St Gabriel’s Primary

School Handbook

Updated December 2014

Welcome to St Gabriel’s

Welcome to St. Gabriel’s Primary School. We have prepared this handbook to give you some information you may need when your child starts here in St.Gabriel’s. We hope it will be useful to answer any questions you may have at this time in your child’s life.

We recognise that we have a tremendous responsibility in the education of children and acknowledge that the greatest success comes in the partnerships we form with our parents and carers.

We look forward to many happy and rewarding years ahead and welcome any contributions you may feel you have to offer.

Should you have any questions or require further help please do not hesitate to contact me.

Anne Torley

Head Teacher




Primary 1 and 2

8.45 to 10.30am - morning break - 10.45am - 12.00 noon

12.00 to 1.00pm - lunch

1.00 to 2.55pm close

Primary 3 to 7

8.45 to 10.30am - morning break - 10.45am - 12.30pm

12.30 to 1.15pm - lunch

1.15 to 3.15pm close


Primary 1 and 2

8.45 to 10.30am - morning break - 10.45 - 11.50am

Primary 3 to 7

8.45 to 10.30am - morning break - 10.45 - 12.00 noon



Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 12 noon


Monday-Thursday 12.45 to 4.15pm

ALTERNATE FRIDAYS 8.30am to 12.05pm

Doors open for collection;

MORNING – 11.45am to 12 noon

AFTERNOON – 2.55 to 3.15pm and 4 to 4.15pm


St Gabriel’s RC Primary School,
South Grange Avenue,


EH32 9LH

Telephone 01875 811062

Fax 01875 813604



School Roll: 2014-15:192 in Primary 1-7

Nursery Roll: Capacity for 50 children in morning nursery and 50 children in afternoon nursery.

Head Teacher: Mrs Anne Torley

Depute Head Teacher: Mrs. Susan Adams

Principle Teacher: Mr Alex Buchanan

Should you wish to see the Head Teacher it is advisable to telephone Mrs Laura Weir (School Secretary) first to make an appointment.

St Gabriel’s is a Roman Catholic; co-educational primary school covering all stages from Primary 1 to Primary 7. The school has spacious accommodation including 7 classrooms, a hall, stage, dining hall and further flexible teaching rooms. The school benefits from 3 tarmac playgrounds and a grass play area. In May 2006 we opened our first Nursery class (see additional Nursery Handbook). Children of other denominations are most welcome and we will continue to do our best to accommodate these requests. This year the classes are made up as follows:









Head Teacher Mrs Anne Torley

Depute Head Teacher Mrs Susan Adams

Principle Teacher Mr Alex Buchanan

Secretary Mrs Laura Weir

Auxiliary Ms Wendy Thomson

Janitor Mr Kenneth McCrorie

Classroom Mrs Julia Maguire

Assistants Mrs Jennifer Hall

Mrs Jo Mason

Visiting Specialists P.E. – Eilidh Gordon

Music - Elaine Roberts

Violin – Carolyn Wilson

Sports - Angie Davie

Clarinet – Alison Loneskie

Brass – Alex Knox

Drums - Simon Grant

Chanter - Lee Moore

These subjects are blocked – please see classroom timetable

Support For Learning Teacher Mrs Marion Murray

Support For Learning Assistant Mrs Tricia Kenderdine

Mrs Blythe Peart

Mrs Susan Reay

There are 7 classes in school and a nursery

Nursery Teachers Mrs Freer, Miss West and Mrs Maule

Nursery Nurse Mrs Richardson, Mrs Tickell, Ms Conway and Ms Cumming

Primary 1 Miss Stewart

Primary 2 Miss Thomson

Primary 3 Mrs Thomson

Primary 4 Miss Newell

Primary 5 Mrs Laidlaw

Primary 6 Mrs Palmer-Fairbairn

Primary 7 Mr Buchanan

St Gabriel’s School / Handbook

Page 55

St Gabriel’s is a Roman Catholic Primary serving the Prestonpans cluster.

