Formative Assessment Plan
Grade/Subject: 8th Grade/DanceOBJECTIVE: (re-aligned with new standards)CP.1.3 Organize dance sequences into simple dances that communicate ideas, experiences, feelings, images, or stories.
Learning Target / Criteria for Success / Collecting Evidence / Documenting Evidence
I can create a dance that communicates an idea, experience, feeling, concept, image, or story.
I can generate original movement sequences that manipulate the ideas, elements, and structures of dance.
I can explain the processes involved in making movement choices that communicate ideas, experiences, feelings, concepts, images or stories.
I can perform my dance communicating an idea, experience, feeling, concept, image, or story and discuss the messages that were conveyed. / I will choose an idea, experience, feeling, concept, image or story to communicate through an original dance that I create.
I will create movement sequences using the ideas, elements and structures of dance.
I will explain the movement choices I use to communicate using appropriate dance and movement vocabulary.
I will perform my dance for peers and ask them to provide feedback about the clarity of my message through my dance. / Students will think aloud with a partner as they experiment with various movement sequences to communicate the idea, experience, feeling, concept, image, or story that they select.
Students will complete an exit ticket, explaining their movement choices using dance vocabulary.
Peer-assessment: Students will perform original dances for peers and engage in conversations regarding the effectiveness of their communications through dance.
Observations of and conferences with students regarding their manipulation of dance ideas, elements, and structures. / Mental notes while watching students’ dances to provide descriptive feedback.
A matrix with learning targets can be used to indicate where students are in reaching the targets.
Students may reflect on their ideas and the effectiveness of their movement choices in a personal journal.
Video recording to help the students recognize what was effective and what could be revised to more clearly communicate their ideas through their dances.
- What misconceptions do you think students might have? Students may try to communicate their ideas through literal gestures and movements rather than manipulating the dance elements to convey messages.
- What will you do to address the misconceptions to move learning forward (e.g., how will you adjust instruction, what descriptive feedback will you provide)? The teacher will give students practice with analyzing movement sequences that convey meaning and describing how that is achieved through the manipulation of dance elements, ideas, and structures. Students will have multiple opportunities to engage in discussions and ongoing feedback from the teacher and peers as they refine their dances. The teacher will use questioning to help students identify what messages they intend to convey and how they will do so using dance.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction