Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research

Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra,

Salisbury University (

"$33B To Address Science Education." TCE: The Chemical Engineer 795 (2007): 14. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Abdul-alim, Jamaal. "Mentor Program Provides STEM Options." Education Week 30.17 (2011): 1,. ERIC. Web. 9 May 2012.

Abdul-alim, Jamaal. "NASA-MUST: Driving the STEM Agenda." Diverse: Issues In Higher Education 28.25 (2012): 13-14. Academic Search Complete. Web.

ACT, Inc., Iowa City, IA. "Developing the STEM Education Pipeline." ACT, Inc (2006): ERIC. Web. 9 May 2012.

Adams, Stephanie G. "Building Successful Student Teams In The Engineering Classroom." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 4.3/4 (2003): 1-6. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 May 2012.

Adedokun, Omolola A., and Wilella D. Burgess. "Uncovering Students' Preconceptions Of Undergraduate Research Experiences." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations And Research 12.5-6 (2011): 12-22. ERIC. Web.

Afterschool Alliance, and Foundation MetLife. "Afterschool: Middle School And Science, Technology, Engineering And Math (STEM). Metlife Foundation Afterschool Alert. Issue Brief No. 44." Afterschool Alliance (2010): ERIC. Web.

Alan, C. (2000) “Constructivism: Science Education’s Grand Unifying Theory.” The Clearing House 74(1): 9-12

Alexander C. McCormick, et al. "STEM/Non-STEM Differences In Engagement At US Institutions." Peer Review 13.3 (2011): 23-26. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 May 2012.

"Aligning Higher Education STEM Production with Workforce Demand through Professional Master’s Degrees." 2011.

Almarode, John, et al. "Specialized Public High Schools Of Science, Mathematics, And Technology And The STEM Pipeline: What Do We Know Now And What Will We Know In 5 Years?." Roeper Review 32.1 (2010): 7-16. ERIC. Web. 8 May 2012.

Alvarez, Charles Alex, Douglas Edwards, and Bonnie Harris. "STEM Specialty Programs: A Pathway For Under-Represented Students Into STEM Fields." NCSSSMST Journal 16.1 (2010): 27-29.

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, DC. "Preparing STEM Teachers: The Key To Global Competitiveness." American Association Of Colleges For Teacher Education (2007): ERIC. Web.

Armario, Christine. "Florida Legislature Shifts Focus To Higher Education." Community College Week 24.11 (2012): 8. Academic Search Complete. Web.

"ASME President Endorses STEM Education Bill." Mechanical Engineering 133.12 (2011): 79. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Assessment, and Instruction in Mathematics (ACCLAIM) Appalachian Collaborative Center for Learning, et al. "Findings From Inverness Research Associates' Evaluation Of The Appalachian Collaborative Center For Learning, Assessment, And Instruction In Mathematics (ACCLAIM). Working Paper No. 39." Appalachian Collaborative Center For Learning, Assessment, And Instruction In Mathematics (ACCLAIM) (2008): ERIC. Web.

Asunda, Paul A. "Open Courseware and STEM Initiatives in Career and Technicall Education." Journal of STEM Teacher Education (2011): 6-37.

Athreya, K. S., and Michael T. Kalkhoff. "The Engineering Leadership Program: A Co-Curricular Learning Environment By And For Students." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations And Research 11.3-4 (2010): 70-74. ERIC. Web.

Atkinson, Robert D. and Marrilea Mayo. “Refueling the U.S. Innovation Economy.” Washington, D.C.: Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, 2010.

Atkinson, Robert and Merrilea Mayo. “Refueling the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education. Executive Summary.” Washington, D.C.: Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, 2010.

Atman, Cynthia J., Jennifer Turns, and Sheri D. Sheppard. "Supporting Informed Decision Making To Improve Engineering Education." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 12.7 (2011): 5-14. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Augustine, N.R. and Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century. (2007) Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future. National Academies Press.

Aung, K. and R. Underdown. (2009) “Teaching Engineering to High School Students in a Summer Camp.” Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Baylor University.

