Author Celebration: Final Research Papers

EDN 340 11/20/14

1.  Atina – Classroom management

·  Parents, students, teacher relationships – Important to make good relationships with parents to keep them in the loop. A live website that students and parents can log on and see practice problems, pictures, and classroom schedule. The parent can also click on their specific child and see their grades (private to other parents).

·  Rewards system – positive reinforcement.

·  Classroom management/behavioral plan- Keeping student’s busy or working on something decreases behavioral problems.

·  Having a bunch of different stations in your classroom is a great setting change, and allows them to explore different areas and move around.

·  Teacher needs to follow rules as well. If no food is allowed in class then they shouldn’t eat in classroom as well.

2.  Courtney – Classroom management

·  The first year sets the climate of your classroom. You decide the first day what kind of teacher you are going to be.

·  If you want a smooth year you should cover all the rules and expectations the first day. It also is important to make it warm and inviting. Play name games. Make something as a class.

·  Work as a class to make rules – get them involved in the process. That way when they break them you can remind them of the rules that THEY helped make and agreed to.

·  Form great communication with parents and students, both should feel welcomed in the classroom.

·  Prepare for everything – fire drills, sub lesson plans, taking longer on a lesson. Sometimes it is trial and error.

·  Build relationships with the students and their parents. Introduce yourself. Call home for positives, and not just negatives.

·  Introduce a classroom pet – encourages student to come.

3.  Meredith- Classroom management & atmosphere

·  Group contingencies can motivate students – tallies for whole class.

·  Time away – designate a spot in the classroom where students can escape to voluntarily, and not as a punishment. Comfy chair, books, headphones.

·  Reality therapy module- creates a plan to deal with behavior.

·  Positive interventions - Don’t kick student out of classroom.

4.  Kristen- Classroom management & Reward Systems

·  Rewards system – based on what the school allows, and what teachers think will work for their individual classroom.

·  Interviewed teachers about their rewards system.

·  Advantages/disadvantages of their system.

·  Kindergarten – ticket system Get them for good behavior, and loose them for bad. At a young age learning that they are responsible for their behavior.

·  They have a store at the end of week/month that they can cash in for prizes.

·  Consistency is key. Be fair. Let them know there are consequences for their actions.

·  5th grade- all for one approach. Stickers or cookie sheet. Rewards class for behaving well as a class. As soon as it is filled up the whole class votes on a treat. (Pajama day, bring in toys, food, etc). Disadvantage- She sometimes forgets to put a sticker on board. So she assigned a student to do it. Allows them to be more aware of their behavior.

·  5th grade- all the students have jobs, which they applied to. Allows them to be responsible, and have a reason to show up to school. Get paid $5 paper money. They can loose their job.

5.  Katy - Classroom management

·  Enforce rules at the beginning of the year.

·  Behavior problems usually happen during transitions, so it is important to even plan down to your transitions.

·  Allowing the students to help make the rules

·  Self monitoring – makes them more accountable of what they are doing.

·  Interviewed tutee- Enjoys the fact that her teacher praises her for being a good person.

6.  Carol - Graduating/licenser exam

·  North Carolina Foundations or Reading website

·  Must pass NCell exam to get license in NC.

·  Each section is $30 registration fee & $125 testing fee

·  Scores take about a month to show up to see if you passed or need to retake.

·  Need a 229 – reading, or general - 227

· website- job postings in North Carolina – part time/full time, etc.

·  Email or call first. Then take resume face to face.

7. Allison – Jobs, making yourself more marketable

·  Applying for jobs is scary

·  Be prepared

·  Make yourself stand out, and become more marketable

·  Get involved in high school and college

·  Be aware how you are portrayed on social media

·  Have a professional resume with a cover letter, and provide letters of recommendations.

·  Don’t be afraid to ask questions during your interview.

8.  Lauren – Jobs/graduating

·  Process of applying for a job – having a professional updated resume

·  Having a resume that represents a love for teaching

·  Volunteer at schools or Special Olympics.

·  Have letters of recommendations – teachers, professors, students you’ve worked with.

·  Graduating next December – still can sub, and get a position when someone is on maternity leave, etc.

·  Pay is different to sub though

·  Lengthy interview. Dress professionally.

·  Form strong relationships, and get to know everyone (teachers, principals, secretary, and custodians)

·  Sometimes you can apply to the county, sometimes to the school. Don’t be afraid to hand deliver resumes.

·  Once you do get a job know what the principal is looking for.

9.  Katie – Jobs

·  How you show your teaching potential through every prior experience.

·  How you work with peers

·  Bring an example lesson plan

·  Applying to a certain position doesn’t have to be just for your concentration

·  Professional email address, and resume.

