SacramentoASTDBoard Meeting
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
This meeting will be conducted via conference call
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM (or hopefully shorter)
Dial your telephone conference line: 1-719-785-4469 or 1-888-450-4821
Cell phone users dial: 1-719-785-4469
Enter yourpasscode: 596460
Board Members Attending: TomMoore, President, Tina Shaw, Past-President, , MicheleMariscal, Membership, JudyIsaman, Finance, SherryWalck, Co-Programs Director,AlonaJennings, Special Events Associate
Board Members Absent: Bruce Winner, Communications & Marketing, Alex Read, Co-Programs Director, Scott Nipper, Special Events Director, Joseph Clement, Communication Associate
Speaker/Person / Topic / Time
Tom Moore
Tom for Janet
Tom for Bruce
Not sure if anyone is here to participate. / Welcome, Call to order / Opening Remarks
1) State of the Chapter Rap up
2) Board staff changes
3) Support staff report – February – 46.75 hours – spreadsheet available on request
4)Website Update
5) RegionalASTDChapter Call Update; call with SarahJeffcoatNAC– adding Power Member registration to website / 30 minutes
NOTES: Tom -The chapter is sound. Had some staff changes, as Laura Perez and Lawrence Hiner have resigned as Board Members. Sherry Walck has graciously agreed to become Co-Director of Programs. Bruce Winner was recommended by Lawrence to become Director of both Marketing and Communications, which Bruce agreed to take on.
Support Staff Report: Janet worked 46.75 hours in February. Spreadsheet with details available upon request.
Website Update: Tom, Bruce and Janet working on major and minor tweaks to the website, with the help of a website designer Bruce engaged. Trying to make it more pleasing to the eye. It is in transition, as some minor changes have been made so far.
Tom: I wasn’t on the regular monthly chapter call with Sarah Jeffcoat, the National Advisor for Chapters (NAC). If you want details, we will have to ask Alex, as he was on the call but is absent due to a conference he’s attending.
Finance / State of the Coffer / 10
NOTES: Judy: Can’t give state of the coffer, as she just received Janet’s email with January and February deposit information right before the meeting. Haven’t had time to look at it. She will input the information and get Finance Report out to everyone by Friday, 3/28.
She brought the Board up to date on the work Heather did with the 2013 Finance Report and Monthly Reconciliation Reports. Judy met with Heather to go over everything. They agreed that the reports should not be done pulling data from Wild Apricot’s database, as the data changes depending on the day (on the same reports and parameters).Instead, Judy will pull revenue figures fromPayPal and breakdown of the deposits.
Wild Apricot adds revenue in February for money paid on the January event. This fact determined what we are going to do, i.e. not trust our revenue numbers to WA.
Tina explained that you could pull WA reports in many different ways. Judy re-iterated that she was going back to the original process of posting revenue per Heather’s suggestion and proof it works.
SherryWalckfor Alex Read Programs / Program Review 201)March
2) April
3) May
4) June
5) August
Sherry reports that on 3/18 at Blue Prynt restaurant, we hosted Greg Gollaher for Graphic Recording. We had 75 slots with 60 paid attendees. Very well received. Don’t have evaluations available yet. Will get with Alex when he returns from his conference on that matter. Revenue = $1485 and Expenses = $1196 for a net of $288.54.
4/28 Using Improv in Training with Alan Montague at Los Rios. Having Hannibal’s cater lunch. Tom suggested telling them we had a bad experience and it would be good if they’d earn our trust back. Have 60 slots and 47 registered as of today (3/25).
5/19 Hosting Dr. Cameron Carter paired with Greg Gollaher’s graphic jamat Los Rios. For lunch we’ll be having Dos Coyotes. We have 65 slots available and 6 signed up so far.
6/?? Roadshow – been negotiating with Intel. If they don’t work out, then perhaps VSP or ???
July = Dark
August – Annual Networking Event – Date TBD, Location TBD
Tom reached out to Crocker Art Museum.
Looking to collaborate with other local groups like Metro Edge and Young Professionals of Color. Had a young woman attend an event recently from the YPoC group, who expressed an interest in collaborating. Our goal is to reach out and improve our networking ability as a group as well.
