

Volume 59 Issue 3 March 2016


Sat. March 12 - ELW Meeting 10:00 am

Tues. March 15 – Council Meeting – 7:00 pm

Thurs. March 24 –Maundy Thursday Agape Meal 6:30 pm

Fri. March 25– Good Friday Service 11 am Hike 2 pm

Fri. March 25 – Street Ministry

Sat. March 26 – Easter Garden Setup 11:00 am

Sun. March 27 – Easter Service10:00 am


St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

12145 Laity Street

Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5A7

Tel: 467-4343


Pastor's Column

One Tuesday evening during Confirmation class, as we were studying the Third Petition of the Lord’s Prayer (“Your will be done”), our conversation took an interesting tack. The opening story in our lesson focused on the efforts of people like coaches and how their will for the common good of the team is expressed and followed. Beyond the consideration of sports teams, the Confirmation students began to talk about high school band.

What is the will of the high school band teacher when it comes to the common good of the band? The answers came pretty quickly: the will of the band teacher is that the band play in concert with each other (all keeping the same TIMING) and that they TRUST each other. The band teacher is not necessarily concerned that the students hit the right notes; the will, the desire is that they play together and trust each other. Apparently trust is an important part of playing in the band; you have to trust that the other people are playing their instruments as they need to and they have to trust that you are playing as you need to play. By the way, I have often heard coaches on sports teams talk the same way.

Now, considering that we were studying the Lord’s Prayer, your mind might quickly begin to put this in the context of God and spiritual life. What is God’s will for the common good of humanity? I am not going to go in that direction; instead, here comes the segue.

The next morning I received another email from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. I subscribe to their monthly newsletter on church leadership and those newsletters are excellent and thought provoking.

The article that caught my attention was entitled, “Next Generation Leaders.” The article was framed by two

major questions: What will it take to turn the leadership of the church over to the next generation? How will the church negotiate the transition? Those are huge questions when we consider leadership in the church, not just from a generational standpoint but from the standpoint of those who connect with our faith community. People of every age and generation have gifts and passions and we have to be able to accommodate them. As your Guiding Team is saying to you, we have to be practising hospitality, opening ourselves and our church to new people and new ideas. We have to genuinely welcome this. There is no doubt in my mind that we have to trust each other and make sure we have the right timing. Let’s not worry about always hitting the same note (doing things the way we have always done them) but focus on trust and timing.

Back to the next generation of leaders.

Our next generation of leaders are going to be very interesting. The next generation wants to volunteer but they are not going to come to church and simply fill the slots that exist. As the leadership article suggests, “They are attracted to micro-projects with fast turnaround times and more focused commitments.”

The generation of leaders is not interested in governance structures and committees rather they are interested in the passions they bring to the church and the perceived needs of the community around them. They are not interested in long, drawn out processes but with fast paced decision-making and immediate action.

The next generation of leaders are master of technology and they are very comfortable with “virtual meetings and virtual decision-making.” By the way, THEY are not going to change. As the leadership article suggests, “We need to learn how to join them in their world, not just expect them to accommodate ours.”

Traditionally we assume that the next generation will watch us operate the church, then will join us in the tasks and once we see they are “doing it right,” we will hand over the reins. Such an approach might work if we setting up for Communion, but will not work when it comes to leadership and decision-making in the church. According to the article, “The next generation of leaders is going to pick up the reins differently.”

Our task as we transition to the next generation of leaders is to identify our core operating values and principles. The next generation will take those and use whatever skills and resources they see fit to help them further the mission and purposes of the church. We will discover that our church is in very good hands. Thanks be to God for that next generation.

Peace, Pastor Roland

March 24th Maundy Thursday Agape Meal at 6:30 p.m.

The Agape Feast (meal of love), is a meal which includes fellowship, worship, Scripture, prayer and Holy Communion, having the characteristics of first century Christian gatherings, particularly as celebrated by the early Christian church in Corinth. After our Agape meal we go to the Sanctuary, where the altar is “stripped” - all linens and coverings are removed - symbolic of Jesus’ humiliation at the hands of the Roman soldiers. Please sign up if you plan to attend so we can set a place at the table for you!

Prayer Vigil begins … and continues through the night until the Good Friday Service at 11 am – March 25th. There will be a sign –up sheet in the narthex for those who wish to spend some time in prayer "keeping watch" in one hour blocks. It is a good idea for more than one person to come each hour.

March 25th Good Friday Service11:00 a.m.

The people of God gather at the foot of the cross to ponder the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

March 25th Good Friday Hike at 2 p.m., UBC Research Forest

The theme of the hike is “The Way of the Cross.” A booklet will be provided for all those who attend. As we hike, we will carry the cross, constructed from the Christmas tree that presently sits in the Sanctuary.

March 26th Easter Garden 11:00 a.m.

Every year, the Altar Guild prepares a special Easter Garden for Easter Worship. It is made up of flowers donated by members to remember loved ones or to celebrate God's love in their lives. Everyone is invited to share flowers/plants. Please print your name on the sign-up sheet before March 21stand drop off plants/flowers between 10 and 11 a.m. on March 26th. Thankyou!

March 27thEaster Celebration10:00 a.m.

"Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!"


We welcome flowers and plants to celebrate the memory of a loved one, to mark a special occasion or just for the joy of Easter!