Baird, Brian. "Role Of Community Colleges In Meeting Demand For Skilled Workers." FDCH Congressional Testimony (n.d.): Military & Government Collection. Web.

Baker, Waren, and John Keller. "Science Teacher And Researcher (STAR) Program: Strengthening STEM Education Through Authentic Research Experiences For Preservice And Early Career Teachers." Peer Review 12.2 (2010): 22-26. Academic Search Complete.

Baldwin, Roger G. "Climate Change: Creating Conditions Conducive To Quality STEM Undergraduate Education." New Directions For Teaching & Learning 2009.117 (2009): 97-101. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Baldwin, Roger G. "The Climate For Undergraduate Teaching And Learning In STEM Fields." New Directions For Teaching & Learning 2009.117 (2009): 9-17. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 May 2012.

Barth, Stephen. "STEM The Tide With Training, Education." Lodging Hospitality 57.14 (2001): 24. MasterFILE Premier. Web.

Basken, Paul. "NSF Seeks New Approach To Help Minority Students In Science." Chronicle Of Higher Education 56.27 (2010): A22. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Becker, Kurt, and Kyungsuk Park. "Effects Of Integrative Approaches Among Science, Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics (STEM) Subjects On Students' Learning: A Preliminary Meta-Analysis." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 12.5/6 (2011): 23-37. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 May 2012.

Becker, Kurt Henry and Kyungsuk Park. "Integrative Approaches among science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Subjects on Students’ Learning: A Meta-Analysis." Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research (2011): 23-37.

Beddow, Terry. "Understanding Engineering Bydesign Perceptions." Technology & Engineering Teacher 70.4 (2010): 21-24. Professional Development Collection. Web. 10 May 2012.

Beede, David, et. al. “Education Supports Racial and Ethnic Equality in STEM.” Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce: Economics and Statistice Administration, 2011.

Beede, David, Tiffany Julian, David Langdon, George McKittrick, Beethika Khan, Mark Doms, and (DOC) Economics and Statistics Administration. 2011. "Women in STEM: A Gender Gap to Innovation. ESA Issue Brief #04-11." US Department Of Commerce. ERIC. Web.

Bell, Philip. "Math And Science Education." FDCH Congressional Testimony (n.d.): Military & Government Collection. Web.

Bell, Thomas P. "President's Message." Technology & Engineering Teacher 70.6 (2011): 29-31. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Bevins, Scott. "STEM: Moving the Liberal Arts Education into the 21st Century." Technology & Engineering Teacher (2011): 10-13.

Bischoff, P.J., D. Castendyk, H. Gallagher, J. Schaumloffel, and S. Labroo. (2008) A Science Summer Camp as an Effective Way to Recruit High School Students to Major in the Physical Sciences and Science Education. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education 3(3): 131-141.

Bonich, Robert, Joseph Merlina, and Andrew C. Porter. "Where Teachers Are Treated Like Widgets, Education Suffers." Education Week 31.27 (2012): 20-21. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Bradbury, E. E., et al. "Improving Student Learning In Calculus Through Applications." International Journal Of Mathematical Education In Science And Technology 42.5 (2011): 591-604. ERIC. Web.

Bradley, Paul. "Creative Tension." Community College Week 24.12 (2012): 6-9. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Brett, James T. "Toward a Federal STEM Policy." New England Journal of Higher Education June 2007: 30. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 May 2012.

Brinkley, Alan. "Half A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste." Newsweek 154.21 (2009): 48. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Brown, Chris J., Laura J. Hansen-Brown, and Richard Conte. "Engaging Millennial College-Age Science And Engineering Students Through Experiential Learning Communities." Journal Of Applied Global Research 4.10 (2011): 41-58. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Brown Cordelia M., et al. "The Effect Of Individual Learning Styles On Student GPA In Engineering Education At Morgan State University." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 9.3/4 (2008): 37-46. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Brown, Edward E., Jr. "A Multicontextual Model For Broadening Participation In STEM Related Disciplines." Online Submission (2011): US-China Education Review , 323-332.

