Parkwood Hills April 2013

Youth Program Survey

Please fill out this survey to give us your feedback about this program. Your answers are anonymous so no one will know who answered what. We look at all the responses together to see if there are things we could improve. We also want to understand what people get out of coming to this program. Thanks for taking the time to fill this out!

I have been coming to this program for:

/ Less than 3 months
/ 4-12 months
/ 1-2 years
/ More than 2 years

As a result of coming to this program, I have improved my skills in these areas:

Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Don't Know/Not applicable
Leadership skills / / / / /
Social skills / / / / /
Problem solving skills / / / / /
Communication skills / / / / /
Team skills / / / / /
Sports skills / / / / /
Cooking skills / / / / /
Job search skills (writing a resume, applying for jobs, etc) / / / / /
Art skills / / / / /
Other: ______/ / / / /

Is there anything you would like to learn but haven't yet in this program?

As a result of coming to this program:

Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Don't Know/Not applicable
I have learned about resources in my community / / / / /
I feel more connected to my community / / / / /
I have volunteered or helped out in my community / / / / /
I have tried new things / / / / /
I have met new people / / / / /
I have made new friends / / / / /
I am more active in my community / / / / /

Please tell us more about why you agreed or disagreed with the statements above.

Tell us whether or not you agree with the following statements:

/ Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Don't Know/Not applicable /
I feel comfortable talking to the staff in this program / / / / /
I feel comfortable talking to the other youth in this program / / / / /
I think the staff are positive role models / / / / /
The staff are helpful and supportive / / / / /
I have a good connection with the staff / / / / /
I feel like I am welcome at this program / / / / /

Please tell us more about why you agreed or disagreed with the statements above.

In what way has this program made an important difference for you?

What would you most want to change about this program to make it better?

Anything else you want to tell us about your experience in this program?

Thanks for participating in this survey. Your feedback is important to us!