·  Listing educational experience with most recent first

10.  Leslie – Parents Involvement

·  Students sometimes don’t advance when they aren’t getting help at home.

·  Teachers can have better relationships with parents so they are working together to help their child succeed.

·  Parent workshops

·  Sometimes you can’t control the parents, and sometimes they won’t respond.

·  You need to be as welcoming as possible.

·  Send home parent newsletters every week.

11.  Craig - Lesson Planning

·  Struggled finding stuff to do with tutee

·  It is key to be creative, and integrate stuff.

·  Collaborative lesson planning.

·  Use your resources

12.  Melissa

I studied academic interventions/ strategies for all students in the classroom and especially for students with disabilities in a general education classroom. These strategies include HELPS (Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies), Paired Reading, Mental Imagery, and “Click or Clunk”. The HELPS program includes different parts like adult modeling reading, repeated reading passages by student, phrase-drill error correction, verbal cueing, and retell check to encourage student reading comprehension. Paired Reading which is also known as Buddy Reading where students are paired and each pair reads aloud in tandem. Mental imagery is a concept where students take text and create illustrations of the text. Another tool for teachers is the “Click or Clunk” which is a student comprehension self-check where students periodically check their understanding of texts that they read.

13.  Paige--Classroom management.
1. Create rules and target behaviors that are observable and measureable. For example, you can measure the amount of times a student raises their hands rather than calling out.
2. Token Economy- Students get token rewards for when they behave in a positive way. Tokens are then cashed in for a prize either tangible or an extra opportunity.
3. Contingency Contracts- Individualized behavior contracts that monitor a targeted skill or behavior.

14.  Jamie –

·  educational policy, mandated curricula, standardized testing and NCLB in elementary and secondary education,

·  concerned about teaching lesson plans she wants to teach and having to use the “given” things from the school like basal,

·  concerned for herself and students because she wants to have an exciting program for a diverse group of students and the programs for NCLB are for, in Jamie’s opinion, a select group of students.

·  Problem with charter schools, really take away from public schools

·  AYP – how are you going to bring in an outside person to “fix” your school when they haven’t been there and don’t know what the school needs

·  Structured curriculum – lost a lot of the creative aspect in the classroom and loose the art of making lessons, fall into the trap of structured curriculum

·  Kids worth is determined by a test is bothersome

15.  Daniel –

·  Parent teacher relationships

·  2 major things: communication and creating a sense of belonging

·  Opening up communication through emails, phone calls, talking to student’s parents when things are going right and not just when there are problems shows you have an interest in the student

·  Have parents feel a part of the school community and child’s education

·  Parent-teacher relationships changed throughout time, parents look to educators as learners themselves in 40s, teachers look towards parents now as what they should be doing with their kids

·  Different backgrounds education is facing now – multi-cultural classroom, beneficial because students become more diverse themselves, parents may not speak English though so schools need people who can speak the language or interpret to help with the child’s education

16.  Landyn -

·  Interviewing and states she’s interested in

·  NC for bachelor’s degree - $33,000/yr increases every 4 years by $3,00

·  NC you have to pass the NCEL

·  SC first year teachers is $10,000 more than NC, the test you have to take is Praxis II

·  GA – avg teacher salary is $53,000 for all areas of teaching, rely on more factors, licensure is GACE

·  What to expect in interview – may be asked to perform specific tasks, for example: lesson plans, examining class data and forming a plan based on it

17.Katherine –

·  How to engage and motivate your students

·  Strategies that teachers use – 3 that are very important and useful

·  Giving them a voice – let them set own academic goals, giving them a way to see that they are going to reach some goal, helping them see a connection between their effort and results

·  Making information relevant to them – 2 different ways to do this: utility value, why is this useful academically?, relatedness, how is that going to help you in your individual life?

·  Incorporating technology – a study done where kids misbehaved a lot, the use of technology changed the behavior and they were much more interested and engaged.


Melissa –

·  Parenting styles at home compared to how they act in the classroom

·  Authoritative, - friendly but have rules in place, ideal!

·  permissive, - parents want to be friends, no rules

·  authoritarian, - lots of rules, very cold

·  uninvolved – no rules, cold, no involvement.

·  ways to engage parents – send out newsletters, in English and Spanish, having websites or blogs, gets parents to care about the child’s education

19.  Caitlin –

·  Parent-teacher relationship when it comes to problems in the classroom

·  Communication and a good relationship is key

·  Opening the line of communication in the beginning of the year shows you care and might encourage parents to open up more

·  When problems arise: make sure to keep things professional and make sure the parent understands you want what is best for their child

20.  Danielle

·  International teaching opportunities

·  Look for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) courses

·  Available around the world

·  Courses can be taken online