Brown, Ryan, Joshua Brown, Kristin Reardon, and Chris Merrill. "Understanding STEM: Current Perceptions." Technology and Engineering Teacher (2011): 5-9.

Brown, Susan Ipri. "Rebranding Engineering." Mechanical Engineering 133.12 (2011): 42-45. Academic Search Complete.

Budny, Dan D., and Cheryl A. Paul. "Working With Students And Parents To Improve The Freshman Retention." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 4.3/4 (2003): 1-9. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Business-Higher Education, Forum. "The American Competitiveness Initiative: Addressing The STEM Teacher Shortage And Improving Student Academic Readiness. BHEF Issue Brief." Business-Higher Education Forum (2006): ERIC. Web.

Business-Higher Education Forum. “Confronting the STEM Challenge: A New Modeling Tool for U.S. Education Policymakers.” Washington, D.C. Business-Higher Education Forum (2010).

Business-Higher Education Forum. (2011). Creating the Workforce of the Future: The STEM Interest and Proficiency Challenge. . Washington, D.C.

Business-Higher Education Forum. "Increasing the Number of STEM Graduates: Insights from the U.S. STEM Education & Modeling Project." (2011).

Business-Higher Education Forum. (2011). Meeting the STEM Workforce Demand: Accelerating Math Learning Among Students Interested in STEM. Washington, D.C.

Business Higher Education Forum. "Meeting the STEM Workforce Challenge: Leveraging Higher Education's Untapped Potential to Prepare Tomorrow's STEM Workforce." Business-Higher Education Forum (2012).

Business Roundtable. "Gaining Momentum, Losing Ground. Progress Report, 2008." Business Roundtable (2008): ERIC. Web.

Bybee, Rodger W. "Advancing STEM Education: A 2020 Vision." Technology And Engineering Teacher 70.1 (2010): 30-35.

Bybee, Rodger W. "K-12 Engineering Education Standards: Opportunities And Barriers." Technology And Engineering Teacher 70.5 (2011): 21-29. ERIC. Web. 8 May 2012.

Cantrell, Pamela, and Jacque Ewing-Taylor. "Exploring STEM Career Options Through Collaborative High School Seminars." Journal Of Engineering Education 98.3 (2009): 295-303. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Caralee Adams, et al. "Science Learning Outside The Classroom." Education Week 30.27 (2011): S1-S16. ERIC. Web.

Carnevale, A. Center on Education and the Workforce Georgetown University, et al. "STEM: Science Technology Engineering Mathematics. Executive Summary." Georgetown University Center On Education And The Workforce (2011): ERIC. Web. 10 May 2012.

Carnevale, Anthony P., Nicole Smith, and Michelle Melton. "STEM: Science Technology Engineering Mathematics: State-Level Analysis." 2011.

Carr, Julie Palakovich. "Will Lawmakers Reform Immigration Rules For STEM Graduates?." Bioscience 62.1 (2012): 15. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Cassata-Widera, A. J. "Rigorous Measures Of Implementation: A Methodological Framework For Evaluating Innovative STEM Programs." Society For Research On Educational Effectiveness (2011): ERIC. Web. 10 May 2012.

Cavallo, A.M.L., C.A. Sullivan, and N. Hall. (1999) Promoting Participation in the Health Science Professions: Summer Programs for Talented, Underrepresented Students in Science. School Science and Mathematics 99(6): 294-301.

Chang, Mitchell J., et al. "Improving The Rate Of Success For Underrepresented Racial Minorities In STEM Fields: Insights From A National Project." New Directions For Institutional Research 2010.148 (2010): 5-15. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 May 2012.

Chase, Darrell. "STEM And Career Exploratory Classes." Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers 85.3 (2010): 34. MasterFILE Premier. Web.

Chen, Xianglei. “Students Who Study Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in Postsecondary Education. Stats in Brief.” Washigton, D.C.: National Center for Education Statistics, 2009.

