Elmwood School 2016-2017 Raising Achievement Plan (RAP)

Ofsted Area and overall effectiveness / Quality of Teaching (Good; March 2014)
Achievement of Pupils (Good; March 2014)
Ofsted Priority: / N/A
School Priority: / To develop depth of thought and independence through consolidation of learning; preparing learners for the next stages of their education.
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
To devise a CPD programme that addresses independence through consolidation of learning. / 1.  Identify the emerging needs within Teachers (and instructors) and Teaching Assistants.
2.  Provide notice to staff regarding training programme.
3.  Liaise with Teaching School Alliance regarding current practice around independence and consolidation of learning. / 1.  Staff have a skill shift towards improvement.
2.  91% of staff regularly attend staff training (32/35 staff).
3.  Access to relevant training through Teaching School Programme and possible collaboration. / 1.  Staff personal journey of development, where did they start and where are they now.
2.  Registers and apologies for non-attendance.
3.  Termly CPD review across the alliances. / 1.  Autumn Term 2016
2.  Termly 2016-17
3.  Termly 2016-17 / Teaching Schools Training Overview (Barr Beacon Secondary School; Lindens Primary School; Ryders Hayes Primary School).
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
Knowledge Wheels introduced into every learning area / classrooms. / 1.  Design and create the knowledge wheels with Pool Hayes Academy.
2.  Deliver training on the theory and purpose of the knowledge wheel within their own practice (differentiated to level functioning within the school). / 1.  Completed knowledge wheel and reinforced within Curriculum Model (on website).
2.  Training delivered and views sought from staff and pupils.
3.  Every classroom / learning area to display next to interactive white board (for reference).
4.  Teaching Assistants have personalised copy to make reference to when questioning pupils learning.
5.  Questions are pitched at a level that stretches and challenges the pupils (using English and maths data to compound this).
6.  Pupils are working more independently (behaviour permitting). / 1.  Review and amend curriculum model to reflect changes to the school client group.
3.  Curriculum walks by SLT, feedback to specific staff (as required).
4.  Curriculum walk and focus on formal lesson observations.
5.  (as in point 3 and 4).
6.  (as in point 3, 4 and 5).
7.  LINK Governor visit (Numeracy). / 1.  Autumn Term 2016
2.  Autumn Term 2016 / Pool Hayes reprographics department / Traded service against Team Teach Training.
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
Pupils are developing language of high order thinking. / 1.  Align Blooms Taxonomy / Knowledge Wheel to school assessment systems.
2.  Research and develop a structured writing curriculum that develops our Lower Attainers to secure at least expected progress from their baseline.
3.  Year 11 peer mentoring to support intervention method of teaching and learning. / 1.  Pupils stretch and challenge their language from their starting points. Focus on pupil progress in writing in KS3 to secure the majority of pupils to achieve “above expected progress” from baseline.
3.  Year 11 perceptions of being a Teaching Assistant. / 1.  Curriculum Walks from SLT.
2.  Review of “Big Write” curriculum. Termly data analysis (specifically around writing.
3.  Pupil perception and also if there has been any negative impact on their own learning. / 1.  Autumn Term 2016
2.  Spring Term 2017
3.  Spring and Summer Term 2017 / Pool Hayes reprographics department / Traded service against Team Teach Training.
Prepare Year 11’s for the next stages of their education. / 1.  Year 11’s to have access to Fast Tomato to inform career next steps.
2.  Year 11’s to have access to a minimum of 3 sessions with IACG (one per term).
3.  Pupils to experience interview preparation through PSHE (11a) and Study Skills (11b).
4.  Personal interviews with DHT and FSW to reinforce and firm up offers at Post 16. / 1.  All pupils have a Fast Tomato career pathway.
2.  Career Pathway Plan generated and discussed with pupil and parents / carers. Attendance register and engagement statement from IACG.
3.  Pupils engage and participate in “mock interviews”.
4.  Feedback and information shared with Post 16 providers. / 1.  DHT has access to Fast Tomato profiles for every pupil.