We are committed to working together within an atmosphere of confidence and trusting each other.


The mission of the Catholic school is to develop as a community of faith and learning, providing the highest quality of education, and offering formation through the promotion of Gospel values, through celebration and worship, and through service to the common good.

All Catholic schools in Scotland, in honouring Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, will feature the following characteristics:

·  A commitment to the integrated education and formation of the whole person, in close partnership with parents as the first educators of their children;

·  An inclusive ethos which aims to honour the life, dignity and voice of each person, made in the image of God;

·  A commitment to the search for wisdom in life and to the pursuit of excellence, through the development of each person’s unique God-given talents;

·  A commitment to the spiritual formation of the school community, through the shared experience of prayer and liturgy, and in partnership with local parishes;

·  The provision of religious education programmes which will enable young people to develop their understanding of Gospel values and of how to apply them to life;

·  A commitment to uphold the moral teaching, faith tradition and sacramental life of the Catholic Church;

·  A commitment to communicate Catholic social teaching and thereby to promote social justice and opportunity for all;

·  A commitment to ecumenical action and the unity of Christians;

·  The promotion of respect for different beliefs and cultures and for inter-faith dialogue;

·  A commitment to support the continuing professional and spiritual development of staff

Published by the Scottish Catholic Education Service on behalf of the Bishops’

Conference of Scotland

Our child-friendly version of Catholic Charter

·  Along with parents and carers, we are committed to developing each and every person in all areas of their life and learning.

·  In an environment where everyone is included, we aim to listen to and value each person, made in the image of God.

·  We are committed to the search for wisdom; helping each child to explore their God-given talents so that they can be the best they can be. Working with our local church and parish, we aim to provide the children with shared faith experiences and teachings to guide them on their spiritual journey.

·  We aim to provide a religious education that will help the children to understand their faith and to live by these teachings.

·  We are committed to following and standing up for the morals, faith traditions and Sacraments of the Catholic Church.

·  We are committed to sharing Church teachings on relationships, fairness and opportunities for everyone.

·  We are committed to value and encourage positive relationships and partnerships with other Christian Churches.

·  We encourage the children to respect different beliefs and cultures and to experience inter-faith discussion.

·  As a staff we will continue to learn and grow in our faith.


·  In September of each year the school holds a curriculum evening so that teachers can share their plans for the session ahead with parents and homework is explained at this point. Please note this is not an opportunity for individual discussion about your child. Of course, if you are concerned about your child at any time, please do not hesitate to contact the head teacher who will investigate the area of concern and provide an opportunity for you to discuss progress with the class teacher.

·  At least once per year, parents will be invited to a class assembly led by pupils on a particular topic or theme.

·  Individual Parents’ consultation evenings are held twice yearly usually around October and April, to discuss their child’s progress.

·  In addition a comprehensive style of written report is issued to Parents in May/June. It gives parents a clear indication of a child’s effort and level of support required in all curriculum areas. Parents are encouraged to comment on reports

·  Children are given also the opportunity to review their learning through the personal learning planning process. We hope to invite parents in to look at their child’s work on an informal basis at least once per year.

·  Our school website and regular newsletters also provide parents with regular updates. We have recently also started a text system which allows the school to contact all parents swiftly and easily for short reminders/updates or emergency closures of school.


Regular attendance is vitally important to your child’s education. Please ensure that your child arrives on time for the start of the school day at 8.45am. If he/she is unable to attend for any reason, please telephone the school, by 9.15am, in the first instance to inform us and on your child’s return send a note to your child’s class teacher. Our school policy is to call Parents who have not informed us of any absence and if we are unable to contact you, we then inform the Integration Team as per East Lothian Policy.

The Attendance Officer will be visiting me here in the school on a monthly basis and we will be monitoring late coming and attendance.

