Supplementary Table 1

Up regulated genes on 1542-CP3TX with CpG islands

Accession No / Gene Title / Fold increase / Functions
NM_005980 / S100 calcium-binding protein P / 11.6 / calcium ion binding protein binding
NM_005225 / E2F transcription factor 1 / 5.7 / regulation of cell cycle, apoptosis
AA083483 / ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 / 4.06 / storage of iron
AW024383 / ribosomal protein S21 / 3.92
NM_002923 / regulator of G-protein signalling 2 / 3.41 / signal transduction
NM_020127 / Homo sapiens tuftelin 1 / 2.97 / cytokinesis, cell shape
AK025866 / ribosomal protein L28 / 2.68
NM_015853 / LOC51035 / 2.58
D64137 / cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C / 35.2 / regulation of cyclin dependent protein kinase activity, cell cycle
NM_005823 / mesothelin / 26 / cell adhesion
AL080169 / DKFZP434C171 protein / 18.8
AB040120 / solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 8 / 7.2 / metabolism, metal ion transport
AU144855 / cytochrome P450, subfamily I (dioxin-inducible), polypeptide 1 (glaucoma 3, primary infantile) / 3.76 / transport
AF087853 / growth arrest and DNA damage inducible protein beta / 2.97 / regulation of growth and apoptosis
M13981 / inhibin A-subunit / 2.69 / development
BF793888 / CD2 antigen (cytoplasmic tail)-binding protein 2 / 2.3
NM_003392 / wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 5A / 56.9 / wnt signal transducer activity
NM_004669 / chloride intracellular channel 3 (CLIC3) / 13.4 / transport
AI610869 / mucin 1 / 9 / actin binding
NM_002686 / phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase / 8.3 / catecholamine biosynthesis
NM_012200 / beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 / 4.19 / glycosaminoglycans biosynthesis
U70370 / homeobox protein backfoot / 4 / development
NM_001724 / 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate mutase / 3.66 / metabolism
AW129056 / Nuclear factor I/A / 3.2 / transcription
AI435828 / stanniocalcin 2 / 3.14 / calcium and phosphate homeostasis
M31159 / hormone-dependent insulin-like growth factor-binding protein / 2.99 / cell growth
AW190316 / eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma / 2.97
NM_006997 / transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 2 / 2.75 / tumorigenesis
D29805 / beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase / 2.71 / cell to cell interaction
AF180519 / GABA-A receptor-associated protein / 2.69 / transport
NM_005490 / SH2 domain containing 3A / 2.69
AW874308 / olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily E, member 38 pseudogene / 2.58
U66065 / growth factor receptor-bound protein 10 / 2.55 / signal transduction
NM_005746 / pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor / 2.45 / biosynthesis
NM_001311 / cysteine-rich protein 1 (intestinal) (CRIP1) / 58.9 / zinc transport
NM_016524 / BK protein, Synaptotagmin XVII / 18.4 / transport
NM_021064 / H2A histone family, member P (H2AFP) / 10.1 / DNA binding
NM_005672 / prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) / 9.4
X15306 / neurofilament, heavy polypeptide 200kDa / 8.8 / nucleosome assembly
NM_000817 / glutamate decarboxylase 1 (brain, 67kD) (GAD1), transcript variant GAD67 / 8 / amino acid metabolism
glutamate decarboxylation to succinate
synaptic transmission
neurotransmitter biosynthesis
AI669229 / retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 1 / 8 / negative regulation of cell proliferation
NM_006472 / thioredoxin interacting protein / 6.9 / signal transduction
NM_024060 / hypothetical protein MGC5395 / 6.8 / intracellular signaling cascade
NM_000050 / argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) / 6.6 / urea cycle, arginine biosynthesis
AF151057 / aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase / 6.5
NM_018094 / G1 to S phase transition 2 / 6.4 / protein biosynthesis
AF302110 / alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase / 5.3
NM_213569 / nebulette / 5.1 / actin-binding Z-disk protein
NM_005132 / Rec8p, a meiotic recombination and sister chromatid cohesion phosphoprotein of the rad21p family (REC8) / 4.9 / sister chromatid cohesion
NM_005069 / single-minded (Drosophila) homolog 2 / 4.41
NM_024116 / hypothetical protein MGC5306 / 4.4
AI989567 / alpha2,3-sialyltransferase / 4.14 / biosynthesis
AJ276395 / Fibronectin 1 / 4.14 / cell adhesion, cell motility
NM_018192 / leprecan-like 1 / 4.08
AK025298 / autism susceptibility candidate 2 / 4
NM_001458 / filamin C, gamma (actin-binding protein-280) / 3.97 / actin- crosslinking protein
NM_014398 / lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3 / 3.86
NM_024691 / Zinc finger protein 419 / 3.84 / transcriptional regulation.