2.  DHT moderates Career Pathway Plan prior to submission to EHCP.
3.  Discussion with pupils and IACG regarding their feelings and thoughts about the interview process.
4.  (as above in point 3). / 1.  Autumn Term 2016
2.  Termly 2016-17
3.  Spring Term 2017
4.  Summer Term 2017
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
Create a “Pupil Leadership Team” (PLT) / 1.  Look at selection criteria for a PLT and their roles and responsibilities.
2.  Liaise with Ryders Hayes Teaching School around the impact of their PLT.
3.  Devise termly rotation of meetings which feed into SLT and feedback to school council meetings.
4.  Timetable of learning and engagement walks by the PLT.
5.  Ascertain a criterion reference for a “good” lesson that promotes engagement and learning of pupils. / 1.  Roles and Responsibilities created for PLT members.
2.  Learn from other PLT from different settings.
3.  Attendance and input into meetings, have the PLT impacted on the learning.
4.  PLT completed learning walks and fed back to SLT, implementing recommendations.
5.  PLT will have input into what a ‘good’ lesson looks like from a child perspective. / 1.  Clerk to Governors checks the roles and responsibilities for these positions (aligned to other committees within the governance).
2.  SLT visit Ryders Hayes Teaching School to look at how they work and the impact they have had on learning and the school.
3.  Attendance registers and frequency of meetings (aligned to governance meeting committees).
4.  Termly review meetings with SLT.
5.  Share criteria with SLT regarding their perceptions of a “good” lesson and share with staff for consultation before commencing learning walks. / 1.  Autumn Term 2016
2.  Autumn Term 2016
3.  Autumn Term 2016
4.  Spring Term 2017
5.  Spring Term 2017
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
Learning consolidated through teaching peers across the school. / 1.  Identify subject areas that would enable peer teaching to be productive and informative. For instance PSHE topics; Wider Key Skills; BTEC Sport; maths and English.
2.  Liaise with class teacher regarding suitability of subject content – is it accurate. / 1.  Pupils are able to demonstrate leadership skills within a variety of areas. Pupils compound their own learning through teaching to others, resulting in greater working memory and maintained or accelerated progress.
2.  Pupils are able to work in collaboration and accept feedback from others to improve work “CRAFTING not DRAFTING” approach. / 1.  Subject teacher will review and liaise with staff regarding suitability of learning to take place within the curriculum.
2.  Joint Planning with teacher planned into lessons. / 1.  Spring Term & Summer Term 2017
2.  As in point 1
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
To secure 31% of Year 9-11 pupils to be able to safely transport into school independently (without effecting their attendance and / or punctuality). / 1.  Work alongside the SEND Transport Team to look at VFM for identified pupils with years 9-11.
2.  Work alongside the allocated “Travel Training” contact at LA.
3.  Joint applications with parents / carers for pupil bus passes.
4.  Pupils to experience a variety of travel components through Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) ethos.
5.  Work with identified professionals from different agencies to support travel training for specific pupils. / 1.  Reduction in cost to the SEND Transport Team for Elmwood.
2.  Identified member of staff support / attend relevant annual reviews and Progress and Achievement Events to allay fears of parents / carers.
3.  Success application for bus passes.
4.  Pupils able to plan a transport route to a destination and address a change of plan within that route.
5.  Transport plans supported for Post 16 provisions (one named). / 1.  VFM report from the SEND Transport Team.
2.  Feedback from identified member of staff from parents / carers about their concerns and how to overcome.
4.  Teacher leading the LOtC experience and feedback to SLT.
5.  DHT and FSW to support transition arrangements to Post 16 provision. Also link Governor visit (attendance). / 1.  Spring Term 2017 & Summer Term 2017
2.  Spring Term 2017
3.  Termly 2016-17
4.  Summer Term 2017
5.  Spring Term 2017
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
Raise pupils’ awareness of next stages of their education. / 1.  Provide experiences for KS3 pupils to sit in KS4 lessons.
2.  Develop allocated peer buddies (vertical tutor groupings, possibly within house systems).
3.  Experience at local colleges regarding Post 16 options.
4.  100% of year 9 pupils to attend Kidzania to inform Person Centred Planning.
