Reflections on Temptations and Vocation Issues
The Screwtape Letters of CS Lewis
A Study Guide
Prepared by Paulo and Adriana Ribeiro ©
Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. Rev. 2: 10
I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise. Luke 23:43.
Introductory Remarks
These letters were supposedly written by an experienced devil, Screwtape, to his young nephew, Wormwood. When these letters first appeared in the Manchester Guardian during the World War II, a reader wrote as to cancel his subscription because “much of the advice given in these letters seemed to him not only erroneous but positively diabolical.” Lewis explained later only that his purpose was not to wonder about the diabolical life but to throw light from a new perspective on the life of man. The letters cover many different situations which Christians are faced on a daily basis.
This Study Guide has the objective to encourage students to further reflect on these daily life issues which affect their spiritual and vocation struggles and plans for their lives.
1 - Reason / Truth, Material Needs and Science Books and Friends
Intellect, Philosophies, Doctrines Material Needs
Meaning of Life
Science & Knowledge
2 - Appearance, Reality and the Church
The Church
Appearance and Reality Emotions
3 - Relationships, Prayer and Faith and Action Relationship with Spouse and Family Common Ground and Actions
Coffee and Heart Attack
4 - Prayer: Why? And Does It Work?
5 - War, Fear of Pain, Suffering, Death and Faith Pain, Suffering and Faith
Reaction to War
6 - My (Not Thy?) Will Be Done Life's Tribulations
General Activities of the Mind General Attitude to War General Attitude
7 - Devil’s Existence, Church and War the Devil’s Existence
Attitude to War (different ages) Church and War
8 - The Natural Law of Undulation Human Nature
Human Freedom
The Continuous Struggle the Best Weapon
9 - Undulation, Moderation and Phases Undulation and Pleasure Knowledge of Right and Wrong Religion
10 - Flirting with the World, Friends and Acquaintances Attitudes
Christian Literature Parallel Lives
11 - Human Laughter: Joy, Fun, the Joke Proper, and Flippancy Joy, Fun
The Joke Proper (Sudden perception of incongruity) Flippancy (frivolous, disrespectful, saucy, impertinent)
12 - Lukewarm Behavior - The Safest Road to Hell Spiritual Condition
Prayer Life
13 - The Asphyxiating Cloud, Personality, Faith and Action
Divine Grace
Pains and Pleasure: reading a good book, walk to the park, tea at the lawn, etc.
Ideas vs. Actions
14 - Humility: The Way to God - Pride: Chief Cause of Misery and Sin Humility
15 - Time and Eternity
The Dialectic Nature of Human Life
16 - Church Shopping
Diversity and Unity for Eternity
17 - Gluttony (of Delicacy), Eating Disorders, Chastity Gluttony (of Delicacy)
Eating Disorders
18 - Complete Abstinence or Unmitigated Monogamy Sexual Temptation
Philosophy of Hell
19 - The Essence of God: Love
The Essence of the Devil Marriage and Being in Love
20 - The Devil's Agenda: Sexual Insanity, Promiscuity and Pervasion Chastity
Sexuality and Marriage
Sexual Taste
21 - Our False Sense of Ownership - All Belongs to Him Intellect
Claims on Life
22 - Beatific and Miserific Visions Love
Character Traces Pleasures
Music and Silence
The Devil
23 - Liberal Theology Spirituality
Theology and
Historical Jesus
Prayer and Sacrament Resurrection & Redemption Christianity and Politics
24 - Spiritual Pride and Inner Circles Armor of God
Color of our Faith
Inner Circles
25 - The Horror of the Same Old Thing - Replacing Mere Christianity by Fashion and Christian Coloring
Experience of reality in time
Emotional Changes
The Future
26 - Love, Unselfishness: Charity and Conflict Relationships
Generous Conflict of Illusion
Mrs. Fidget (The Four Loves)
27 - Prayer, Love, and Truth
Love and Petitionary Prayer Time, Prayer and Predestination the Historical Point of View
28 - Time, Aging, and Perseverance
Life and Death, Body and Soul, Time and Eternity Youth
Middle Age
Adversity and prosperity,
Old Age, Pride, Experience,
29 - Virtues and Vices Danger and Virtues Love / Hatred Fear,
Cowardice Courage
30 - Fear, Fatigue, Emotions, and "Reality" Self Knowledge
31 - Death: Is that The End? Eternal Life: Everlasting Glory or Eternal Damnation Death
New Life
In God's Presence
Letter I
Reason, Truth, Material Needs and Science
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. I Peter 5:8-9
Like a good chess player he (Satan) is always trying to maneuver you into a position where you can save your castle only by losing your bishop.
Key words
1 Chronological Snobbery
! Materialism
: Real Life
his letter introduces ------
Questions for Discussion
1 - How enslaved are we to chronological snobbery?
2 – How can we use reasoning to grow spiritually?
3 – How enslaved are we to the pressures of the ordinary?
4 – How can argument and reason bring us close to God? (Gods ways are not our ways, but should we use our God given intellect?)
5 – Is science (real science) a help or a threat to our understanding of God?
6 – How do these issues affect my perspective on my spiritual life and personal vocation plans and goals?
For Further Reading and Reflection
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Strategy Matrix
Reason, Truth, Material Needs and Science
Area of Life / Devil’s Advice / God’s Way / Obs., ReferencesBooks and
Friends / Relativistic, materialistic / Christian Character Building
Search for Wisdom
Truth, honesty are needed / Jas 1:6,Ro 5:3-5
Pr 4:7
Is 59:14-15, Php 4:8
Intellect / Avoid argument and reasoning.
Use jargon instead. Make him THINK he is strong / God is the source of truth, reason and understanding. God Says BE strong, Avoid stupid arguments… / Pr 4:7
Php 3:13-14, Isa 35:4
II Tim 2:23
Doctrines / Encourage several Incompatible Philosophies inside his head
Academic or Practical
Outworn or Contemporary
Conventional or Ruthless
Use Jargon (and propaganda)
The Philosophy of the Future / Built on the foundation of Christ ...
Avoid unstable teaching
True and False
Use argument / reasoning
Yes be yes…
Use Scriptures
Store treasures in heaven / Eph 2:20
Eph 4:14-15
We do not use deception – the god of this age has blinded … II Co 4:2-4
Mt 5:37
Guide me in your truth - Ps 25:5, II Tim. 3:16
Mt 6:19-21
Material Needs / Takes Precedence
Use the pressure of the ordinary to enslave your patient. Teach him to call it “real life” / Lower Priority (Material)
Not of bread alone
Seek first the kingdom…
Real Life – Eternal Life / Mt 4:4
Mt 6:33
Jn 17:3
Meaning of Life / Keep pressing home on him the ordinariness of things / Purpose and Meaning of Life
God has an eternal plan / Ps.139:16
Knowledge / Use Chronological Snobbery
General / updated information, modern investigations
Avoid exact science.
Try sociology, economics
Fuddle / Proven science
Be humble
Seek Wisdom / Ps 19:1
Mt 23:12
Pr 4:7
Your Resistance / Attack Strategy
Key Verses