PDR Reviewee Training
PDR Meeting Preparation Form
To get the most from your meeting, you should complete this form and give a copy to your reviewer at least 10 working days before your review, to give them time to consider your problems and suggestions. If you do so it will not be copied or filed without your permission.
NameSchool/ service
Last review date
Next review date and time
Please bring to your review meeting your Job Description, if you have one, your current Professional Development Review form and Values and Behaviours development wheel (below), if you feel it would be beneficial.
1. What changes have there been in your job over the past year?
2. What opportunities do you have to regularly discuss your work and Personal action plan?
3. To what extent have you carried out any changes which were agreed with your reviewer at the last appropriate meeting?
4. Have you exceeded your objectives? If so, please comment.
5. What parts of your job do you:
a)do best?
b)do less well / have difficulty with?
c)enjoy most?
d)enjoy least?
6. List any difficulties you have in carrying out your work. Were there any obstacles outside your control which prevented you from performing effectively?
7. With regard to your development, review and update your personal learning account in HR Connect and consider:
a)What learning / development have you undertaken during this year?
b)Which University Values was your development focused on?
c)How much of it was planned?
d)How relevant has it been to your job and what difference has it made to you and others?
e)How have you incorporated your learning and development into how you approach your work?
8. Have you any additional skills, aptitudes or knowledge not fully utilised in your job? If so, what are they & how could they be used?
9. Having completed the development wheel (below), identify the areas that you would like to focus your development (personal and organisational) on and explain why.
10. Suggest any learning & development which would help to improve your work performance or development?
11. Consider what helpful feedback you would like to give your reviewer on what is working well and what they or your colleagues could do differently to help you to improve your performance or the way you work together.
12. Additional remarks, notes or suggestions?
Professional Development Review (PDR)
Appendix B
1Preparation form (self-review)