Each year Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina offer scholarships to an accredited institution of higher learning. Any deserving full time student from the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina who is a member of a Presbyterian Church (USA) of proven scholastic ability, who needs financial assistance to further his/her education will be considered. Preference will be given to students attending Presbyterian colleges.

The following rules apply:

  1. A Scholarship Committee composed of five members. The chair is elected every two years, and he Moderator appoints four members from across the Presbytery.
  2. The Finance Committee shall inform the Scholarship Committee the amount of money available for scholarships. The Scholarship Committee shall determine the number of scholarships to be awarded Information concerning scholarships and application forms will be distributed to eachcongregation in the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina in the handbook in the fall of each year.
  3. The application form, school transcript(s), SAT or ACT scores, class rank, GPA, autobiography,and letters of recommendation must be received by the Scholarship Committee Chair byFebruary 13 (no exceptions) to be considered for a scholarship for the following school year.
  4. Scholarships maybe renewed, but must be applied for each year, provided the recipient maintains a 2.5 GPA and the need for further financial assistance still exists.
  5. Care will be taken to ensure that equitable distribution of scholarships is made to applicants from all regions in the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina.
  6. The scholarships will be paid in two equal payments.
  7. Checks will be made payable to the recipient and to the institution of enrollment, accompanied with an award form and a copy of the letter to the recipient notifying him/her of the scholarship award.
  8. All scholarships given through Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina shall be subject to these guidelines.
  9. Local congregations will be encouraged to support the Scholarship Fund above their annual support to the Mission pledge.


Deadline: February 13, 2015 (Friday)

Send the following:

-Application Form (Signature of PW Moderator or Minister is required.)

-School Transcript(s)

High school transcripts are required from high school seniors.
College transcripts are required from students already in college.

-SAT or ACT scores

-Class Rank (High School)

-GPA (High School and College)


oTwo typed pages

oDouble spaced

-Three Letters of Recommendation (One from Church Member)

Mail to:

Hilda Miller, Scholarship Chair

c/o Presbytery of Coastal Carolina

807 W. King Street

Elizabethtown, NC 28337

All scholarship recipients will be notified by March 13, 2015.

Church ______

Region ______

Presbyterian Women
in the
Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
"Lorena Clark Piner" Scholarship 2015-2016




Telephone ______

Email Address ______

Your Church ______

PW Moderator signature ______or

Minister/Session Moderator’ssignature ______

Signature of PW Moderator or Minister/Session Moderator is required.

High School ______

College ______

Other siblings Enrolled in College ______

Parents ______

Address ______