Harborside PTSO Minutes

November 1, 2016

Attendees: Jeremy Johnson, Jon Henningfield, Lisa Winter, Stephanie Brown, Nicole Cramer, Kathy Henningfield, Michelle Tench, Jamie Tench, Ben Jerry, Karyn Johnson, Yulia Strehlow, Tessa Joyce, Katie Carpenter, Cindy Renavd, Judy Reuter, Sarah Reuter, David Hrycay, Carrie Greskoviak, Anna Kersten, Leah Taber, Grace Taber, Maggie Strojinc, Brenna Strojinc, Chloe Falcon, Amber Engel, Evan Engel, Michelle Baen, Kelly Santos, Amalia Santos, T’Darra Quinn, Emahni C, Syncer Q, Nyhsir B, Jackie Liesch, Isabella Sauceda

/ Discussion / Recommendations/
Conclusions / Action/
Call to order at 6:34pm
Approval of Minutes / Corrections presented on Oct minutes
Motion to approve Leah Taber & Michelle Baen /

Updated Oct minutes

Treasurer’s Report / Motion to approve David Hrycay & Michelle Tench /
Principal’s Report / *Mr. H spoke about the changes to Infinite Campus w/ Habits Of Success, knows there are issues, they are working on them. Spoke about how students can go into academic intensive if failing any of the 7 HOS. Self assessment is 30% of total grade
*Students presented at EL Conf in Detroit, it was a great experience & they did a great job /
Vigeo / Jon described how the program works:Can earn $ for students (8th Gr DC trip, PTSO, 10th Gr Statue) & yourself. % or $ is split into school fund & your fund. Once you earn $50, Vigeo sends you a check. Best part is that it’s FREE! Different local businesses give different amt of purchases & can get up to 5 Special Offers through email & Kenosha News. / Vigeo will give Harborside an extra donation for getting new sign-ups...see Mr Henningfield for more info & sign up /
Fundraising / 3 spots still open for Craft Fair table
Poinsettia forms are due Thursday, 75% of profits go into ELOB account.
Volunteer & Donation sheets will be sent out for pancake breakfast & teacher appreciation / Need Volunteers to help unload poinsettias on Friday Nov 18th. Pick-up is Sat Nov 19th /
Old Business / NA /
New Business / *Mrs Renaud spoke about 8 yearbook students going to JEA in Indianapolis next week where they will speak in front of 3,000-4,000 students, Cost of trip is $400 per student, asked for help from PTSO to cover costs.
Tessa & Katie spoke about their experiences
*Sign up for Amazon Smile when shopping on Amazon, they donate .5% to “Harborside Academy PTSO” /

PTSO & Parents voted to give up to $100 per student.

Motion to approve Kathy Henningfield & Judy Reuter

ELOB incentive / We are filling up room 340, may have to meet in cafe for future meetings! :) / Sarah Rueter won /
Motion to Adjourn
at 7:28pm / Karyn Johnson & Nicole Cramer /