5.  Transition focus for Progress and Achievement Event (Spring Term) / 1.  Pupils experience the academic and maturity demands of lessons within KS4 (myth busting).
2.  KS3 pupils are able to discuss their thoughts and feelings about transition and KS4 pupils are able alleviate the anxieties.
3.  Raise aspirations and pupils are fully aware of the choices open to them. Parents / carers are also briefed about these choices as well at EHCP reviews.
4.  Raise aspirations for pupils preparing them for options event and inform a bespoke KS4 curriculum. / 1.  Experience discussed through School Council.
2.  As in point 1 and through weekly mentoring sessions.
3.  Pupil evaluations and feedback from Post 16 providers about the pupils needs of Elmwood. Pupils’ Transition Plan and / or Carers Pathways Plan reviewed annually.
4.  As point 3 re: pupil feedback.
5.  Feedback from Post 16 providers; pupils and parents / carers regarding impact. Also look at attendance at event. / 1.  Summer Term 2017
2.  Summer Term 2017
3.  Summer Term 2017
4.  Spring Term 2017
5.  Spring Term 2017
Ofsted Area and overall effectiveness / Leadership and Management (Good; March 2014)
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare (Good, March 2014)
Ofsted Priority: / N/A
School Priority: / To increase awareness around Internet Safety reducing the number of incidents around inappropriate internet usage.
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
To provide pupils with activities that raise awareness around Internet Safety. / 1.  Look at National and Local events going on around Internet Safety.
2.  School competitions (aligned to school house systems).
3.  Timetable of whole school assemblies.
4.  Liaise with CEOP Provider’s (Shelfield Academy) / 1.  School aligned to National and Local events occurring.
2.  School cup presented to winning house and any other certificate of participation.
3.  Termly diary of assemblies to occur around Internet Safety.
4.  An appropriate KS3 and KS4 resource bank to support curriculum delivery. / 1.  Review calendar and any timetable clashes (associated with other in school events).
3.  Shared on website.
4.  Review curriculum delivery (staff and pupils) for 2017-18. / 1.  Autumn Term 2016
3.  Termly 2016-17
4.  Summer Term 2017 / 4.  Resources purchased and any training from Shelfield Academy.
Promote Internet Safety across the school (visuals) / 1.  Visual murals created within high traffic areas.
2.  Visual displays of (age appropriate) material for each of the learning bases (social area).
3.  Information brochures / leaflets for parents / carers to enable them to safeguard and challenge their children.
4.  Materials shared on the website of “alerts” around Internet Safety. / 1.  Completed murals that have visual impact.
2.  As in point 2.
3.  Area within mains reception allocated to support Internet Safety.
4.  Visual and up to date information on the website. / 3.  Visual checks aligned to termly Progress and Achievement Events.
4.  Termly website compliance check (with support from Governors and School Improvement Partner). / 1.  Autumn Term 2016
2.  Spring Term & Summer Term 2017
3.  Termly 2016-17
4.  As in point 3.
(Focus) / Actions
(Processes) / Success criteria
(Outcomes) / Monitoring arrangements
(Outputs) / Evaluation process and time line
(Monitor) / Resources
(Input) / Budget Code
Promote use of safe practice and vocabulary around Internet Safety / 1.  Identify pupils at high vulnerability around the use of the Internet.
2.  Targeted Interventions for those identified as high vulnerability.
3.  Provide drama activities that engage pupils of the consequences of un-safe behaviour on the Internet.
4.  Visual noise around SMART. / 1.  Intervention group created and other agencies identified on pupils safeguarding plan (if appropriate).
2.  Attendance and engagement of intervention group.
3.  Produce a piece of work that demonstrates pupils’ knowledge and understanding.
4.  SMART posters placed at entrance points to learning bases and social areas. / 1.  Feedback from intervention group and staff leading.
2.  Register of attendance and engagement in Intervention.
3.  Piece of work is celebrated and shared on website (if possible).
4.  Curriculum walks, any posters not in place replace. / 1.  Termly 2016-17
2.  As point 1