Interesting drinks

Fun drinks that you won’t find on the menu, but all French places will serve:

Diabolo Menthe – bright green. This is green mint syrup in carbonated lemonade. The ultimate French soft drink.

Menthe à l’eau – Green mint syrup in ice cold water.

Grenadine – A red drink, which combines a red, sweet syrup made from pomegranates with cold water.

Monaco – Take a dash of the aforementioned grenadine syrup, 1 part lemonade and 2 parts lager (beer). Nice, cool, and pink!

Panaché – ½ French lemonade (sparkling) + ½ beer.

Kir - white wine with crème de cassis (black currant liqueur), crème de mûre (black berry liqueur), or crème de pêche (peach liquer).

The last two numbers in the zip codes (ex. 75001) represent the arrondissement. Restaurants are often closed 1-2 days a week, so it is a good idea to call before showing up.

Places to eat by arrondissement

La Kaz

(20 rue des Halles, 75001)

Métro: Châtelet

Fast food from the Antilles aka French Carribean


(La Canopé Forum des Halles 75001)

Métro: Châtelet

Superstar chef Alain Ducasse’s newest place is casual, yummy and has cool music. Open every day from 11:30am to midnight.


(La Canopé Forum des Halles 75001)

Métro: Châtelet

Retro-futuristic place where you can order soups, salads, and open-faced sandwiches through an app on your phone and your food comes to you along a mechanized rubber belt.

Chez La Vieille

(1 Rue Bailleul 75001)

Métro: Louvre-Rivoli

The chef is an American who has two other famous restaurants in Les Halles, He is known for breathing life into historic places with affordable and authentic French cuisine.

Kotteri Ramen Naritake

(31 Rue des Petits Champs 75001)

Métro: Pyramides

Rumored to have the best Japanese noodles in Paris. A friend suggests the ramen shoyu porc rôti.


(6, Rue Vivienne 75002)

Métro: Bourse

Award winning décor, divine pizzas from a wood-fired oven and an assortment of authentic and creative Italian food that you’d never see at Olive Garden. The Da Nico bar in back is famous, too.

Rue St. Anne (75002 Metro: Quatre Septembre)

-Street full of Japanese restaurants

L’Ambassade d’Auvergne

(22 rue Grenier-Saint-Lazare, 75003)

This place looks amazing. Unique food from Auvergne, a region no American goes to. Know that you’ll spend 30-50 euros.

Métro: Rambuteau or Etienne Marcel

Potager du Marais (22 Rue Rambateau, 75004)

-Best Vegetarian Restaurant

Phone number: 01 42 74 24 66

Metro stop: Rambuteau

Café Ginger

(9 rue Jacques-Coeur, 75004 Métro: Bastille)

27 euros for a three course vegan meal. Lasagnas, quiches, salads and raw veggies. Wine, cider and beer that are healthy and yummy, too.

Open for lunch from Tuesday to Sunday and for dinner from Friday to Sunday.

Call for reservations

01 42 72 43 83


(3 Rue D’Arcole, 75004)

Open everyday from 8:30am-11pm. If facing Notre Dame, take a left until you run into it. I usually say to not eat near famous monuments, but this one comes recommended from a reliable source.

Chez Gladines

(44, boulevard Saint-Germain 75005)

Inexpensive, authentic, and renown Basque food.

01 46 33 93 88

Métro: Maubert-Mutualité, Jussieu, Cluny-la-Sorbonne

Du Clercq Les Rois de la Frite

(184 rue Saint-Jacques 75005)

Belgian fries and other Belgian snacks.

01 43 54 24 20

RER Luxembourg

Un dimanche à Paris

(4-6-8 Cour du Commerce Saint André 75006)

Everything on the menu has chocolate in it. Get the lunch menu to save a buck. Closed Monday, lunch on Monday and dinner on Sunday.

Métro: Mabillon or Odéon

Le Procope

(13 Rue de L’Ancienne Comédie 75006 Métro: Odéon)

Founded in 1686, this was THE place to eat for Robespierre, Danton and the other French revolutionaries as well as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and the American revolutionaries who lived in Paris. If you want to eat like they did, order the “Tête de veau en cocotte comme en 1686”.

Chez Marcel

(7, Rue Stanislas 75006, Métro: Notre Dame des Champs or Vavin)

Traditional bistrot, with food food from Lyon, reputed to be the gastronomic center of the world. This is one of my favorite restaurants in the world. Closed Saturday and Sunday. Call to make reservations: 01 45 48 29 94

Le Bistrot de Maëlle et Augustin (39 Ave. Duquesne 75007 Métro: Duroc)

I had lunch here with some Parisian friends that go here 5 times a week. I understand why. Closed for dinner on Sunday and Monday nights.


(10 rue de Saint Simon 75007 Métro: Rue du Bac)

French bistrot.

