October 2010 Newsletter

News from the committee:

We have just had 4 riders sit their C cert congratulations to Tash, Sam, Hannah and Douglas who all passed with flying colours. A Big,big Thank you to Jenny Graham for coaching the riders over the past 6mths. Congratulations also go to all of our D and Pre D riders who completed successful testing last rally. Certificates will be presented at this months lunch time meeting.

Horse trials are almost here and we have already had couple of working bees - Thank you so much to the families who spent their weekend (and week days) mowing, spraying, painting and chopping down fallen trees, the ground look absolutely pristine. Coming up this rally Sunday we will be flagging the X Country course so if you haven’t been able to help so far this will be a great chance for some of you to help Jenny Graham.

X Country Course Closure It is a requirement that the X Country course be closed 3 weeks prior to the Horse trials riders planning on competing at the Horse trails can no longer use the X Country course for riding. Riders caught riding on the course will be eliminated.

Congratulations Tash Londregan who won the Presidents Cup D Grade.

December rally and Presentation Night

Our December rally will be a half day rally with Novelty races, horse and hound event (BYO or borrow a dog) and a mirror image show jumping course. Last year we had lots of fun and plan to have even more this year with the horse and hound where riders ride a low show jump course then hop off the horse, grab the dog and do the course again leading the dog over the jumps. Parents are welcome to join in and ride ($5.00 day attendance to cover insurance).

We will all come back at 6pm for our Presentation evening – BYO picnic dinner and drinks. Presentation will be at 7pm followed by our traditional

ReD Faces - Start planning your act now ( I know the Graham family are already in rehearsals!)

Horse Trials

We still need helpers for the horse trials and we will be directly approaching people at the rally. Sunday will be the last day for you to enter so don’t forget your entry form and money(forms available from website). For our newer riders there will be an unmounted theory session to explain what happens on a HT day and we will also show you how to walk the X Country course and read the course map.

Working Bee:

·  Sat 13 Nov from 10.00am - Set up dressage arenas and Show Jumping

Canteen Roster:

The roster for this month is:

11.30 – 12.30 COOKING Gold Group

12.30 – 1.30 LUNCH SERVICE Green Group

1.30 – 2.30 CLEAN UP Purple Group

Please make an effort to help out the other volunteers in the canteen & don’t forget to mark your hours on your families Voluntary Hours card.


When competing the uniform is either the yellow polo shirt , black jacket, vest or polar fleece or white shirt PC tie and knitted jumper. You cannot wear the jumper with the polo shirt or the shirt and tie with the jacket or fleece.

If you need new uniform see Jo in the uniform Shop (big shed) at lunch time.

Gear Check:

Gear check is compulsory prior to starting your lessons, this also applies to UNMOUNTED riders. Failure to attend a gear check will result in you being marked absent on your card for the day & may affect your eligibility to compete!!!

Upcoming Events:

·  14 Nov Gisborne Horse Trials

·  28 Nov Riddells Creek Dressage and Show Jumping (Presidents Cup and State qualifier 2011)

·  28 Nov Whittlesea Show Jumping (Presidents Cup and State qualifier 2011)

·  12 Dec Zone Dressage and Show Jumping State Qualifier ( grade 3,2,1 Dress and C,B A SJ)

Events: Entry is up to the individual rider for club events once graded. You can compete at any clubs event. For Zone and Team events, entries are completed by the club – you need to register you interest with the DC. Entry forms can be downloaded from individual club web sites or from the Central Zone site at www.centralzone.ponyclubvic.org.au

Remember: You need an up to date card, pony club competition uniform & medical armband to compete.

Showjumping Events: Competitions that consist of Showjumping ONLY

Horse Trials & One Day Events: Competitions that have 3 sections to the event – Dressage, Showjumping & Cross-country.

Super Cross: Horse trails without Dressage. Show Jumping and X Country only.

Combined Training Day: Competitions that have 2 sections to the event – Dressage & Showjumping.

Games Days: A day when teams from each Club compete against each other in different “games” contests.

Gymkhanas: Events where lots of different competitions are held – some testing riding skills, showing skills & some fun events.

Parent or Care Giver at Rallies:

Just a reminder that a parent or a designated responsible adult MUST stay with riders throughout the rally. If a child does not have someone at the grounds, then they will be asked to dismount their pony & watch for the rest of the day or until the parent/care giver returns.

With thanks to our valued sponsors:

Thanks to Brumbys Bakery Gisborne who supply our bread and rolls.