Oregon State Triathlon Club

Fall Term Meeting

September 27, 2016

You don’t need to do a tri to be in the club! You are welcome to just practice with us at the workout(s) you choose and that’s it! We welcome beginners! We make all practices beginner friendly and there are always options for your level. We will teach you how to swim, bike, and run if you want to learn. Please come to practice to see what we mean! We are so happy to have you!

Introduction of the officers

President: Quincy Gill

Vice President: Kevin Le

Secretary: Colette Pruitt

Treasurer:Ian Morelan

Webmaster: Rylee Glassman

Social: Mairin Fahey + Colette Pruitt

Sponsorship: Bryce Thornton

Volunteer: Melissa Britsch + MandiDesmarteau

Apparel: John Martinez

Recruitment: Josh Erkman + Erika Mittermaier

Travel: Open! Interested? Let us know!

Introduction of the coaches

Michael “Taz” Tasman

Blair Bronson

Staci Partridge

Nate Smith

Kara Smith

Erica McKenzie


Promote knowledge of and participation in the sport of triathlon, and to provide a network of training and racing opportunities and assistance at ALL levels. We aim to remove all barriers to participating in triathlon/multisport races.

What the Tri Club has to offer you!

Beginner friendly environment

Race entry fees paid for by the club *if you volunteer in return (see volunteering)

Sponsorship deals to get gear for cheap

Many group practice options


High quality uniforms and training gear

Social gatherings (outside of practice)

Pancake breakfasts


Training equipment

New friends

Your commitment to the Tri Club

Minimum commitment

Dues ($40)

0 hours of your time

-You can commit as much or as little as you’d like to the club. As you saw from a show of hands, almost every single returning member in the club has had a time where they did not attend any scheduled practices for weeks at a time. You are students first, so school comes first. If things get crazy, don’t worry! We will welcome you with open arms when you have time to practice later.

Optional (if you don’t plan to race)


- Even if you don’t plan to race, we would love your help at our fundraising events. Volunteering is great karma!


Every practice is optional! You can go to all or none, up to you!

- See note above. No one on our team attends all the practices and we don’t even want you to try. There are so many options because we hope at least a couple will work for your schedule. If none of them work, send an email to the list or watch the list for invites to other workouts throughout the week.

Becoming a Member

 Pay your dues

- $40 / year checks out to OSU Triathlon Club - Cash is ok too

- You must give your dues directly to an officer. Please bring dues to practice.

 Sign a waiver / sign up with rec sports (online or paper)

- Waivers MUST be submitted before you may participate in any practices.

- Waivers are available here

1. log in

2. click the “clubs” tab

3. search for tri or triathlon

4. click the join now bottom and follow the prompts from there.

 Join the list serve

- The list serve is the means of communication within the club. Workouts meetings and all other inquiries are sent out via the list serve. Anyone can join the list serve.

- Visit the web site

- Fill out the form with your email and password. If you are an onid user, you can use your same password.

- Note: The last question before selection the subscribe button is: "Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest?"

- By selecting no (default), you will receive individual emails in real time. By selecting yes, you will receive 1 email a day usually around noon.

  • If you get the digest, you will likely miss last minute emails for practices, so we recommend starting out in real time.

- A lot of emails are sent through the list serve and if you don't like to receive multiple emails a day, the digest is a good way to lessen the impact on your inbox. You can always change this option by revisiting the above site and editing your options at the bottom of the page.

- Also, if you receive digest emails, you will need your user name and password to access attachments. Just click the attachment link and put in your information to view the file.

- Please note: There are nearly 400 people on the list serve, and your email goes to all ofthem. Please use discretion and appropriate language. Nothing about alcohol ever.

 Sign up to volunteer for the Fever (October 16th)

- Sign up here:

 Mark your calendar for the Freezer April 1st

 Start coming to practice!


Fall Calendar

Date Time Event

9/26/16 see schedulePractices Beginsee schedule

10/2/16 11ish amFirst Pancake Breakfast (approx. every other weekend) KEM’s (see later email)

10/8/166:15-6:45pmClinic: How to fix a flat Women’s Building 19

10/14/163:00pm-?Beaver Fever Equipment LoadingClub Storage

10/15/16 12:00-5:00pmBeaver Fever Set UpPhilomath

10/16/166:00am-3:00pmBeaver Fever Race Volunteering Philomath

TBD10:00am-1:00pmClinic:Underwater swim analysis Pool/lower class

TBD6:00-7:00pm Clinic:How to create a training plan If there is interest

TBD12:00-2:00pm Clinic:General bike maintenanceBike Shop/lower class

TBDby appointmentBike Fit Nate and Kara’s


We have amazing sponsors. Everyone who volunteers at the Fever will become eligible for sponsorship.

Pearl Izumi, ROKA, Corvallis Cyclery, Trek, SRAM, Vertebrata, Best in the West.


Beaver Fever Duathlon and Triathlon

October 16th

Beaver Freezer Triathlon

April 1st

We make all our money this way which allows us to travel and race for free! Please help by volunteeringand bringing a friend. The more, the merrier!

Club Funding


Dues only = practice only

Above + Freezer = practice, non-travel club race entries paid

Above + Fever = practice, all club race entries paid, eligible for sponsorship deals, eligible for nationals,

50% reduced kit

Above + Coordinator or additional 10 volunteer hours = above + 75% reduced kit

Above + Officer or Race Director = above + extra race money

Alumni, staff and faculty:

Dues only = practice only

Above + Freezer + Fever = practice, 50% race fee discount for local races, eligible for sponsorship

Above + 10 additional volunteer hours = above + 50% race fee discount for travel races + 50% reducedkit

Alumni/staff/faculty cannot be coordinators.

The more you do for the club, the more we give you!


Members are required to volunteer at the Fever and the Freezer for full race fee coverage.

We have pretty much covered it by now. Just know, if you can’t make it, there are still options to get yourrequirements taken care of!

Club Funded Races

Kingsley Field Du




Oregon Dunes


Blue Lake

*Pac Crest

Hagg Lake

Tri at the Grove

*Lake Tye Tri

Best in the West

*travel races, you must volunteer for both the fever and freezer to get these paid for.

Other Races (not club funded)

Mustache Dache 5k club - discount

Run to Get Lucky 5k/15k club - discount and group spin before

Corvallis Half Marathon club –discount

Stayton Tri

Tune Up Race 2015

Practice Freezer (March)

Fever course (April)

Think about it... Vote at our winter meeting! Which course would you prefer to do as a tune up race forfree in the early season?

Short introduction to the races, too. More on this at the winter term meeting.


Uniforms are available for purchase.

Warm ups

General Swag


Tuscaloosa, AL

4 guys, 4 gals

Applications required for funding – if you would like to see the application, email Staci. You cannot getnationals paid for if it will be your first triathlon or your first open water swim. Going as a first year clubmember can happen, you just need to work hard for the club. This is an all-expense paid trip, so you needto show that you are willing to work hard to support the club in return. If you want to go and aren’tselected, you can certainly travel with us,you will just need to pay for your own flights etc.

Due December 1st by 5pm