Open Mon-Fri noon -2pm and 7:30-10:30pm

Au bon accueil

(14 rue de Monttessuy, 75007)

Michelin rated, good food. Métro: Alma Marceau

27E for 3 course prix-fixe.

Au pied de Fouet

(45 Rue de Babylone 75007)

Very French

Métro: Saint-François-Xavier

Closed on Sunday


(84,Rue de Varenne 75007 Métro: Varenne) Most everything on this list is meant to be affordable and delicious. This one is a 3 star Michelin restaurant, ranked annually among the top 20 restaurants in the world. The lunch tasting menu, about $150, is about 5x more than anything else on this list. But four hours and 14 courses later, I found myself questioning everything that I thought that I knew about food, myself, everything. I felt indebted to Alain Passard, the chef, afterward. If this doesn’t convince you, see episode 1 of Netflix’s Chef’s Table France, which is all about this place and M. Passard.

Flora Danica

(142, av. Des Champs Elysées, 75008, metro: George-V)

Food from Denmark, specializing in salmon. Turns out Danish people don’t only eat pastries.

01 44 13 86 26


(109,bd Haussman, 75008. Metro: Saint-Augustin or Miromesnil)

Appetizers, main dishes and desserts which all contain apples. Huge selection of apple cider, too. Show up by noon for lunch. 01 42 65 65 83

La Fayette Gourmet

(40, Blvd. Haussman 9e arrondissement Metro: Chaussee d’Antin Lafayette)

On the ground floor of Lafayette Maison et Gourmet. Visit this unique place entirely dedicated to gourmet foods with tasting bars, restaurants and deli counters. Taste the finest foie gras, caviar, pastries and flavours from all over the world. Then take it to the top of the main La Fayette building for a great view/picnic on “La Terrace”. One thing to check out is L’éclair de Génie, with their amazing selection of éclairs.

Gustave Pigalle

(21 rue Henri Monnier 75009)

Some of the best sandwiches in the city.

+33 1 48 78 96 52

Métro: Pigalle or Saint-Georges

Le Clos Bourguignon

(39 rue Caumartin 75009 01 47 42 56 60 Metro: Havre-Caumartin or Auber)

Just down the street from Lafayette/Printemps. Traditional, amazing, affordable, French.

L’Opéra Restaurant à Paris

(Place Jacques Rouché 75009)

60’s retro architecture with crazy curves everywhere. The food looks amazing, too. A bit costy, but a lunch menu is worth it.

Has a breakfast menu, too. Located in the heart of the Opéra Garnier.

Métro: Opéra or Chaussée d’Antin

Pink Flamingo (67 Rue Bichat, 75010)

-quirky pizzas & delivered to picnic spot

Phone number: 01 42 02 31 70

Metro: Jacques-Bonsergent, line 5

El Nopal Taqueria

(3 Rue Eugène Varlin, 75010)

Known for being the only place in Paris with authentic Mexican food.

+33 7 86 39 63 46

Métro: Château Landon , Colonel Fabien

Restaurant de Bourgogne (Chez Maurice) (26 Rue des Vinaigriers, 75010) Paris Metro: Jaques Bonsergent)

- One of the last family run really cheap bistros

- pre-war atmosphere, reminiscent of the canal’s industrial days

Phone number: 01 46 07 07 91

Les 4 Frères

(37, Boulevard de la Villette 75010)

My Algerian friend Chérif says this is the best Algerian food in the city. Open lunch and dinner everyday except only dinner on Fridays.

Tien Hiang

(14, rue Bichat 75010)

Chinese-French Vegan food. Original, amazing. Closed on Tuesdays.

01 42 00 08 23

Métro: Goncourt, République

Vivant Café

(43 Rue des Petites Ecuries 75010 Métro: Poissonerie)

French bistro. Open Mon-Fri noon-2pm and 7-10pm

Le Zerda Café

(15, rue René Boulanger, 75010)

Métro: Jacques Bonsergent, République

Algerian food. Great service, vibe and couscous.

Le Tricycle

(51 Rue de Paradis 75010)

Métro: Poissonière)

Vegan hot dogs named after famous rappers, bento bowls and other fast food vegan stuff that looks super yummy. Closed on Saturdays.

Chez Prosper (7 Ave. Du Trône, 75011 Metro: Nation)

- Best honest french bistro / very cheap, very Parisian.

The only place I go to every time I go to Paris.

Phone number: 01 43 73 08 51

Le Village

(86 Avenue Parmentier, 75011

Métro: Parmentier)

Senegalese food. Fun sauces, colorful drinks, food not found in L.A.

01 48 05 63 45

La Pâtisseerie Cyril Lignac

(24 rue Paul Bert 75011)

Rumored to be the best patisserie in Paris.

