

40 sit-ups, 15 push-ups, and 3 Toe reaches held for 10 sec. Each

Independent practice for assessment of basketball skills (5 min.) –

Remind students to review skill posters for correct technique

Skill/Development Activity (20 min.)

In one-minute intervals, students are being assessed on skills to be performed (journal sheet). While students are testing for timed assessment, the partners are recording visual assessment for correct technique (checklist).

Cross-over dribble:

  • cross the ball from one hand to the other
  • keep the ball low
  • knees bent, feet spread
  • head up, do not look directly at the ball

Chest pass:

  • hold ball close to chest, with elbow into the side
  • stand with one foot slightly ahead of the other, knees bent, and body crouched low
  • hands on side of ball, fingers relaxed and spread (thumbs pointing up), palms should not touch ball
  • step forward to target, force arms forward, snap wrist, follow-through with thumbs pointing to the floor and fingers pointing at target
  • keep head up, eyes focused on target

Free throw:

Stance –

  • feet shoulder distance apart with the foot under the shooting hand slightly ahead of the other foot
  • knees slightly bent and body square to basket

Hands –

  • level with chin, over leading foot
  • shooting hand under and behind ball on finger pads
  • non-shooting hand under and side of ball for balance/control
  • shooting arm at right angle, lined up with basket
  • wrist cocked back

Head –

  • up and eyes on basket (following ball during shot)

Execution –

  • look at edge of basket, bring ball up just above forehead
  • release ball by straightening the knees, a push of the arm, a flick of the wrist, and a follow-through of arm reaching for the ceiling placing a backspin on the ball

Overhand lay-up:

  • right-handers – step forward left, right, pushing off left (ball on right side), drive right knee up, at highest part of the jump extend arm aiming for the top right corner of the rectangle on the backboard. Eyes focused on target.
  • Left-handers – opposite of the above.

Closing Activity:

Reminder – written test next week, review study guide (history and basic rules. If time allowed, we will play a modified basketball game.

First Grade – Physical Education Lesson Plan

Lesson Focus: Fundamental Movement Skills; Body Awareness, Balance, Directional Pathways/Patterns

Standards/Maryland Learning Outcomes:

2.3.4. Explain and demonstrate the relationship between radius of rotation and rate of rotation for body and objects.

3.3.2. Participate in a variety of new activities and explain the relationship between effort and improvement.

5.3.2. Identify and participate in developmentally appropriate strength activities involving manipulation or control of own body weight.

6.3.1. Demonstrate fundamental movement patterns that serve as the foundation for physical activity

6.3.2.Uses creative movements to communicate and express ideas.

Integration: Journal writing; List 2 different - locomotor movements, directions, pathways, and patterns.

Objectives: The students will be able to:


  • Explore various ways of combining directions and pathways.
  • Start and stop on signal
  • Demonstrate locomotor skills using a variety of movement forms with control landings.


  • Demonstrate a willingness to create movement sequences with others.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to play and share ideas, space, and equipment with others.


  • Knows names and meanings of directions, and pathways of moving
  • Understands meaning of safety of self and others.

Materials: Locomotor/Nonlocomotor word wall, Directional, pathway, and pattern poster strips. 1- Frisbee, 1- football, beach balls for every 2 students.

Warm-Up: (10 min.)

Review learned locomotor skills. Students scatter on signal/music, begin with a called locomotor movement, and freeze on next signal. Add direction (forward, backward, sideways) to the movement. Stop anytime to review technique.

Stretch/Strength/Presidential Fitness Preparation – Toe reaches (flexibility),

Half crunchers – lye on back, knees flexed, feet flat on floor. Have students lift their shoulders and head off the floor, reaching for their knees and recite the alphabet. Hollow bridge holds - Students lye on stomach, raise up onto their forearms and flat part of their laces on tennis shoes, hold, holding tummy in, and keeping their body tight for a 20 count. Variation = push-up position hold, walk hands wider part.

Introductory Activity: (10 min.) Students will travel in four different directions and several different pathways. Try different body parts. Create your own combination of directions and pathways. Make one for a friend. Add patterns.





forwardspiralfigure 8



Variations –Add a beanbag on body parts.

Game Skill/Independent Activity: (5 min.)

Circular movement vs. rotation/radius– Students get with a partner. Grab hands and spin around in a circle. Next have the students move their feet closer to one another, lean back, and spin in a circle. Ask the students to explain the difference.

Which one moved faster? Demonstrate a frisbee on the top side spinning vs. a football on its tip spinning. Things move faster when closer together.

Closing Activity (5 min.)– “Beach ball Balance”

Have students find partners who are approximately the same size. Have one of the partner collect a beach ball, and then find a free space. How many different ways can you balance the ball between you and your partner without using your hands. Can you do it while moving? Can you pick the ball up off the floor without your hands? Do you improve with practice?

Assessment: Check off list with visual picture of various pathways for the students to mark when they have performed the skill.

Grade 1 – Fitness Awareness

Lesson Focus: Fitness – Cardiovascular/Muscular Endurance

Standards/Maryland Learning Outcomes:

1.3.2. Identify the health related and fitness components

1.3.6. Identify factors that promote or limit physical activity.

Integration: Write one important reason we need to keep the heart healthy.

Objectives: The student will be able to:


  • Perform flexibility, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance exercises.
  • Sustain moderate physical activity.


  • Show joy and excitement for movement experiences.
  • Work with a partner or small group.


  • Identify feelings that result from participation in physical activities.
  • Recognize that physical activity is good for personal well-being.

Materials: Poster of the human body and functions, paper and pencil.

Warm-Up: (5 min.)

Play up beat music, and have the students run (hop on right foot, jump, march, hop on left foot) in place. Add locomotor skills. Discuss the importance of cardiovascular endurance.