Seekonk School Department

2010-2011 Transportation Registration

Please fill out this application and mailor fax (508-399-5128)it to:SeekonkPublic Schools,Transportation Department, 25 Water Lane, Seekonk, MA02771. (Please write any special daycare arrangements, if any, including telephone numbers.)This form must to be filled out for every student who will be riding the school bus, regardless of eligibility.

(For Kindergarten students, please write AMK or PMK in grade.)


(Please print)






If your child/ren are in grades K-6 and live more than 2 miles from their school check here______(If unsure, you can log onto the school website to find out. Click on “District” then “Transportation.”) If they do not fall within these guidelines, transportation will be provided on a first come, first served, basis for any available seats on the bus.

Home Address: ______Home Telephone #:______

Parent/Guardian______Mom Emergency Contact #:______

(Please print or type)

Dad Emergency Contact #:______


To ensure transportation for your child(ren), application must be returned no later than August 2, 2010.

Seekonk School Department

Transportation Office

25 Water Lane

Seekonk, MA02771

June 18, 2010

Dear Parent/Guardian:

  • The Seekonk School Committee is required by MA General Law Ch. 71, S. 68, to transport to and from school, any students in grades K to 6, who live more than two miles from their respective schools. Transportation accommodations will be made for students moving into Seekonk during the school year who meet the aforementioned requirement. Any student living two miles or under from school, and all of grades 7 through 12 will be provided transportation on a first come first served basis for available seats on the bus. Due to the required transportation, there may be the possibility that a student who does not meet that requirement may have to forfeit their seat during the school year, in inverse order. Therefore, it is very important that you get your application in early(see reverse side of this sheet).There may be a delay in scheduling transportation for students who enroll after August 2, 2010.
  • Students attending SeekonkHigh School and HurleyMiddle School will be issued bus passes. They must show their pass each time they get on the bus. A student who does not show his/her pass will be subject to disciplinary procedures established by the school administration. Bus passes are non-transferable and forgery or duplicate use of a pass will result in expulsion from riding the school bus. There is a $2.00 charge for a replacement pass. (Elementary school students will not receive bus passes.)
  • Students who are transported by the Seekonk Public Schools are expected to follow the school bus rules that are posted on the buses and written in the student handbooks. They are necessary in order to provide safe and efficient transportation for everyone. Students who do not obey these school bus rules may forfeit their privilege to ride.
  • School bus stops will remain approximately the same as the previous year.
  • If you have any questions, please call the Transportation Department at 508-399-5086.