Those wishing to dedicate flowers for the Easter Garden on Sunday, March 27th, please sign up on the sheet on the Narthex counter (coming soon).

Please bring your flowers to the church between 10:00 am – 11:00 am on Saturday, March 26th. The Altar Guild will set up the display at 11:00 am.



MARCH 19th

9 am

Come out for an hour or two to help make the church sparkly clean!

Lunch provided by ELW

Are you expecting a TAX REFUND?

Would you consider

giving a portion of it to your church ?

Your church will give you

a Charitable Tax Receipt for 2016

you can get a refund again next year!

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Women

February's ELW was attended by 9 Women. ELW group list will be in your mailbox soon. The 2016 budget was passed out. If you weren't at the meeting and would like a copy please ask Linda for a copy. Still time to submit ELW recognition nomination form, forms can be put in Laura's mailbox.

Shove Tuesday was a big success and very yummy. Thanks to Everyone who flipped pancakes and those who ate pancakes.

World Day of Prayer … March 4, 2016 1:00pm at St. John the Divine.

ELW.... Savoury / Sweet Bake Sale ......

With Community Plant Swap.....

April 16 2016 ..... Saturday ....


St. Paul's parking lot.....

Funds raised will be donated to Friends in Need Food Bank.....

Level Ground Fair Trade Coffee is served at St. Paul's. If you'd like to purchase coffee for home see Heide.

Nancy shared information about her trip with CLWR to Ethiopia.

Nancy also shared with us a Grace she learnt on the Mission. We'll be using the Grace for ELW through 2016.

May all those who have bread, hunger for justice,

May all those who have hunger, have bread.

Next ELW meeting is March 12, 2016. 10:00am -12:00pm. Please bring items for the food bank.

Respectfully submitted by


Financial Update from your Treasurer

As of December 31st we had an operating deficit in our general account of $8,923. We had $8,130 in our bank account with unpaid bills of $6,006. In short we had $2,123 in our general account which was not committed. Unfortunately our financial affairs have not improved in January. Based on our preliminary review of January we have an operating deficit for the month of $4,239 and if we paid all of our bills which are due our general account would be overdrawn by $2,117.

With your support we are hopeful the deficit will be covered

Thank You,



February 17TH & 24th at 7:30 pm

Our midweek Lenten services will run each Wednesday up to and including march 16th. We will gather in worship to repent, reflect and renew.


March 31st – Church Insurance Due!

To protect our building and all of our volunteers,

St. Paul’s must ensure we have adequate insurance. The cost of this is substantial and the church has had to make monthly payments for the past several years. The cost to finance these payments add to our expenses.

For 2015-16, Council has found a new insurer with virtually the same coverage at a significantly lower cost. Council would like to pay the premium (about $3,800) up front, rather than incur extra finance charges over the year.


Allyson and Dick and their family, thank their St. Paul's Family for your many cards, messages on Facebook, for e-mails, for words of condolence, for love, care, kindnesses, concern and huge hugs during our time of Bereavement upon my Mother's recent death. We would also like to acknowledge and thank Pastor Roland for his kind words, prayers and on top of all that, attending Mom's Memorial.

My beautiful Mom, Laura lived to be a wonderful age, 94, and for the most part, despite ailments that come with aging, she lived a good life. We miss her dearly, but know that she has left my Siblings and Spouses, Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren, a legacy and model for living. For that we are and were, well and truly blessed. As our Grandson Colby told his teacher as he made his G.G. a Valentine to take to the Cemetery, "she is still here only her feet aren't touching the ground." Out of the mouths of Babes.

Thank you all so very much,

Allyson and Dick

Glenwood Elementary Hot Lunch Program

In consultation with the school, the hot lunch for March has been cancelled due to the school closure for Spring Break and Easter. Our next meal is scheduled for April.

The Way: Faith Forming Faith

Would you like to participate in “The Way?” Beginning in April during the 50 day season of Easter (April 1- May 15), you have the opportunity to join others in participating in a unique form of faith formation entitled, “The Way.”

“The Way” is essentially adult faith formation with a significant difference; there is no emphasis upon dogma, or presenting the right answer rather it is about providing people with the place and opportunity to be heard. This particular way of “Bible study” is concerned with belonging. The sense of belonging revolves around finding a place to ask my questions and for someone to listen to my faith story and my questions and concerns.

There is no curriculum rather the curriculum is the lives and the faith stories of those who gather in small groups to share. In the small groups, those who gather, listen to the reading of the gospel and are given the chance to tell their stories of how the gospel may intersect with their faith experiences. But mostly, it is about listening to those who want to share.

Here is an example of how “The Way” works:

gather (possibly to share some food) The pastor briefly rehashes the theme of Sunday worship and sermon

then we read the gospel for the past Sunday, invite reflection, invite faith story

conclude with prayers for each other the Lord’s Prayer and dismissal

If you are interested in such an undertaking, please email Pastor Roland at or make contact at the church.

Scrapbooking /Stitcherymeets every Tuesday

from 9:00 am –2:00 pm.

Come and work at your own projects and have a chatting good time. Please join us!

St Paul’s Sunday School

March 2016

Mar 6th Regular Classes

Mar 13thNO Classes

Mar 20th Group Craft

Mar 27thNO Classes


Meet Tuesday mornings, 9 am at the Church.

Come for quilting and Fellowship!

Helping hands always welcome!