Coach Holmes

Weight Training Course Syllabus


Class Description:

The emphasis in this course is on muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and safety. The core lifts in this course include parallel squats, power and hanging cleans, bench press, and inclines press. Weight room safety, warm-up/cool down procedures, lifting technique and safety for all lifts, major muscle identification, and individual goal setting are all important components in this course. In addition, students will monitor and improve their fitness levels by participating in the Fitness gram assessments throughout the semester. Students will conclude the semester by completing the Classroom Based Assessment

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of total wellness and how weight training contributes to this.
  • Demonstrate the basic fundamentals of weight training such as form, technique, spotting, breathing, and safety.
  • Understand and demonstrate various training methods such as low repetition for strength, high repetition for endurance and toning, pyramid strength building and circuit training.
  • Identify major muscle groups and give examples of specific lifts for those muscles.
  • Demonstrate proper warm-up and cool-down procedures specific to weight training.
  • Demonstrate correct mechanical and physiological principles on all lifts.
  • Consistently demonstrate correct and safe spotting techniques.


Daily participation, cooperation and effort are key components of this class, along with periodic skill, written, and physical fitness tests. It is extremely important that you are in class and properly suited for participation each day.

Weight TrainingClassroom and Safety Rules

1st offense warning, 2nd offense static/ loss of points/call home, and 3rd offense write up.

1. Profanity will not be tolerated!

2. Do not leave class without my permission. If you leave you, you’ll be written up immediately.

3. Do not throw objects in class or at other students.

4. No food or drink is allowed in the classroom at any time.

5. Cell Phones and IPods or any other personal electronic device is not allowed during school. If I find any of these items on you I will collect the item and you’ll be written up immediately.

6. Come to class on time. 1st offense warning, loss of points, 2nd offense static and loss of points, and 3rd offense Write up and loss of points.

7. Harassment, Intimidation, and bullying will not be tolerated.

8. You must have a spotter at all times with the weights.

  • Students will respect the rights, property and privacy of others.
  • Students will behave politely and respectfully toward everyone at all times.
  • Students will not use profane or vulgar behavior or speech, or violent or intimidating behavior.
  • Students will not leave the supervision area without permission.
  • Students will follow all directions without talking back or questioning authority.
  • At the conclusion of class, students will remain in the classroom until the bell rings.
  • Stay on subject matter.


Since a large portion of this class is directly related to PE the major portion of the grade is determined by the student being in and participating in class; however, I understand that absences do occur. In the event that you are absent from health or PE you are expected to see me on your first day back to get assignments that you missed and make up the work within 5 days of returning to school. If you do not make up the work within 5 days of returning you’ll receive a zero.


Please know that I am here for YOU! If, at any time, you are struggling please come and talk to me. The easiest way for parents to reach me is by email at