Sentinel V2 Module Testing

Weeks 1 & 2: Retesting Specific Items Based on Feedback


Based on feedback received from the weeks 1 & 2 testing items, changes have been made to fix errors reported and suggestions made.

Please provide your test notes and retest results back to Tammy Fannin. Thank you!

Task 1 Retest: Add New Candidates to Sentinel V2

Using the “Add New Person” menu option located under the people menu, add new candidates to Sentinel V2.

Changes made that we would like you to retest involve general usability of the person add screen, foreign addresses and address validation.

We marked required fields with a dark red outline. Based on the type of person you are adding (candidate vs. non-member), the required fields change dynamically. Try adding both types of records to the system…candidates and non-candidates to see how required fields for each record type change. As a reminder, the valley status code is the field that determines if the record being added is a candidate or non-candidate.

Address handling has changed to better handle foreign member addresses. Notice we have moved the country field to the top of the primary address edit area. By changing the country, the options related to the address change automatically.

Data validation on individual fields has been applied to ensure the data entered follow the proper format. On date and email fields, the system should advise you if the data you entered isn’t formatted correctly. Check this function to see if you think it provides adequate feedback to users.

The address validation feature on the person add screen should work correctly now. Check it by entering some addresses information and clicking “Validate Address”. The system should advise you if the address can be validated (i.e., matches an address in the online US address deliverability database).

Other changes include the option for “No Middle Name” and setting the country to “USA” automatically on the preferred mailing address. Note those changes and explore their functionality.

Please look this screen over one more time with a critical eye. Were any fields you expect to see here not present?

Task 1 Retest Results:

Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.
Task 2 Retest: Form 330 Submissions

Feedback from testing indicated the need for better date format handling. Now, every date of investiture should enforce the correct date format.

Also, default dates of investiture have been added to the Form 330 as well. So, if desired, you can fill in the default dates of investiture for the entire class at the top of the screen and they will automatically be applied to everyone included in the Form 330. Try that out and see if it works correctly and let us know if you like it.

Note that any default date of investiture can be overridden on an individual member’s Form 330 line. So, try that as well.

Task 2 Retest Results:

Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.
Task 3 Retest: Report a Member as Deceased

Most users in week 2 testing reported problems reporting a member as deceased. The bug causing users problems has been corrected and is ready to be retested.

To report a member as deceased, the death notification date is mandatory, while the actual date of death is optional. The thinking here is that the valley is always aware of when the valley found out the member is deceased, even if the actual date of death is unclear. Best practice would be to provide both dates, when available. However, the death notification date is the minimum required to “decease” someone.

Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.
Task 4 Retest: Add a picture to a member’s profile record.

There were security related problems that were discovered that prevented people from attaching picture to a member’s record. These have been fixed and we would like you to attempt to attach a member picture to a few records to see how this works for you.

Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.