The Conscientious Personality

(The Objective Thinker Personality)


·  People with a Conscientious personality prefer to set the standard for the group, and they expect everyone else to comply, with the same level of quality, accuracy, and order. Conscientious personalities are concerned with doing something the most precise, accurate way that leads to a quality product or process.

·  There are times in life when we need quality results, when the job needs to be done with precision which is what Conscientiousness personalities do best.

·  God created the world with accuracy, order, and quality. Fortunately, some people still strive for achievements that manifest those characteristics.

·  God selected Moses, a High C, to accurately proclaim His law to the Hebrew people. Just getting the job done would not have been sufficient.

·  The High D will get us over the mountain, to be sure, but the High C will get us over the mountain with everyone and everything in it’s place, at the proper time and destination, and within budget.

·  Like High S’s they prefer the status quo and when presented with new ideas they ask numerous clarification questions.

·  High C’s are able to detect errors in a planning process before it breaks down.

·  However, too much cautiousness can become a weakness. Their drive for perfection can become a handicap.

Biblical Characters Representing the High C Personality

·  Luke, Ester Objective Thinker (Primary High C)

·  Moses, Thomas, Perfectionist (C/S/D)

Naomi (?)

·  Elijah, Deborah, Ruth Cooperator (C/I/S)

·  John, Mary (?) Unknown (C=S)

Tendencies of the Conscientiousness Personality

Focuses on the Product Rather Than Process:

·  Both High D’s and C’s are task oriented; however, the High D personality is driven by the process of achieving a goal, whereas the High C personality tends to concentrate on producing a quality product. They emphasize the “correct” or “right” way to carry out a task.”

·  Example: Publishing a book. The High D would concern themselves with the step-by-step process of getting the manuscript written, edited, to press, and ultimately delivered. The typical High C would concentrate his efforts on insuring that the manuscript was accurate, grammatically correct, printed on quality paper in a timely manner, and within budget.

Prefers Structure Rather Than Spontaneity

·  Part of the High C’s drive for quality, accuracy, and order comes from their desire for a structured environment.

·  High C’s believe that life itself should proceed along a predictable path. Their motto might be “I can’t act on a tasks until I get it right!”

·  In contrast, the High I and D personalities seek spontaneity and freedom of expression.

Desires Accuracy and Precision

·  Both Moses and Luke are examples of High C’s who God used when accuracy and precision were important to report and record his laws.

·  A High C’s preoccupation with detail leads him to prefer an environment where everything has a name, label, and place. A good example is when you borrow a tool from a man who is a High C. Their instructions are use it properly, clean it when you’re done, oil if if necessary, and put it back exactly where he has labeled it to go.

Tends To Be Cautious About Change and Is Likely to Ask Questions For Clarification

·  Before a High C personality is comfortable with change, they must process information---all the information---that might pertain to the change. Their needs are met through asking questions.

·  Processing information is critical to a High C personality if they are to feel comfortable with change. They usually remain cautious a long time before completely accepting the change.

·  High C’s will generally comply with those in authority when challenged with obstacles and pressure.

Blind Spots of the High C

·  Fears Criticism

►  Because of their high standards of performance, High C personalities can be extremely critical of their own work and have a tendency to internalize criticism from others.

►  They have difficulty with criticism because they see criticism as dissatisfaction with their standard of performance.

►  Their tendency to internalize criticism usually leads them to experience feelings of insecurity and depression.

►  Being patient and encouraging to a High C can be valuable to their recovery from fearful events.

·  Tends To Be Critical and Demanding Under Pressure

►  High C’s can be quiet demanding of others. If we make a commitment with a High C personality they will expect us to follow through, and if the agreed upon plan is changed, they will constantly remind us of the changes. Their commitment to excellence can produce negative results.

►  Example: Jonah was disappointed the Lord sparing the people of Nineveh.

Primary High C Personality

(The Objective Thinker Personality)

I. Tendencies of the High C Personality:

Primary drive Being cautious, desires to follow


Personal giftedness Attention to details, validation of

data, diplomatic, loyalty

Group giftedness Dependable, the conscience for

any group

Potential spiritual gifts Pastor-Teaching, Helps, Service

Internal fears The unknown and undefined

Strength out of control Overanalyzes the importance of

issues and data

Under stress becomes Cautious and indecisive

Blind spots Loses sight of the big picture by

continued focus on details

Needs to work on Letting unimportant details and

issues take care of themselves

Best team members I, I/C, I/D, I/S, S/C

II. Biblical Characters Who Represent High C Personality Traits:

·  Luke

·  Esther

III. Further Bible Study:

·  Strengths Luke 1:1-4; Esther 4:1-17, 5:1-6

·  Weaknesses Esther 5:7-8, Esther 7:1-10

The High C Personality Traits
(The Objective Thinker Personality)

Positive Traits

·  High C’s (Objective thinkers) tend to be low-key, factual, and painfully accurate.

