Revised 6/15/2010
Sciences Curriculum MapKindergarten / 1st grade / 2nd grade
Goal 11
Scientific Inquiry
(Standard A) / · Describe observed event with senses, predicting, or changes
· Begin guided inquiry by asking questions, using prior knowledge, inferring, developing strategies to investigate
· Follow appropriate procedures
· Collect data by using instruments, recording observations, or reading data-collection instruments
· Collectively record data in pictures or tables
· Analyze and display results by recognizing and describing patterns or similarities and differences
· Communicate individual and group results / · Describe observed event with senses, estimations, measurements, predicting, or changes
· Begin guided inquiry by asking questions, using prior knowledge, inferring, developing strategies to investigate
· Follow appropriate procedures
· Collect data by using instruments, recording observations, or reading data-collection instruments
· Record data in pictures or tables
· Analyze and display results by recognizing and describing patterns or similarities and differences
· Communicate individual and group results / · Describe observed event with sequencing or steps, cause/effect relationships, or measureable and descriptive attributes
· Begin guided inquiry by asking questions, predicting changes, determining steps to investigate questions
· Follow appropriate procedures
· Collect data by using and choosing appropriate instruments
· Recording data in classroom charts, tables, journals, or use of computers
· Analyze and display results by organizing data on graphs and charts, developing reasonable explanations for data, using appropriate terminology to describe data
· Communicate individual and group results by matching similar data, developing reasons for differences, predicting future trends, generating questions
Technological Design
(Standard B) / · Propose ideas for solutions to ask questions about concepts, identifying criteria for measuring and developing possible solution
· Select a possible solution from teacher-generated options, determining the order of steps, identifying the variables to test, developing procedures, and predict a possible outcome
· Use the materials and tools provided or record observable data for design process
· Test for design success based on teacher-generated criteria by conducting multiple trials, or collecting data from tests using appropriate measurement methods
· Communicate results of design tests by comparing data from student trials to evaluate design success, reporting the procedures followed, evaluating best design to answer question, or proposing modifications for additional trials / · Propose ideas for solutions to ask questions about concepts, identifying criteria for measuring and developing possible solution
· Select a possible solution from teacher-generated options, determining the order of steps, identifying the variables to test, developing procedures, and predict a possible outcome
· Use the materials and tools provided or record observable data for design process
· Test for design success based on teacher-generated criteria by conducting multiple trials, or collecting data from tests using appropriate measurement methods
· Communicate results of design tests by comparing data from student trials to evaluate design success, reporting the procedures followed, evaluating best design to answer question, or proposing modifications for additional trials / · Propose ideas for solutions to ask questions about causes and effects of concepts to model or test, identifying criteria for measuring success and prioritizing possible solutions
· Begin a design solution by choosing procedural steps for construction and testing from teacher-generated options, suggesting variables, and predict a possible outcome
· Use the materials and tools provided or record anecdotal data from design process or evaluating construction success
· Test for design success based on teacher- or student-generated criteria by conducting multiple trials, collecting data from tests using appropriate measurement methods
· Communicate results of design tests presenting group results which include data from student trials to evaluate design success in testing scientific principle, procedures followed, suggestions for second round of design, or evaluating best design to solve problem
Goal 12
Living Things
(Standard A) / · Identifying living and non-living things
· Describe basic needs and characteristics
· Identifying the common key structures and functions for animals and plant groupings
· Classifying common animals by size, color, family units and shape
· Describe common physical characteristics or structures for grouping of animals or plants according to seasonal, age changes and parent characteristics / · Comparing living and non-living things
· Describe basic needs and characteristics
· Sorting the common key structures and functions for animals and plant groupings
· Classifying common animals by size, color, family units and shape; explain rationale for grouping
· Distinguish common physical characteristics or structures for grouping of animals or plants according to seasonal, age changes and parent characteristics / · Describe how plants and animals obtain energy
· Categorizing animals by structures for getting food and movement
· Comparing how plants and animals live and reproduce
· Associating common plant products with plant structures and functions
· Comparing common and distinctive plants or animals growth cycles
Environment and Interaction of Living Things
(Standard B) / · Identify common characteristics of habitats
· Explore how living things are dependent on one another for survival
· Identifying the survival needs of plants and animals, or matching groupings of animals
· Predicting what would happen to organisms when their environment is changed / · Identify common characteristics of habitats, or matching the needs of organisms in local and global habitats
· Explore how living things are dependent on one another for survival by identifying the survival needs of plants and animals, or matching groupings of animals
· Predicting what would happen to organisms when their environmental resources are changed, or explaining how humans adapt to their environments / · Identify factors that affect animal and plant growth and reproduction, or matching plant and animal adaptations to changing seasons or climate changes
· Describe the food chains or webs in various ecosystems
· Identify local habitats, or identify predator/prey and parasite/host relationships
Matter and Energy
(Standard C) / · Explore sources and types of energy in familiar situations
· Experiment with sounds by vibrating different materials
· Explore ways that heat, light and sound are produced naturally
· Compare solids, liquids and gases
· Sorting objects by similar, large-scale physical properties / · Explore sources and types of energy in familiar situations
· Experiment with sounds by vibrating different materials
· Explore ways that heat, light and sound are produced naturally and artificially
· Compare solids, liquids and gases and how they change states
· Sorting objects by similar, large-scale physical properties / · Construct and test simple electrical circuits with batteries
· Demonstrate how sound is produced by vibrating objects
· Analyze which energy sources power different objects
· Identify component materials in objects
