Post Doc Society Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting: / Invited: / Jane Dalton JD, Liz Rylott LR, Katrin Besser KB, Erica Kintz EK, Tim Ganderton TG / Date: / Wednesday Mar 26th, 20142.30pm / Apologies: / JD / Venue: / Q block R208
Discussion Point / Outcome / Action required
Check minutes from Feb meeting / agreed / KB to add to web pages
new PDSC member? / nobody came forward yet; target someone personally at next C&P event and Research away day / all of us
taking of general minutes from meetings of PDSC with other parties / agreed to briefly minute meetings with third parties (ie all reps, HoD) and send to PDS email account for future reference / someone to volunteer before meetings to take minutes and email them
feedback on meeting with Richard (Chair Board of Studies) - set action plan
see emails Fiona W, Fiona F / the only time slot that PD can teach is term 3 wks 8/9; 4x 1h slots per week will be offered; “Journal type” style suggested, where PD talks in detail about a current publication from own lab; support is available to time table and advertise the event and liaise with student association / LR to draft email to be circulated to PDs asking for interest/volunteers in such lecturing series and to set up a working group to finalise the format/style of those lectures;
also include info on upcoming teaching courses organised by the RDT as forwarded in email by Fiona F; all to contribute to draft
upcoming teaching courses
see email Fiona F / to be send to PDs, s.a. (LR)
update on Research away day developments / Erica discussed Ian’s ideas on how to change format of talks and balance PD vs PI talks in committee meeting but other members were not very open to this / EK to keep lobbying and motivating PDs to contribute to the Research Away day
PDS poster for Research away day / poster content should be kept as previously but updated with new members / KB to update and re-print; put poster up in Atrium before and after Away day
Careers day with Sarah Blackford - set date / will be open to PhDs and PDs; Nina agreed to fund parts of the day; Sarah will do 3h workshop; lunch will be provided and speaker sessions organised for afternoon; draw on Lorna Warnock contacts for speakers; in Sept / LR to coordinate with Lorna and try to set a date
Hilary replacement - meet Lorna - Hilary resources (books, web page) / Lorna W. actually joined the meeting here; offered support and help for PDs where possible, especially with industrial contacts (eg for Coffee & Careers), but also CVs, interview preparation, career advice etc.; so she is our replacement for Hilary even though her official title is “student employability manager”; Lorna’s admin support will not start until Oct, so she is very stretched at the moment and won’t be able to run the Coffee & Careers at the moment which will stay with us for now; Hilary’s resources are still in the office B/K/225 which stays unlocked for everybody to use; unclear who will deliver the tutorial workshop to PD / KB to add Lorna’s contact details as Hilary replacement and info on resources to webpage
LW to find out who runs small group teaching workshops for PDs who want to offer tutorials (prev. run by Hilary); change web pages to include her details on Training and Careers page of Biology Dep.
next Coffee and pastries
set date / Greiner agreed to sponsor and be present (John); date already set at 3.4.14 M023 at 10.15am / TG to send invitation emails to PDs (as before); KB to add date to website
Chocolate and Whisky Socials - integrated with Biology social committee / Chocolate and Wine event info forwarded to Social committee who wants to discuss at next meeting and organise (we offered help) / wait for their feedback
Set a date for start of skills share / JD will set date soon
Other business / none
Next meeting date
and chair / LR to doodle poll for dates and JD volunteered by us to chair next meeting and send out agenda