Chesney, Thom D. "Transforming Science Education Through Peer-Led Team Learning." Peer Review 13.3 (2011): 8-10. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 May 2012.

CHRISTIE, KATHY. "Middle And High Schoolers Get Hands-On STEM Experiences." Phi Delta Kappan 90.1 (2008): 5-6.

Church, Al. "STEM Mentoring--Aspiration To Achievement." NCSSSMST Journal 16.1 (2010): 13-14. ERIC. Web. 5 May 2012.

Clark, Aaron C., and Jeremy Ernst. "Gaming Research For Technology Education." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations And Research 10.1-2 (2009): 25-30. ERIC. Web.

Clark, Aaron C., and Jeremy V. Ernst. "STEM-Based Computational Modeling For Technology Education." Journal Of Technology Studies 34.1 (2008): 20-27. ERIC. Web. 8 May 2012.

Claude E. P. Mayo, et al. "Investing In The Future: The Importance Of Faculty Mentoring In The Development Of Students Of Color In STEM." New Directions For Institutional Research 2010.148 (2010): 95-103. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Colburn, Alan. "Constructivism: Science Education's 'Grand Unifying Theory.'." Clearing House 74.1 (2000): 9-12.

Clewett, Catherine F. M., and Hy D. Tran. "Macro Analog To MEMS: A Program To Teach 8 Th And 9 Th Grade Students Science And Engineering." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 4.3/4 (2003): 1-7. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Comp, David. "Germany As A Study Abroad Destination Of U.S. Students In The Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) Fields." Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal Of Study Abroad 19.(2010): 191-203. ERIC. Web. 6 May 2012.

Conaway, Carrie, and Education Massachusetts Department of. "Supply And Demand Of STEM Workers: STEM Jobs Are Growing, But Are Enough Massachusetts Students Qualified? Education Research Brief. Issue 2." Massachusetts Department Of Education (2007).

Connolly, Patrick E. "The Application Of An Engineering Design And Information Systems Case Study In A Senior Level Product Data Management Course." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 12.3/4 (2011): 35-45. Academic Search Complete. Web.

Cotton, K., and K.R. Wikelund. (2001) Parent Involvement in Education. School Improvement Research Series. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.

Covay, Elizabeth, and (SREE) Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. "Variation In Content Coverage By Classroom Composition: An Analysis Of Advanced Math Course Content." Society For Research On Educational Effectiveness (2011): ERIC. Web. 9 May 2012.

Cozart, Sheryl Conrad, and Paula Groves Price. "Black Women, Identity And Schooling: Reclaiming Our Work In Shifting Contexts." The Urban Review 37.3 (2005): 173-179. PsycINFO. Web.

Cox M, Cekic O, Adams S. Developing Leadership Skills of Undergraduate Engineering Students: Perspectives from engineering faculty. Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research [serial online]. 2010 Special Issue 2010;11(3/4):22-33. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA.

Cox, Monica F., Carlotta A. Berry, and Karl A. Smith. "Development Of A Leadership, Policy, And Change Course For Science, Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics Graduate Students." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations And Research 10.3-4 (2009): 9-16. ERIC.

Cullinane, Jenna, and Policy Institute for Higher Education. "Diversifying The STEM Pipeline: The Model Replication Institutions Program." Institute For Higher Education Policy (2009): ERIC. Web.

Danesi, Marcel. "A Conceptual Metaphor Framework For The Teaching Of Mathematics." Studies In Philosophy And Education 26.3 (2007): 225-236. Philosopher's Index. Web.

Darnell Johnson, et al. "Building A Model Of Collaboration Between Historically Black And Historically White Universities." Journal Of Higher Education Outreach And Engagement 15.2 (2011): 35-55. ERIC. Web. 6 May 2012.

Daugherty, Jenny L., George C. Reese, and Chris Merrill. "Trajectories Of Mathematics And Technology Education Pointing To Engineering Design." Journal Of Technology Studies 36.1 (2010): 46-52. ERIC. Web. 8 May 2012.