Summary of Executive and General Board Reports
Virginia State Council
Epsilon Sigma Alpha International
October 2015 via email
The VSC Fall Leadership and Council meetings in Norfolk, Virginia were cancelled due to inclement weather as a result of Hurricane Joaquin. All correspondences have been completed via electronic means.
NOTE: Mnay reports were submitted by the committee chairs prior to the cancellation of the meeting, therefore, some reports reflect the activity that should have taken place during the VSC meeting.
Chaplain’s Message:Theresa Morris
“Remember Who You Are”
by Lysa Terkeurst
There were so many things I wanted to say to my daughter on her first day of high school. Shouldn’t I have a speech, or a famous person’s quote?
I knew she would soon face choices that carried more weight than ever before in her life. We make our choices and then our choices make us, I keep thinking.
I swallowed hard and blinked back the tears. And suddenly I knew exactly what to say: "Remember who you are."
"Remember who you are." In other words, you were created for a purpose. We may not know exactly what that is at the moment, but you were created for a purpose, and are very precious. Live in that truth today.
Yes, "Remember who you are," was the perfect thing to say on this day of new beginnings, not just for my daughter, but for myself.
This doesn’t mean we will never mess up, or let others down. It means we’ve defined what we’re shooting for, and hopefully we’re all in the process of getting closer and closer to hitting the mark.
The Bible says in Proverbs 22:1, "A good name is more desirable than great riches." Calling ourselves Christians is a huge responsibility. Christ’s name is part of our identity.
Correspondence:Judy Williams
No report received.
Reports from White Doves, the VSC Executive Board Members:
1st Vice PresidentSusan Caldwell
- Quiz Questions Prizes
- Awarding of prize(s) for email answer(s) to quiz questions in “Wings” article
- “Report” for VSC General Meeting on October 4, 2015
- Presenting a skit
Full report on file.
2nd Vice PresidentEveleen Harrison
Update on membership growth:
- IC has suggested that Tarah Eliason in North Dakota work on starting a community chapter at Sweet Briar instead of a collegiate college since the future of the college is a bit questionable.
- Eveleen has let Victoria Santiago know that Virginia would love to help with their chartering or help in any way in forming their chapter. She has sent her a registration form for our VSC Convention 2016. They are located in Princeton WV, which is about 2 hours from Roanoke. Carol Campbell has been in touch with Victoria on Facebook.
- Lisa Zachau, the ESA member that recently moved from Australia to Smithfield Virginia attended Theta Mu’s Australia event in September. She currently is Australia’s newsletter chairman and intends to complete her duties before going full bore in Virginia. She asked that she be invited to Virginia events. Chapters, invite her, you will be so glad that you did because she is a fun lady!
- Good news! We have several new members:
- Andrea Johnson joined Beta Sigma in April pledged by Susan Caldwell.
- Sharon Roper was pledged by Vickie Brown into Sigma Chi in July.
- Others? (give them gift)
Welcome ladies! May ESA help make some of your dreams come true. Keep getting those new members, Susan and Vickie! Please everybody help them!
October is Membership Recruitment Month! Need ideas? Here are a few –
- Mini fashion show - invite kids to do the show (can be dress up their stuffed animals or dolls instead of the kids) to get parents to come. Have one or two ESA members interspersed who represent parts of ESA. (You want to keep some ESA members in the audience to check response of guests and give feedback). Invite guests to join ESA. Give information.
- Have a game night and invite guests. Talk about ESA during the fun and invite them to join. Give information.
- Trying out paint night? Take membership information with you to hand out. See if instructor will let you give a 5 minute sales pitch for ESA. Or, better yet, see if the instructor/site will donate a portion of proceeds as a charitable event and then combine the invitation to join ESA.
- Don’t forget that we have an online chapter. If somebody says that they would like to do some of the events but don’t have time to do everything that they have seen you do, let them know that we have chapters that keep in touch via the internet. The chapter is a part of Virginia State Council and the International Council. They get involved in activities that are near and dear to their heart.
- Community membership is in dire need of new men and women! Please get new members and help ESA continue!
Full report on file.
Recording SecretaryLou Ann Wyer
Executive and General Board minutes from the June meeting have been distributed to the recipients. Please take time to read and share with those who may not get an electronic copy.
Reminder emails were sent to the Executive Board and Appointed Committee Chairs to submit their reports in preparation for the October Leadership meeting. Thanks for those who have submitted them in advance.
Full report on file.
Corresponding SecretaryJudy Williams
No report received.
