Study Island

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Generation Date: 03/30/2015


Which part of this butterfly's body helps protect it from predators?

/ A. / legs
/ B. / wings
/ C. / antennae
/ D. / eyes

2. The deer shown below has four long legs with which it can run fast, helping it to escape predators and survive.

What does the monkey have which similarly helps it to escape predators and survive?

/ A. / a tail to jump high
/ B. / two long legs to run fast
/ C. / arms, legs, and a tail to swing in trees
/ D. / wings to fly

3. Animals have a great variety of internal structures that define the way they live. For example, a bear has lungs to help it get oxygen to all of its cells. What does a fish have that serves the same function?

/ A. / scales
/ B. / lungs
/ C. / fins
/ D. / gills

4. An animal with long limbs, a long tail, and hand-like paws that can grab things would be best suited for which environment?

/ A. / tundra
/ B. / desert
/ C. / rainforest
/ D. / savanna

5. All seed plants have roots. Which of the following does NOT describe a function of a plant's root system?

/ A. / change energy from the sun into food
/ B. / store water and nutrients
/ C. / anchor the plant to the ground
/ D. / absorb water and nutrients from the soil

6. Plants are able to support themselves in an upright position due to turgor pressure. Water maintains the turgor pressure in stems like air inflates a balloon. Which of the following body systems helps humans to support themselves?

/ A. / digestive
/ B. / skeletal
/ C. / circulatory
/ D. / lymphatic

7. The harp seal lives on the polar ice sheets. Which adaptation makes it best suited for this environment?

/ A. / ears
/ B. / whiskers
/ C. / excess body fat
/ D. / large eyes

8. A physical structure or a behavior that helps an organism to survive in its environment is

/ A. / a mutation.
/ B. / an adaptation.
/ C. / extinction.
/ D. / natural selection.

9. While visiting the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin noticed several species of birds, which he called finches. These finches were similar in some ways but different in others.
Some of the finches that Charles Darwin observed on the Galapagos Islands fed on tiny insect parasites living on the skin of tortoises and lizards. These finches would reach their beaks into small, narrow folds in the animals' skin to catch their insect prey. Which finch below most likely fed on the smallest insects?

/ A. / finch W
/ B. / finch X
/ C. / finch Y
/ D. / finch Z

10. Living organisms have different structures that enable them to function effectively in specific ways. Which foot below belongs to a beaver?

/ A. / Y
/ B. / W
/ C. / X
/ D. / Z

11. The picture below shows a jellyfish.

In which of the following ways does a jellyfish obtain food?

/ A. / It stings its prey with its tentacles.
/ B. / It makes food using carbon dioxide and sunlight.
/ C. / It absorbs chemicals found in sea water.
/ D. / It scoops prey up with its bell.

12. The development of a structure containing many sensory tissues and organs was a major evolutionary development in animals. This structure faces the direction in which the organism moves, allowing the organism to sense the environment before moving toward it.
What is the structure developed to help organisms sense their surroundings?

/ A. / limb
/ B. / head
/ C. / tail
/ D. / skin

13. Examine the picture of the beaver below.

Beavers use log dams for shelter. They build their dams over ponds, creeks, and rivers. What structure does a beaver use to cut down trees used to build its dam?

/ A. / its tail
/ B. / its claws
/ C. / its teeth
/ D. / its scales


This bird’s feet are most adapted to

/ A. / swim easily through the water.
/ B. / climb high into the trees.
/ C. / catch and kill prey.
/ D. / run quickly across the ground.


Look at the fish above. They have probably adapted to have different fin shapes and locations because

/ A. / it does not help the fish in any way.
/ B. / it helps the fish to have more friends.
/ C. / it helps the fish to survive in their environment.
/ D. / it helps the fish attract more predators.

16. The giraffe’s neck has adapted to its environment. In what way has this helped it to survive?

/ A. / It helps it run faster.
/ B. / It helps it hide from predators.
/ C. / It helps it tolerate warm temperatures.
/ D. / It helps it to reach food high in the trees.


The bird shown above has a long, sharp beak. Knowing this, what type of food does the bird most likely eat?

/ A. / berries
/ B. / nectar
/ C. / seeds
/ D. / fish

18. What is an important function of a giraffe's extremely long neck?

/ A. / It allows the giraffe to eat the leaves off tall trees.
/ B. / It has no useful function.
/ C. / It allows the giraffe to see predators that are a long way away.
/ D. / It intimidates predators of the giraffe.

19. Both animals and plants require energy to perform their daily life functions. Animals generally consume food and drink water through their mouths to gain energy. Which plant structure most similarly serves the function of a mouth?

/ A. / stem
/ B. / flowers
/ C. / roots
/ D. / leaves

20. Male peacocks have a train of tail feathers that are bright and beautiful in color.

What is the function of the male peacock's train?

/ A. / It attracts small animals for the peacock to feed on.
/ B. / It attracts female peacocks.
/ C. / It scares away predators.
/ D. / It is used to help the peacock swim in water.

21. Which beak shape is best suited for reaching into long narrow flowers?

/ A. / short and stubby
/ B. / short and needle-like
/ C. / long and needle-like
/ D. / long and wide

22. Which adaptation would be best for a burrowing animal?

/ A. / claws
/ B. / spherical shape
/ C. / large ears
/ D. / large eyes

23. Living organisms have different structures that enable them to function effectively in specific ways. What is one difference between the cells of plants and animals?

/ A. / Plant cells have a cell wall, and animal cells do not.
/ B. / Plant cells have ribosomes, and animal cells do not.
/ C. / Animal cells have a cell membrane, and plant cells do not.
/ D. / Plant cells have a mitochondrion, and animal cells do not.

24. Earthworms have tiny bristles called setae which usually stay inside of their bodies. They can, however, jab them into the surrounding dirt to help them move forward. What is another way that earthworms often use their setae?

/ A. / to help oxygen diffuse through their skin better
/ B. / to help push dirt in their mouths when eating
/ C. / to glide along the surfaces of water bodies
/ D. / to anchor themselves to the ground when a bird tries to pull them away

25. Some plants have specialized tube-like structures that transport nutrients, minerals, and water. Water and dissolved ions are transported by xylum tubes. Phloem tubes transport nutrients.
The picture below is a cross section of a plant stem, with the xylem and phloem bundles labeled.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Which structures in animals are similar to xylem and phloem in plants?

/ A. / muscles
/ B. / blood vessels
/ C. / gills or lungs
/ D. / skin cells