· Classify objects or materials according to variable masses, volumes, temperatures and states, or constants such as texture, odor, magnetism and buoyancy
Force and Motion
(Standard D) / · Describe how push or pull may affect the motion of objects
· Classify materials by their magnetic attraction or repulsion
· Sort examples of simple machines
· Change the position and motion of objects / · Describe how push or pull may affect the motion of objects
· Classify materials by their magnetic attraction or repulsion
· Sort examples of simple machines
· Change the position and motion of objects
· Show simple inertia and momentum in real-world applications / · Dramatize the ways that forces cause action and reaction behaviors of common objects
· Distinguish the work of simple machines
· Describe the attraction and repulsion of magnetic and electrical fields
· Sort examples of natural and man-made forces
· Describe how gravity affects motion
· Demonstrate the rate, time and distance factors and units for speed
· Describe examples of inertia and momentum in the classroom, playground and at home
Earth Science
(Standard E) / · Sort pictures of different land features
· Identify the basic features of globes or maps
· Classify major sources or uses of water
· Collect daily weather data
· Predict local weather conditions
· Describe seasonal variations
· Illustrate weather patterns
· Sort pictures of natural resources
· Identify objects that are recyclable
· Set a recycling or reusing goal for classroom / · Sort pictures of different land features
· Identify the basic features of globes or maps
· Classify major sources or uses of water
· Sketch atmospheric features seen in the sky over time
· Collect daily weather data
· Predict local weather conditions based on collected data
· Associate seasonal variations of weather data
· Create pictographs or other graphic displays of weather patterns
· Sort different examples of simple natural resources
· Identify the origin of resources with their recyclable possibilities
· Set and work toward a possible recycling or reusing goal for classroom application effort / · Describe different types of Earth's rocks, soils, and minerals
· Identify major sources/locations of water on the planet
· Identify major Earth and atmospheric features from photographs including those from satellites
· Model erosion processes in various soil compositions
· Compare different water flow models for weathering impact
· Identify water cycle in local weather conditions and features
· Compare different paper, glass or plastic composition examples
· Collect data from paper, glass or plastic consumption in school over time
· Predict futuristic resource uses and availabilities
(Standard F) / · Identify the basic parts of the solar system (planets, sun, stars, moon)
· Record daily and/or nightly moon sightings
· Record observations of the path of the sun
· Compare shadows during the day
· Observe the daily and seasonal differences of the day and night sky / · Identify the easily visible components of the solar system
· Explore the relative sizes using scale models
· Record daily and/or nightly moon sightings
· Introduce space mission studies
· Record observations of the daily path of the sun over time
· Compare shadows during the day
· Observe the daily and seasonal differences of the day and night sky / · Identify the sizes, distances and relationships of the main bodies in the solar system
· Relate Earth's dependence on the Sun for heat and light
· Model the phases of the moon
· Suggest how and why people have studied and explained the solar system through time
· Model the Earth's motion in relation to the Sun during the day, night and year
· Introduce the comparative orbits of planets in the solar system
· Relate the moon's orbit to its observed phases
· Use constellation models to explain apparent changes in the night sky
Goal 13
Safety and Practices of Science
(Standard A) / · Develop classroom rules for safety
· Apply rules to situations outside of science
· Role-play correct behavior
· Reinforce decision making for good health
· Value the importance of recording scientific data accurately
· Compare observations by different students observing the same activity / · Develop classroom rules for safety, order, and investigation
· Apply rules to situations outside of science
· Role-play correct behavior
· Reinforce decision making for good health
· Value the importance of recording scientific data accurately and honestly in inquiry and design investigations
· Compare observations by different students observing the same activity
· Propose reasons for differences in observations
· Report data from repeated observations across limited intervals / · Explain the dangers of electricity to applicable classroom and home situations
· Refrain from tasting unknown substances
· Map pathways to leave classroom or home in case of fire or severe weather situations
· Identify safety hazards associated with classroom science inquiry or design investigations
· Propose ways to test student-generated predictions for science-conceptual relationships
· Practice how scientists generate questions for possible studies
· Relate knowledge that was gained through careful, repeated observations by classmates
· Distinguish hypotheses from guesses
Science, Technology, Society
(Standards B) / · Introduce and use instruments for measuring length and temperature, and record it accurately
· Identify individuals and their discoveries or inventions
· Explain how scientists have advanced our knowledge in real life
· Identify how technologies make work easier, faster or more efficient
· Describe ways that scientists are working to solve problems
· Identify types and causes of pollution
· List materials that can be recycles and suggest ideas for reducing, reusing and recycling resources / · Use instruments for measuring length and temperature, and record it accurately
· Identify individuals and their discoveries or inventions
· Explain how scientists have advanced our knowledge in real life
· Identify familiar jobs and careers from science fields; infer the impact of science and technologies in their lives
· Identify how technologies make work easier, faster or more efficient
· Describe ways that scientists are working to solve problems
· Identify types and causes of pollution
· List materials that can be recycles and suggest ideas for reducing, reusing and recycling resources / · Select appropriate technologies for measuring and recording data
· Compare accuracy of estimations and precise measurements
· Sequence appropriate steps for instructed use of equipment
· Investigate the technology of measuring time in history
· Study applicable personal interest stories
· Report on specific examples of how scientists or technologists have affected society
· Associate the fields of transportation, medicine, agriculture, sanitation, and communication to pertinent life, environmental, physical, earth and space science concepts
· Describe ways sciences and technology have affected societal problems in the past, present and projected future
· Identify types and causes of pollutions
· Apply the practices of reducing, reusing and recycling renewable resources
Sciences Curriculum Map
3rd grade / 4th grade / 5th grade
Goal 11
Scientific Inquiry
(Standard A) / · Describe observed event with appropriate attributes, units and tools, observations, and types of changes from beginning to end
· Devise inquiry investigation by brainstorming questions and hypotheses, developing a procedure, and collecting data