TreasurerBarbara Smith
- Checking Balance on Hand 7/1/15$1097.26
- Total Deposits$2272.16
- Total Disbursements$1305.96
- Checking Balance on Hand 10/4/15$2063.46
- Savings Balance on Hand 7/1/15$5962.01
- Interest earned$0000.16
Savings Balance on Hand 10/4/15$5962.17
Full report on file.
ParliamentarianDeborah Langfitt
Virginia State CouncilProposed Bylaw and Standing Rule Changes:
Now reads:
Section 2. Annual dues shall be payable by each chapter at the rate of $20.00 per chapter member. Of this amount, $10.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable into the VSC treasury October 1, and the remainder of $10.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable April 1. Chapters whose dues are not received by the VCS Treasurer by October 8th and April 8th will not be considered in good standing for purposes of eligibility for contests, awards, motions, voting, nominating officer candidates, and submission of convention bids.
Change to read:
Section 2. Annual dues shall be payable by each chapter at the rate of $22.00 per chapter member. Of this amount, $11.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable into the VSC treasury October 1, and the remainder of $11.00 per chapter member shall be due and payable April 1. Chapters whose dues are not received by the VCS Treasurer by October 8th and April 8th will not be considered in good standing for purposes of eligibility for contests, awards, motions, voting, nominating officer candidates, and submission of convention bids.
The board needs additional funds.
Article VI – Election of Officers
Now reads:
Section 2. There shall be no more than two (2) officers from the same chapter at any one time.
Change to read:
Section 2. There shall be no more than two (2) voting officers from the same chapter at any one time. A third person from a chapter is allowed if that person is the corresponding secretary.
The corresponding secretary is a non-voting member of the Executive Board
Now reads:
Section 1. d) As a sponsor, the Past President shall be responsible for providing an appropriate item to be used as a traveling trophy on which winning chapters may, at their expense, have their chapter name engraved. At such time as the trophy has no more space for additional engraving, the VSC Awards Director shall return the trophy to its owner. The sponsor must make the decision to either continue sponsoring the award and replace the trophy, or relinquish his/her sponsorship.
Change to read:
d) The Past President shall be responsible for providing an appropriate item to be used as a traveling trophy on which winning chapters may, at their expense, have their chapter name engraved. At such time as the trophy has no more space for additional engraving, the VSC Awards Director shall return the trophy to its owner. The owner must make the decision to either continue sponsoring the award and replace the trophy, or relinquish his/her sponsorship.
Clarification of owner/sponsor
Jr Past PresidentSuzanne Smith
No report.
PresidentKathy Gibbons
On behalf of the VSC Executive Board and members, we would like to express our gratitude to both Sue and Flora for all their months involved in planning and securing the hotel and speakers for Leadership. I know it was going to be marvelous from the agenda.
I would like to thank Judy Williams for all her hard work and hours spent producing the VSC 2015-2016 yearbook. Great job!
Reports from Appointed Officers:
Association of the ArtsJudy Brigg
No report received.
Awards Director Pat Holtsclaw
Chapters having a trophy from last year’s awards, please make sure it is engraved and polished. Bring it to the Spring Meeting in March 2016. Reminders will be given in the next issue of the Lamplighter and at the March meeting.
Report on file
Chaplain Theresa Morris
Theresa reported that she just recently received the new rosters for the year and will be updating her weekly distribution list as soon as possible. Unless there is an urgent matter, she plans to send out the VSC Chaplain’s Report on Thursday’s. She can only report the updates that you have sent her way. Please let her know how your chapter sisters are doing!
Since the June Meeting, 18 notes have been sent to our VSC Sisters on your behalf.
Theresa has been passing around a card for Betty Smith – Alpha Omega, who recently moved into a retirement center.
She also had a poster for us to sign. This is to honor Kristine Williamson, as she trains to run the ½ marathon in her honor. As most of you know, Kristine had planned on running Memphis this year. Theresa hopes to have the poster laminated and tie it up at the finish in Memphis – Auto Zone Park, where all the St Jude Heroes come in. Please be sure someone in your chapter sends Theresa a note on your Sisters, so she can update your VSC Sisters!
Full report on file.
ESA for St JudeCarol Campbell
Today we want to celebrateour St Jude Heroes, the members whoeither headedour two walks in Virginia in Greater Richmond and in Norfolk. Also we want to celebrate those members who took the time to be a Gold Warrior on Facebook promoting ourrevised walk and new date. Also its not to late to go on the website and donate as an individual or as a group. Remember to sign in as an ESA Member. Weneed everyone possible to donate his or her $10registrationfee.Get your chapter to participate so we can have100% for VA.
Full report on file.