01 43 72 74 88

Métro: Charonne, Faidherbe-Chaligny

Le Bistrot Champenois

(6, rue Crozatier, 75012, Métro: Reuilly-Diderot)

I first fell in love with France in Normandy. Rich food, sauces on the meats, scrumptious veggies. Closed Sundays

01 44 73 09 82

Chez Lili et Marcel

(1 Quai d’Austerlitz 75013 Métro: Quai de la Gare)

I have yet to go there, but it was recommended by the manager of Chez Prosper. Open 6h – 23h30.


L’essentiel Boulangerie

(73 blvd Auguste Blanqui, 75013, Metro Corvisart)

Said to be the best boulangerie in Paris. Go here for sandwiches, breads, desserts, quiches. Cheap, easy to take on the go. In the 13th, on the border of the Latin quarter


(port de la Gare, 13e arrondissement. Metro BNF (line 14) or Quai de la Gare (line 6), it is on the Quai François Mauriac)

A restaurant and a club on a boat. Reputable food at reasonable prices. reservations

Crêperie de Josselin (64 Rue de Montparnasse, 75014 Metro: Montparnasse)

-simple but delicious speciality crêpes. If is too crowded, go across the street to La Creperie Bretonne, which is also amazing.

- Breton-style dining room

Phone number: 01 43 20 93 50

Café Signes

(33, avenue Jean Moulin, 75014, metro Alésia)

Said to be good food at reasonable prices. All of the waiters are deaf and the menu includes explanations on how to order in sign language. Closed weekends, otherwise open from 8am-7pm. 01 45 39 37 40

Chez Eusebio

(14, rue Miollis 75015, metro: Cambronne)

Food from Spain. Reasonable prices, great reviews.

09 50 33 04 03


83 rue Laugier 75017

Excellent bistro, reasonable prices.

Métro: Porte de Champerret

Open for lunch and dinner Tuesday – Saturday

Book for the second service if doing dinner.

Chamarré Montmartre (52 Rue Lamarck, 75018 Metro: Lamarck – Caulaincourt)

-Pretty costy, but said to be THE place to eat in Montmartre.

Phone: 01 42 55 05 42

Restaurant le Mono Paris

(42, rue Véron, 75018 Métro: Blanche or Abbesses)

The only Togolais restaurant in Paris. Closed Wednesdays, open for dinner 7pm-11pm

Les Chics Types

(20 Avenue de Laumière 75019)

Great vibe, great location, great food. Open every day 9am to 2am, live music some nights. Comes highly recommended from a Parisian friend.

Métro: Laumière

01 42 45 94 30

Grill Afro Antillais

(7 rue Rouvet 75019)

Good French Caribbean food.

Métro: Corentin Cariou

Le Pavillon des Canaux

(39 Quai de la Loire, 75019)

Inspired place with a great view of the canal. Friendly, artistic and welcoming staff with some interesting things on the menu.

Métro: Laumière

01 73 71 82 90

Karaïbes et Associés-Spécialités antillaises

(16, bd de Belleville, 75020 Métro: Ménilmontant)

Food from the French Carribean

01 43 58 31 30

Places to eat LATE AT NIGHT

Au Pied de Cochon

(6 Rue Coquillière 75001)

Good ambiance, people seem to either love or hate it.

Old Navy (150 Blvd. St. Germain 75006 Metro: Odéon)

-Normand cooking. Said to be the inspiration behind Old Navy in America. Open 24 hrs.

Bistrot du Peintre

(116, Avenue Ledru-Rollin 75011)

Open until 2am every day. Auvergnat cuisine. Open since 1905, with almost nothing except the prices having changed.

Métro: Ledru-Rollin

Crocodile Vert

(6 rue du Hameau 75015)

Green décor, lively vibe and good music in this Cuban restaurant. Deep plush sofas.

Métro: Porte de Versailles

Places to eat as a group of 12 or more

Dans Le Noir (51 Rue Quincampoix 75004, take Rambuteau to Quincampoix NOT towards Renard)

Eat in complete darkness, be served by blind waiters and waitresses.

Metro: Etienne Marcel (line 4); Rambuteau (line 11)

Nos Ancêtres les Gaulois

(39, rue Saint-Louis-en-‘Ile 75004

In a building from the 16th century with singers and such pretending to be from 50 B.C. Dinner only

A la biche au bois

(45 avenue ledru-rollin 75012)

A perfect French bistro serving traditional Parisian food at bargain prices

28 euros for a 4 course prix fixe

good for a group, if you have reservations. Show up at 7pm to be sat fastest.

metro: gare de lyon

open Monday –Friday (could be over 30 Euros)

La Cantine du Troquet

(101 rue de l’Ouest 75014)

5 star dining at 3 star prices. No reservations except for groups of 12-24. Get there at 7pm or the locals will be lined up. Or go late, around 9:30pm.

Métro: Gaîté, Pernéty, Plaisance

La Cave de L’Os à Moëlle

(181 rue Lourmel 75015)

All you can eat buffet! Fun to do as a group, will likely be seated with strangers.

Métro: Lourmel

Closed Monday