Sickness And Diarrhoea

Vomiting and diarrhoea. Children with these conditions should be kept off school. They can return 48 hours after their symptoms disappear.

Holidays In Term Time

Requests for holidays during term time should be put in writing to the head teacher. Absence has a clear impact on progress in school work. A recent directive from the Scottish Executive states that permission for family holidays in term time can only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Should it be absolutely necessary for holidays to be taken in term time, parents are asked not to request homework.


We expect our pupils to arrive in school ready for 8.45am start. It is a legal requirement that all pupils attend school for 22.5hrs for P1&2 and 25hrs for P3-7. All lateness is recorded and we ask our parents to support us in ensuring that full attendance is met. However, persistent lateness would also be referred to the Family Support Worker (Attendance) It is important that a child realises that good timekeeping is a socially expected life skill. Lateness disrupts the smooth running of the classes and we ask that parents do not accompany children into cloakroom areas.

Please note children are still under parental responsibility travelling between home and school and waiting in the playground, to ensure their safety, well-being and positive behaviour. For children travelling to school it is also necessary, particularly in the case of road crossing patrols. A late child is placed in a dangerous situation if they cross the road unsupervised.

Children should not arrive at school before 8.35am particularly in inclement weather. In severe weather only Mrs Torley or Mrs Adams will make the decision to allow children entry to the building and supervise them. Parents are reminded that children should be dressed appropriately for the weather taking account of waterproof clothing, sun hats etc.


Planned Closures

You will be notified in advance by letter (pupil post) of holidays or early closures.

Unplanned Closures

In emergencies, such as inadequate heating or severe weather conditions, an announcement will be made prior to school starting on local radio (Forth am), ELC website and St Gabriel’s RC Primary School Website, informing parents if school is to be closed. We would advise parents to be aware of this particularly in winter months. Should school have to close in an emergency parents/emergency contacts will be phoned / text so that arrangements can be made for the collection of pupils or instructions as to where parents would wish their child to be sent. Please be assured no child will ever be dismissed from school without having made this contact and school staff will ensure their safety and well-being. Again we would remind parents of the importance of up to date contact telephone numbers.


Most complaints are resolved at school level.

If you have cause for concern, the first person to approach will normally be the Head Teacher. If Parents remain dissatisfied then the procedures contained within “How to make a comment, compliment or complaint about a Council Service” should be followed.

Further information can be obtained at:


Other than exceptional circumstances the child’s age dictates which class he/she will be in.

The practice for enrolling a district pupil to Primary 1 at St Gabriel’s is to telephone or call in to the school bringing the child’s Birth certificate (and Baptismal certificate ) in November prior to the session the child will start school. We aim to accommodate requests to view the school. In the pre-school year our Early Years Team begin our programme for transition from nursery to P1. In May a series of information meetings are arranged for the parents of the incoming P1 children. If the dates are not suitable to parents the school can make individual arrangements. Parents and children are also invited into school to meet with the teacher and explore the classroom area. We visit children in their nursery environment and gather as much information to ensure an effective transition from Nursery to Primary 1.

Forms for requesting a non-district place can be collected from our school office to be sent to the local authority for consideration. Parents will then receive written information and advice from the local authority.


Normally children attend the catchment area school known as the district school. If you wish your child to attend non- district secondary school information will be sent to your home address when your child is in P7. It should be noted that attendance at an associated primary does not mean transfer to the attached secondary school.

There is a very effective transition programme and on-going liaison between St Gabriel’s and Preston Lodge High School during the last year in primary. There are many arranged visits throughout the final year to Preston Lodge where all relevant information is shared to ensure a smooth transition to secondary.

Under the Parents’ Charter parents now have a greater choice about where to have their child educated. Children attending St Gabriel’s are in the Preston Lodge High School catchment. Parents may choose to send their child to St David’s RC High School, Dalkeith or Holyrood High School (if there are places available) Should you decide to send your child to a high school outwith the catchment area you must apply to them directly by December of the previous year.