2016 VSC Convention Chair/Co-ChairBev Scott/Stephanie Hess
Registration flyer has been developed.
See attached at end of report.
Disaster Fund Suzanne Smith
I am so happy you were able to be here today. Our state meetings are so very important and I am truly thankful to be able to share this time with you.
As you probably know, this past Wednesday, the Governor of Virginia declared a State of Emergency for the entire Commonwealth. The forecast is calling for heavy rain and potential flooding. It’s times like this that the importance of the ESA Disaster Fund comes into focus. This fund was put in place to help each of us – ESA members. In addition to assisting ESA members in times of natural disasters, it is also there to help in times of medical emergencies as well.
This is such an important fund, as it is was put in place to help each of us - ESA members. Can you imagine if something like this happened to you? Isn’t it wonderful to know that the disaster fund is available if you need it? In an effort to allow those of you here today to donate to this worthy fund, I am going to pass around my “pot of gold”. As you know, a “pot of gold” is normally found at the end of a rainbow….so think of our VSC General Board meetings this year as the rainbow.
This pot of gold can accommodate coins, dollars, and even checks! If you put in a check, please make it payable to the ESA Disaster Fund. If you put in cash and you are doing so on behalf of your chapter, I would love for you to also add a note into the pot with the amount of your donation and your chapter name. This will allow me to accurately account for each chapter that donates and hopefully will allow us to hit 100% participation. I will be accepting donations until Convention next year. As you start planning for this year, I hope you will consider adding a Disaster Fund donation to your chapter budget. Remember, the donation you make today may end up helping you or one of our Virginia members tomorrow.
A link to both the Disaster Fund guidelines and the application are available on the VSC website – under the Info and Forms tab.
Full report on file.
Easter SealsLynn Keffer
Nothing to report.
Educational Director Edna Plancon
Edna has received some very exciting educational reports so far. Some chapters are electing to visit other countries, she enjoyed reading about Greece and France, since she has visited both of these countries, it brought back a lot of memories. Some are focusing on traditions of other countries, such as wedding traditions in India and how other countries celebrate different holidays. Other chapters are focusing on venues they participate in, in their area.
Chapters need to submit 9 educational reports to qualify for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place award. In fact, ONLY 8 educational reports are needed to qualify for this award. A copy of the reporting form is on the Virginia State website. In the meantime, Edna has a multiple choice question for you.
To keep ants from coming inside your house, you draw a line around the outside
Of your house with -
A. Crayon
B. Pencil
C. Sidewalk Chalk
Or D. Magic Marker
Full report on file.
ESA Foundation CounselorSue Foy
Sue has several reminders:
- Don’t forget to pay your Annual Dues to the Foundation of $15.00 before March 1st in order for your vote to count at the next Annual ESA International Convention in July, 2016.
- Don’t forget that you can support the ongoing mission of the Foundation, which includes scholarship and grant programs with your donation to the Foundation for only a $25 membership fee and annual dues of $15.00.
- You too can start your own, company or chapter’s scholarship endowment for as little as $100.00.
- Don’t forget that your chapter can help the International Council keep its legal designation of a 501(c)3 organization by your chapter using the “Turn Around Funds.”
- If you are a government employee, (or have a friend or relative who is), you can donate money to the Foundation through government payroll deduction. (The ESA Foundation approval number for 2014-15 is 10031 (cfc)
- You can create a lasting legacy through your estate planning in your will or trust.
Current Foundation news for Virginia:
- There are 11 Life Active Virginia members of the Foundation.
- Virginia and West Virginia ESA members sponsored nine scholarships.
- The amount of money given in 2015 in Virginia and West Virginia scholarships was $20,300.00. All but one of the Virginia scholarships was funded this year. The amount of money given is a 30% increase over the year 2014.
Sue needs your help this year. She is having a hard time reaching out to the high school and community college counselors who could make our information available to their students. If you have any contacts with your local high school or community college, please contact them on the Foundation’s behalf. You don’t have to do any work except to give these counselors our website address, and grants.
Also, we may have an opportunity to help the Foundation get the news out about our scholarships through a program being promoted through the community colleges called a “Scholarship Fair”. One was recently held at the Chesapeake CC campus and 3000 high school and college students were expected to show up for information. If an opportunity comes up in your area, I hope that someone in the local chapters would help man a table for a day or two by handing out information flyers.
Please make the Foundation as important as your other worthwhile donations. Put a Foundation donation in your annual budget and encourage your members to become a member of the Foundation so that we can make this ESA entity a lasting one.
Full report on file.
Finance DirectorNicole Lewis