Catholic Women’s League

St. Gabriel Parish

Burlington, Ontario

General Meeting

May 15, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

Present: 24 Members and 7 Guests

The evening started with our annual May Crowning of Mary in the church at 7:00. Patty Huschilt, Spiritual Convenor, welcomed everyone and thanked them for joining us. It was a lovely celebration with hymns to Our Lady, a guest speaker – Peter Boushy, recitation of the Rosary, and crowning by our President, Anne Walden. Peter is a well-known Hamilton lawyer and a friend of Gloria Nardi-Bell. Unfortunately Gloria was ill and could not be with us so Marguerite Birret read Gloria’s introduction of Peter. We’ve had the pleasure of previously hearing Peter speak about Mary – he has a faithful devotion to her. Peter’s focus this evening was on Our Lady of Fatima and the 100th anniversary of that visitation. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about Mary and the visitation at Fatima and he shared details that some of us were not aware of. His easy speaking style felt like a comfortable conversation about something he is passionate about rather than a delivered speech and we were all moved by his words.

Following the service refreshments were served in the Parish Centre before the business meeting.

Business Meeting

President, Anne Walden, asked if anyone had good news to share:

-  Alma Robinson - went zip-lining and loved it

-  Theresa McArthur – just turned 70 in April

-  Barb Trtany – celebrated 51st wedding anniversary yesterday


Recording Secretary, Anne Cholewka, read the minutes of the April 17, 2017 meeting. The minutes were approved on a motion made by Anne C. and seconded by Alma.

Treasurer’s Report

-  Treasurer, Helen Crooker, reported on the account balances.

-  Helen reported she booked all the masses for the year. They are at different times throughout the year so all members will have a chance to attend at some time.

-  The Christian Living awards for grads has to come out of the account so information is needed from the schools. Lotte will contact the schools.

-  Helen moved that we approve the amounts for the awards for Notre Dame High School and the two elementary schools, St. Gabriel’s and St. Marks. Theresa seconded the motion and all were in favour.

-  Helen moved we give a monetary gift to Fr. Kevin D’Souza for his ordination. Alma seconded and all were in favour.

President’s Report - Anne Walden

-  The Diocesan Convention is the same weekend as the Communion Breakfast so Anne will return home Saturday evening so she can come to the breakfast in morning. She will go back for the closing banquet later Sunday.

-  Anne received a request from Diocesan asking if we want to suggest any topics for workshops at the upcoming convention.

Communion Breakfast

Anne W. asked Patty Huschilt for an update:

-  Patty first thanked everyone for coming tonight and noted that it was the best turnout we’ve had for a May Crowning and included a number of people from other parishes. She mentioned that Peter would not accept an honorarium for speaking to us.

-  Patty told members that we need to promote the Communion Breakfast as we haven’t sold a lot of tickets yet. On the first weekend of sales some people said they would purchase the next weekend. We made an announcement last weekend at all the Masses. Patty will phone Renata and ask her to have Father make an altar announcement as a reminder about tickets next weekend.

-  People are needed to help clean up after the breakfast. Several members volunteered in addition to the Communion Breakfast committee.

-  We could also use additional baking – loaves or muffins to have with the breakfast. A few members offered to help with this.

-  A greeter is needed at the door to welcome guests as they arrive. Alma and Helen will act as greeters while Josie and Morag take tickets.

-  The Knights will put up the tables Saturday afternoon and then we will set up after 5:00 Mass Saturday evening.

-  Helpers are to come one hour ahead on Sunday morning.


Anne W. asked if the following had reports:

1st Vice President - Jane Michael

-  was absent

Correspondence – Elaine Herod, Corresponding Secretary

-  had nothing to report


Spiritual – Patty Huschilt

- had nothing further to report

Membership – Gloria Nardi-Bell

-  was ill and was absent

Education – Lotte Fekete

-  had nothing to report

Health - Pearly Chan

-  was absent

Community Life - Morag Wilson

-  had nothing to report

Christian Family Life – Marguerite Birett

- Marguerite reported that she sent invitations to both priests and Deacon Randy and his wife to come to the Communion Breakfast. Those tickets will be complimentary.

- Of the 14 invitations/tickets Marguerite sent to the honourees for 50+ years of service, 10 are coming to the breakfast and 4 have declined.

Communications – Helena Marsalek

-  was absent

Other Business

-  Anne W. asked us to pray for parishioner Lou Dalessio who is really ill and is in hospital.

-  We talked about the jar out on the table to collect change at meetings. It was decided that now that Fr. Kevin is finished his studies we would remove it until we are collecting for something else.

-  We talked about how wonderful the reception was for Fr. Kevin’s First Mass. His family was very pleased and thanked everyone. We noted that the Polish ladies worked really hard to make the hall look lovely and help prepare the food.


-  June 19 – Potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring donations for the food bank.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 on a motion by: Helen Crooker.

Minutes by:

Anne Cholewka

Recording Secretary