NM_020149 / homeobox protein Meis2e / 3.84 / transcription
N36408 / FOS-like antigen 2 / 3.81
BF671400 / PDZ and LIM domain 5 / 3.81 / cytoskeleton organization, oncogenesis
NM_003772 / jerky (mouse) homolog-like / 3.76
AK022362 / Villin 2 (ezrin) / 3.66
AF109161 / p35srj (MRG1) / 3.58 / transcription
NM_000574 / decay accelerating factor for complement (CD55, Cromer blood group system) (DAF) / 3.48 / apoptasis
AI524138 / transcription factor EB / 3.48 / transcription
AB028989 / mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 3 / 3.43 / signal transduction
AF059274 / Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 5, neuroglycan C / 3.41 / neuritogenesis
BC000474 / Tumor protein p53 inducible protein 3 / 3.41
NM_005935 / myeloidlymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax (Drosophila) homolog); translocated to, 2 / 3.36
BF693921 / ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 5 / 3.32 / transport
X03348 / nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 / 3.3 / transcription
X99268 / Twist homolog 1 (acrocephalosyndactyly 3; Saethre-Chotzen syndrome) (Drosophila) / 3.24 / transcription
BF939675 / secreted and transmembrane 1 (SECTM1) / 3.1 / hematopoietic and/or immune system processes
NM_001674 / activating transcription factor 3 / 3.1 / transcription
AI735391 / BMP2 inducible kinase / 3.1 / cytoskeleton organization and endocytosis.
BC000723 / carnitine acetyltransferase / 3.1 / transport
AK024789 / zinc finger protein 160 / 3.1 / transcription
NM_004417 / Dual specificity phosphatase 1 / 3.07 / negative regulation of cellular proliferation
AB208919 / fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (fms-related tyrosine kinase 2, Pfeiffer syndrome) / 3.07
NM_006736 / heat shock protein, neuronal DNAJ-like 1 (HSJ1) / 3.07
NM_003674 / cyclin-dependent kinase (CDC2-like) 10 (CDK10) / 2.99 / cell cycle
NM_021941 / chromosome 21 open reading frame 97 / 2.99
NM_014679 / ranslokin / 2.95
BM805899 / peroxiredoxin 2 / 2.95 / cell proliferation
X16354 / carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (biliary glycoprotein) / 2.93
AB020676 / KIBRA protein / 2.89
AA927701 / heat shock 70kD protein 9B (mortalin-2) / 2.89 / cell proliferation
NM_006602 / transcription factor-like 5 (basic helix-loop-helix) / 2.87
NM_005627 / serumglucocorticoid regulated kinase (SGK) / 2.85 / cellular stress response
AA150165 / SID1 transmembrane family, member 2 / 2.79
AA156240 / retinoic acid induced 3 / 2.79
NM_003648 / diacylglycerol kinase, delta (130kD) / 2.77 / signal transduction
NM_003914 / cyclin A1 (CCNA1) / 2.73 / cell cycle
NM_022767 / Interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20kDa-like 1 / 2.7
NM_002775 / protease, serine, 11 (IGF binding) / 2.66 / cell growth
NM_014330 / Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 15A / 2.66 / cellular stress response
AI246769 / homeo box A9 / 2.66 / development
NM_016202 / Zinc finger protein 580 / 2.64
NM_015710 / glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 2 / 2.64
NM_004232 / suppressor of cytokine signaling 6 / 2.51 / signal transduction
AF087856 / nuclear receptor co-repressor 1 / 2.5 / transcription
NM_017966 / Vacuolar protein sorting 37C (yeast) / 2.5
NM_000308 / protective protein for beta-galactosidase (galactosialidosis) / 2.45 / metabolism
AA156865 / nexilin (F actin binding protein) / 2.4 / c-Myc binding protein
BC001338 / ras homolog gene family, member D / 2.4 / transport
NM_016938 / EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 2 / 2.36
NM_014941 / zinc finger, CW-type with coiled-coil domain 1 / 2.35
AL110273 / spectrin, alpha, non-erythrocytic 1 (alpha-fodrin) / 2.33 / calmodulin secretion and interaction
U02389 / protease, serine, 15 / 2.31 / DNA replication and transcription
AL040896 / chromosome 2 open reading frame 17 / 2.28
BC000365 / general transcription factor IIH, polypeptide 1 (62kD subunit) / 2.27 / transcription
N25732 / forkhead box O3A / 2.25