Save the completed report using Committee title and date (example: WASFAA_JRSMLI_Oct_2.doc). Submit your report via email to the WASFAA Executive Council listserv and post a copy to the Committee webpage on the WASFAA website.

Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report

Executive Council Meeting Date / February 17-18, 2016
Executive Council Meeting Location / Las Vegas, NV

Committee Information

Committee Name / Federal Relations Committee
Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State) / Beryl Schantz - CSU Sacramento, CA*
Tami Sato – Marshall B. Ketchum University, CA
Committee Members (Name, Place of Employment, State) Please put an asterisk next to first-time committee members. / Barbara Bickett – DeVry Institute, CA
Anafe Robinson – Pierce College, (CASFAA Federal Issues), CA*
Malina Chang – CA institute of Technology, CA*
Helen Faith – Lane Community College, OR
Patricia Hurley – Glendale Community College, CA
Tracy Hall – Evergreen State College, WA*
Shannon Sheaff – Mohave Community College, AZ*
Vicki Shipley, NCHER
Shellee Kilbride – Prospect Education, NV*
Syed Rizvi – Santiago Canyon College, (CCCSFAAA, Federal Relations) CA*

Committee Goals

Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply)
Goal 1: Leader in providing training and professional development / X
Goal 2: Maintain the long-term financial stability of WASFAA
Goal 3: Assess & monitor the performance of WASFAA & make strategic adjustments
Goal 4: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities
Goal 5: Continually improve methods & processes for communicating with members / X
Goal 6: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of aid administrators / X
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the diversity of our membership and Executive Council
Goal 8: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations / X

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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report


Committee Goals

Specific Committee Goals(Include progress toward goals and measurement of success.) / 1.  Keep WASFAA members informed on the latest federal-aid issues through list serve messages, newsletter articles and reports to council
2.  Educate WASFAA members by facilitating sessions at the WASFAA annual and state conferences
3.  Continue WASFAA advocacy efforts by identifying federal issues where comment or recommendations would be appropriate: NPRM, Negotiated Rulemaking, Reauthorization, visits to legislators, conference call with education staffers, budgetary action, bills and proposals
4.  Serve as communication link from the states in the WASFAA region, to WASFAA, forwarded to the NASFAA board/committees when appropriate
5.  Facilitate advocacy effort at NASFAA Leadership Conference: Staffer meeting, talking points, template for institution fact sheet.
6.  Research on-line products or tools that can facilitate WASFAA members contacting and advocating to their legislative representatives.
7.  Collaborate with state and national organizations in advocacy efforts and educational efforts.

Summary of Committee Activities for the Quarter

Activities from April 2015 to June 2015
·  Submitted three articles for the WASFAA Newsletter on Negotiated Rulemaking sessions and advocacy at the NASFAA Leadership Conference.
·  Sent four list serve messages on loan fees, interest rate change, shutdown of “Get Transcript Online” and DCL on ABT and career pathway programs.
·  Responded to potential new members and invited WASFAA members to participate on the 2015-2016 Federal Relations committee. Entered names into WASFAA website.
·  Sent FRC members for review and discussion: Article on IBR Expansion, Issue Papers from negotiated rulemaking, the NPRM on cash management rules, repeated coursework and clock hour conversion.
·  FRC conference call meeting held on 5/27/2015 and minutes posted at website.
Activities from July 2015 to November 2015
·  Submitted article for the WASFAA Newsletter summarizing issues on the move to PPY.
·  Sent seven list serve messages on PG cuts, CFPB Request for Information, response to REPAYE NPRM, negotiated rulemaking 2016 on loan discharges, GE reporting issue, PPY, Continuing Resolution passed and Perkins expiring.
·  Developed four advocacy letters that were approved by EC and sent out: 1) Support for multi-year data from IRS; 2) H. Res 294 Support for Perkins; 3) Response to NPRM on REPAYE; and 4) Suggested additional topics for negotiated rulemaking.
·  Held four FRC conference call meetings 6/24, 7/29, 8/26 and 9/23 and posted minutes.
·  Reviewed NASFAA task force report on R2T4.
·  Reviewed draft FAFSA 2016-17 forms.
Activities from October 2015 to February 2016
·  Sent two list serve messages on the final regulations for cash management and REPAYE and information on the advocacy meeting with education committee staff.
·  Held three FRC conference call meetings on 11/18, 12/16 and 1/27 and posted minutes
·  Submitted a session proposal for the annual conference on guiding members to advocacy
·  Reviewed issues documents from Negotiated Rulemaking sessions on establishing procedures for a borrower defense to repayment. Two members of FRC have are involved or part of the non-federal team.
·  As part of the NASFAA Leadership Conference hill visit we arranged two meetings with staff members from the senate and house education committees. Messages were sent to WASFAA state presidents and the membership to develop a list of those interested in participating. We have 10 participants and this information helps to secure an appropriate meeting room.
·  Drafted WASFAA talking points for hill visit and a sample template for a one-page institution profile or fact sheet. Will distribute both after council approval.
·  Reviewed the RED Act (Reducing Educational Debt)
·  Reviewed articles and FSA EA #71 on reviewing and correcting GE Completers List
Measures Tracking Tool Data Collection Information (Include required Measures Tracking Tool data collection information to help determine progress toward Strategic plan goals/activities that are the responsibility of your Committee. See Appendix F of the current WASFAA Strategic Plan for guidance.)
Data to be collected for 2014-2015:
·  Include progress of FRC to strategic plan goals/activities in quarterly reports
·  Number of new volunteers serving on FRC – 7 (and 5 WASFAA states represented)
·  Number of newsletter articles - 4
·  Number of Listserv messages - 11
·  Number of letters drafted on behalf of EC and sent to Congress or DE - 5
·  Number of letters drafted for EC and not receiving consensus - 0
·  Number of members who took action to a request for call to action - unknown
·  Collaborative efforts and new collaborative efforts – CASFAA will join us on hill visits and we reviewed the draft document of issues for both organizations. CASFAA will advocate for their combine and align chart on the overlapping ways we are required to track student progress.

Budget Information

Approved Budget / $100
Budget Expenditures to Date / 1.  -0-
Event Information (complete if applicable per location) N/A
Event Name
Number / Cost of Registration / Subtotal
Complimentary Registrations (if applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients)
Add more rows as needed for additional events.

Calendar of Events/Timelines

Date / Committee Member Responsible (if applicable) / Description
5/27 / All / Conference call meeting
6/11 / Co-Chairs / FRC quarterly report due
6/24 / All / Conference call meeting
7/29 / All / Conference call meeting
8/26 / All / Conference call meeting
9/23 / All / Conference call meeting
10/9 / All / Newsletter article deadline date
11/2 / Co-Chairs / FRC quarterly report due
11/18 / All / Conference call meeting
11/18 / All / Newsletter article deadline date
12/16 / All / Conference call meeting
1/27 / All / Conference call meeting
2/1 / Helen / Conference session proposal deadline

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