“The Holocaust” Extra Credit Questions


I. Roots of the Holocaust

A. What was the Holocaust? (380)

  1. What did Hitler blame the Jews for doing? (380)
  1. What is this kind of belief known as? (380)

B. How did Hitler initially encourage the persecution of Jews when he came into power? (380)

  1. What were the Nuremberg Laws? (381)
  1. How did the Nazis gain support for anti-semitic policies? (381)

C. What was Kristallnacht? (381)

  1. Why did it occur? (381)
  1. What were the consequences of it? (381)

D. What did many Jews do to escape Nazism? (381)

  1. How did most countries respond to this? (381)
  1. How did the U.S. deal with Jewish refugees on the ocean liner St. Louis? (381)
  1. What happened to these people? (381)

II. Nazis Adopt the “Final Solution”

  1. What were concentration camps? (383)
  1. Why werethey initially set up? (383)
  1. What kinds of people were put in concentration camps? (383)
  1. How were prisoners labeled? (383)
  1. How did prisoners die at first? (383)
  1. What happened to Jews in the areas conquered by Germany? (383)
  1. When did the Nazis come up with their “Final Solution”? (383)

a. How come Holocaust deniers use this meeting as “evidence” that genocide never took place? (383)

  1. How was the “Final Solution” enacted? (383)
  1. How were most Nazi prisoners killed after 1942? (384)
  1. What happened to the hair of murdered prisoners? (384)
  1. What did the Nazis do with the fat of their victims? (384)
  1. Where did the Nazis bury the bodies of murdered prisoners? (384)
  1. How were Jews killed in death camps that did not have gassing equipment? (384)
  1. How many Jews were murdered by the Nazis? (384)
  1. How many other people were victims of Nazi aggression? (384)

III. The Allies and the Holocaust

  1. How could the U.S. government have helped Jews before the Holocaust? (384)
  1. How come it did not help them? (384)
  1. When did the Allies first learn about the Holocaust? (384)
  1. What did the British and Americans decide to do to help Jews in the 1943 Bermuda Conference? (384)
  1. What did Roosevelt do about the Holocaust in 1944? (384)
  1. What were the results of this program? (384)
  1. What were allied forces more concerned with than ending the Holocaust? (384)
  1. When did most Americans learn about the Holocaust? (385)
  1. How did they respond to what they found out? (385)

2. What did the U.S. government support because of this? (385)