Pushed SuperSession out to Autumn. Date and Details TBD.
Scott Nipper/AlonaJennings
Special Events / Special Events – any updates? / 5
NOTES: With Scott absent, Alona reported that she had sent Scott an email to touch base. He had not yet replied. She’s happy to be working behind the scenes focusing on the conference. Will get info via email.
Tom: More information to come.With the staff changes, Tom and Bruce have picked up some duties on the program side.
Membership / Membership activities report / 5
NOTES:As of this week, Michele reports that we had hit 300 members. Since January: New Members = 10; Renewal = 13; and Non-renewals = 2.
We have 37 renewals coming due from the TF classes last spring and 10 new member calls to make. Janet will be coordinating the list of assignments and entering feedback from calls into Wild Apricot.
We need to keep the TF Renewals up in order to keep 300 members. Many of the TF members have not participated at the conference or any other events, so important we reach out to them with calls.
Michele said she’s been working with Janet and Bruce via conference call to put together a spreadsheet that tracks all member calls, along with if they are renewing, ask why and if they are not renewing, ask why. Trying to track all of the reponses together. We have set a date in May to discuss progress of calls and how to increase retention and attraction before year end.
Any suggestions are welcome. If any Board members are up for it, would welcome others helping to call new and renewing members. Tom, Tina, Judy and Bruce volunteered to help with calls.
Tom: 300 members is a major milestone for the chapter, as that has been our goal for a number of years. We finally have hit it. We should be proud of that accomplishment.
Tom for Bruce Winner
Communications / Communication activities report / 5
Tom for Bruce Winner / Marketing activities report / 5
NOTES: Bruce is absent at a conference, so Tom reports on
Communications and Marketing.
Website update in progress with a much improved website in the works. Bruce has launched our Chapter blog, on our LinkedIn Group, with a link from the website as well. Bruce has been doing what he said he was going to do, while helping all of you as well. That’s what he does and we’re lucky to have him.
We talked about getting flash drives with a Sac ASTD logo imprinted on them and a video camera to video our programs for our website and social media sites. No progress yet. Goal is to have video camera in time for the May event with Cam Carter and Greg Gollaher.
Tina Shaw
Past President Special Projects / 5
NOTES:I communicated with Sharon Bowman by emailing our interest in doing something with her next year. After 3 weeks of no reply, I re-sent my email. The original message had gotten lost in her inbox. Sharon remembered email communication with Bruce Winner last year and recalled the timing and her fees were a challenge.
Her usual per diem for a full day is $8,000. She has agreed to do a SuperSession and Full Day workshop all inclusive for $8,000 with no travel or entertainment costs.
Tina responded back today (3/25) with lots of questions. We will go from there. Sharon has a cap of 30 people, after that additional per person fee. It has been awhile since we have brought in someone of her caliber.
Perhaps we could partner with other Northern or Southern CA chapters . Sharon agreed to promote the event on her website and to market it to her west coast clients.
Like Ruth Clark, we would have to charge a higher amount, but she is a nationally known speaker and author. She does 2 day training workshops on Training from the Back of the Room which includes materials. She will be doing a workshop in Denver in 2014. Early bird pricing is $1125, which is in line with National ASTD program fees.
Tom: Thank you for getting us this information.
ASTDBoard / Open discussion/wrap up and close / 5NOTES: Tom: Any other matters?
Michele: She works with a marketing agency who have all kinds of programs they support. She can ask about membership swag. Can get printing on flash drives. She was given one at a conference and loved it, as it is very useful. Likes the idea and will follow up and report in on what she finds out.
Tom makes a motion that the Board approve the February meeting minutes. Sherry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Tom: I feel good about the year. Thank you for attending.
Judy joined the call and offered up the Finance Report.
2014ASTDSacramento Board Meetings (schedule subject to change)
April 29, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual
May 27, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual
June 23, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual
July 26, 9 am – 1:00 pm, Board RetreatLosRiosCCD
August 26, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual
September 23, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual
October 28, 5:30-7:00 pm,LosRiosCCD
November 25, 5:30-7:00 pm, Virtual
December – No board meeting. Holiday Dinner Program.