Volunteering brings benefits to both society at large and the individual volunteer. It makes important contributions, economically as well as socially. It contributes to a more cohesive society by building trust and reciprocity among citizens. The United Nations Volunteers is the United Nations organization that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism, including the mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer action in all its diversity. It values free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism.
Personal History Statement
1. Family name: / Other names:
2. Birth date (day/month/year): / 3. Place of Birth (city/country): / 4. Nationality(ies) at Birth: / 5. Present nationality(ies):
6. Gender: Male Female / 7. Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed Common Law
8. Current mailing address: (Valid until: //) / 9. Permanent/Residential address:
Telephone(s): (country & city code):
Mobile/Cell phone:
Email: / Telephone(s): (country & city code)
Mobile/Cell phone:
10. Your profession:
Main field(s) of specialization:
(b) / 11. Are you available for a two-year UNV assignment? yes no
Are you available for a shorter assignment? If yes, mark number of months:
6 9 12 18
When are you available for an assignment? (month/year)/
12. Are you presently employed? / yes no
How many weeks do you need to report to the duty station from the time your appointment is confirmed?
13. Have you ever filled in a UNV PHS form before? / no yes It was submitted on: (month/year)/
14. What is your mother tongue?
Other languages: (enter 4 for fluent, 3 for good, 2 for fair and 1 for basic)
Other languages / Read / Write / Speak / Understand
Note: If selected for a UNV assignment, your language ability will be tested during the interview.
15.University or equivalent, technical education, vocational or other types of training (of more than six months’ duration only):
From/to (month/year) / Institution (city/ country) / Main field of Study / Degree/qualification obtained
(a) / to /
(b) / to /
(c) / to /
(d) / to /
16. Detail your work experience, in reverse chronological order,starting with the present or most recent one (military service, periods of unemployment and employment of less than six months’ duration should be mentioned under item 20).
(a) Employer/ Organization: / Your functional title:
Work Location: / Period of work: from // to //
Reason for leaving:
Description of major activities:
(b) Employer/ Organization: / Your functional title:
Work Location: / Period of work: from // to //
Reason for leaving:
Description of major activities:
(c) Employer/ Organization: / Your functional title:
Work Location: / Period of work: from // to //
Reason for leaving:
Description of major activities:
(d) Employer/ Organization: / Your functional title:
Work Location: / Period of work: from // to //
Reason for leaving:
Description of major activities:
(e) Employer/ Organization: / Your functional title:
Work Location: / Period of work: from // to //
Reason for leaving:
Description of major activities:
17. Can UNV contact your present or most recent employer? / yes no
If yes, please provide telephone number(s) and email address:
18. Do you have any previous volunteer experience? / yes no
If yes, please elaborate:
19. Have you ever taught and/ or trained others? / yes no
If yes, provide details:
20. If applicable, briefly outline work experience of less than six months (as per item 15):
21. Do you have experience with computers? yes no
Please specify if you are an occasional user , regular user , or specialist user .
List software applications, programming languages, databases, operating systems, networks, etc. you have used:
22. Do you have a valid driving license? / yes no
passenger car motorcycle van (light truck) truck bus other:
23. Person(s) to be contacted in case of emergency:
Name / Address / Telephone number(s) (country & city code)
24. Name of spouse: / Is your spouse gainfully employed? yes no
If employed with an international/UN organization, please specify which one:
25. Details of your primary dependants (including your spouse, if applicable):
Name / Gender / Date of birth / Relationship / City & Country of Birth / Nationality
(a) / //
(b) / //
(c) / //
26. Would you serve unaccompanied if the assignment so required? / yes no
27. Are you in possession of a valid travel document? yes no If yes, specify: passport other:
Number: Place of issue/ Date of issue: // Expiry date: //
If no, it will take weeks to obtain it.
28. Mention any significant physical or psychological illness or disability you or your dependants have, or have had, which would have a bearing on your UNV assignment:
29. Have you ever been arrested and/or been convicted (excluding minor traffic violations)? yes no If yes, provide details:
30. Mention any relevant factors, any skills, interests, qualifications, geographical and cultural concerns not indicated elsewhere in this form:
31. References: List three persons, who are familiar with your character, work and qualifications (excluding relatives):
Full name / Full address / Telephone (country & city code)
Profession: / Email:
Profession / Email:
Profession / Email:
32. Briefly explain your reasons for applying to become a UNV volunteer:
33. I certify that the statements made in answer to all the above questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation or omission made in this Personal History Statement form may render my candidature invalid or, if serving as a UNV volunteer, liable for early termination of my contract. I have read and understood UNV’s Conditions of Service and accept them in principle.
Date (day/month/year): // / Signature:
UN Volunteers is administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Electronic UNV Application Set – June 20071