Amy Allen / Director


L.A. Acting Teen Workshops

(grades 4-12)

The L.A. Acting Workshop, Orlando’s premiere acting school, is excited to offer another professional year of superior workshops.

The Musical Theatre Performance Troupe, Teen Players and Pre-Teen Performance Troupe are on-going, early-evening workshops that meet every Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, respectively, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm for teens and pre-teens (grades 4-12).

L.A. Acting Teen Players is for teens, grades 6th through 12th, who want to learn stage and on-camera acting skills in a professional and creative environment. Through audition techniques, improvisation, character development, scene and monologue work for stage,

television, film and commercials, students will learn to take their performance skills to the next level.

L.A. Acting Teen Performance Troupe is for the theatrically advanced pre-teen/teen in grades 5th through 9th. This workshop places specific emphasis on both the auditioning and performance elements of theatre, film, and television as well as gives individual guidance and coaching to help each young actor achieve their theatrical dreams. This program is by invitation only.

L.A. Acting Musical Theatre Performance Troupe is designed specifically for young performers with a passion for musical theatre.

Singing, dancing and acting are all a part of this professional new workshop, designed for the serious musical

theatre student.Gain the confidence and skills to sing solo and in a group.

L.A. Acting Musical Theatre Performance Troupe, Teen Players and Pre-Teen Performance Troupe students have the opportunity to experience live performances and demonstrate their individual talents and progress in frequent “Open House” performance showcases throughout the year for family, friends, and industry professionals!

A FREE Introductory Class is offered to every new student. There is a $60.00 annual registration/materials fee, which includes a Performance T-shirt, and a $150.00 monthly class fee, due the first class of every month. It is required that teens and pre-teens take a minimum of 3 months of classes in order to develop a firm foundation and to understand the fundamental skills designed within

the workshop. For additional information, call Amy Allen, Director at (407) 876-0006. Office hours are Mon – Fri, 10A – 10P.



Teen’s Name (s) ______Age(s) ______D.O.B.___/_____/______

Parents Name(s) ______Grade______School______

Street Address______City______Zip______

Home ( )______Work ( )______Cell ( )______

E-mail Address______

 6:00 – 8:00 pm Monday Musical Theater Performance Troupe (grades 4-12)  6:00 – 8:00 pm Tuesday Teen Players

 6:00 – 8:00 pm Thursday Teen Performance Troupe (grades 5-9) (grades 6-12)

By Invitation Only

Payment: $60 Reg. Fee and $150 per month = $210 Total Total Amount Enclosed: $______

T - Shirt size (circle one): AS AM AL AXL

We accept credit cards and checks. Make checks payable to L.A. Acting Workshop and mail to:

L.A. Acting Workshop, 1575 S. Maguire Road, Ocoee, FL 34761, 407-876-0006