Semester : Second Academic Year: 1434– 1435H
Student Name:…………………………………………Student ID:
Course Name: Database 1 Course Code: INFS 221
Level: FIVE Group Number(s): 2316
Exam Date: 18-3-2014 Exam Day: TUESDAY
Exam Duration: 1:00 Hour. Start Time: 12:00 Maximum Marks: 10

SECTION – A (5 X 1 = 5 Marks)

Answer ALL the following.

Each question carries ONE Mark.

1. A. Choose the correct / best answer:

a)Doesn’t include details of how data is stored or how operations are implemented :

1. Data Abstraction 2. Conceptual Representation 3. Data Model 4. None of the above

b)When not to use a DBMS ?

1. No multiple user access to data 2. Complex database 3.Not embedded system 4. All of the above

c)one of The following considers phase for designing a database :

1. Conceptual design 2. Logical design 3. ( 1+2 ) 4. None of the above

B. Fill in the blanks:

1)---DBMS----is a collection of programs that enable users to create and maintain a

database .

2)---META-DATA--- describes structure of the database .

SECTION – B (2 X 2.5 = 5 Marks)

Answer ALL the following.

Each question carries TWO and Half Marks

2.List five of actors on the scene ( users ) of the database .

-  DBA .

-  Database Designers .

-  End Users .

-  System Analysts .

-  Application Programmers .

3.List five advantages of using the DBMS Approach .

-  Controlling Redundancy .

-  Restricting Unauthorized access .

-  Providing Persistent storage for program objects .

-  Providing storage structures and search techniques for efficient query processing .

-  Providing backup and recovery .

-  Providing multiple user interfaces .

-  Representing complex relationships among data .

-  Enforcing integrity constraints .

-  Permitting inferencing and actions using rules .

-  Additional implications of using the database approach .