·  They are reliable, precise, conscientious, and tactful.

·  They prefer a predictable environment free of surprises.

·  If change and/or conflict occurs, they tend to become cautious and avoid the conflict.

·  They will often solicit the advice of several counselors to clarify issues, mentally cross-check and process the information, then make a decision.

·  They prefer being part of a team and are uneasy about public recognition.

·  Example: Luke best represents this style. He was the most scholarly men of the N.T. writers. His gospel is one of the most poetic and personal of the four gospels. His writings are accurate and systematic. True to this profile, Luke never mentions his name as the author either of the Gospel of Luke or the Acts of the Apostles.

Value To A Team

·  Once committed, High C’s are thorough and loyal to completing the task at hand.

·  Example: Luke recorded Paul’s activities during his three missionary journeys. His detailed accounts give us an accurate record of the historical workings of the first-century church. His recordings of Jesus’ life are characterized as the gospel to the gentiles.

Response To Pressure:

·  When threatened, High C’s will become cautious and indecisive. On the other hand, if supported and given time, they will often develop a diplomatic and tactful response.

·  Example: Esther, a classic High C, devised a plan to save her people.

The High C/S/D Personality

(The Perfectionist Personality)

I. Tendencies of the C/S/D Personality:

Primary drive Validating the accuracy of data,

doing things right

Personal giftedness Steadiness in completing the

assigned task

Group giftedness Unwavering dependability,

commitment to quality

Potential spiritual gifts Pastor-Teacher, Helps, Service

Internal fears Criticism directed toward them

Strength out of control Legalistic interpreting rules and


Under stress becomes Diplomatic with others and/or

introspective, self-critical

Blind spots Focusing on the optimistic side of

new ideas, plans, thoughts

Needs to work on Being critical of self and others,

lowering expectations

Best team members I/D, D/I, S/I, I/S

II. Biblical Characters Who Represent C/S/D Personality Traits:

·  Moses

·  Thomas, Namoi (possibly)

III. Further Bible Study:

·  Strengths Ex. 19, 24, 32; Deut. 4

·  Weaknesses Ex. 3:1-22, 4:1-17

The C/S/D Personality Traits
(The Perfectionist Personality)

Positive Traits

·  High C/SD personalities are models of quality control.

·  They respond well to those in authority and follow written and verbal instructions in a methodical, orderly manner.

·  When giving instructions, C/S/D’s (Perfectionist) give the exact message with the same intent and spirit of the author.

·  Example: In Exodus 19-23, it is Moses, the Perfectionist, through whom God chooses to communicate His laws to His people.

Value To A Team

·  C/S/D’s are critical to a team when high standards and specific procedures are required.

·  They tend to be reliable, factual, steady, and a stickler for system and order.

·  Once committed to a plan, C/S/D personalities (Perfectionist) will complete the assigned task without regard to time.

Strength Out Of Control

·  C/S/D’s put a great deal of emphasis on seeing the hard facts with their own eyes.

·  They have a tendency to over emphasize observing, validating, studying, and touching the evidence before drawing an conclusions.

·  Example: Thomas did not believe the stories of Christ resurrection until he could see the nail wounds in His hands and put his fingers into them and place his hand into Jesus’ side.

The C/I/S Personality

(The Practitioner Personality)

I. Tendencies of the C/I/S Personality:

Primary drive Intense desire to maintain quality;


Personal giftedness Conscientious in communicating

standards and traditions

Group giftedness Being able to assume a variety

of functions

Potential spiritual gifts Exhortation, Helps, Knowledge

Internal fears Criticism of personal effort or


Strength out of control Being confused by the mix of

internal messages

Under stress becomes Self-critical and paralyzed by


Blind spots Incongruent feelings making

logical “bottom-line thinking”


Needs to work on Letting others help, being more

open to sharing negative feelings

Best team members D, D/I, D = I, S/D

II. Biblical Characters Who Represent C/I/S Personality Traits:

·  Elijah

·  Deborah (?)

·  Ruth (?)

III. Further Bible Study:

·  Strengths 1 Kings 18:1-46

·  Weaknesses 1 Kings 19:1-18

The C/I/S Personality Traits
(The Practitioner Personality)

To understand the C/I/S actions we have to realize that they are driven by the interaction of the separate needs to control, to influence, and to cooperate.

Positive Traits

·  The C/I/S personality is skilled at breaking down complex ideas into practical steps and systematic procedures. Their thoughts when working on a project often progress from “I’m sure we can find a way to do it” to “This is the right way to do it!”

·  Example: 1 Kings 18:22-39 Elijah outlines a method for proving who was the true God of Israel: Jehovah or Baal.

Value To The Team

·  The C/I/S personality often has knowledge about many subjects and can network well among different groups.

·  They have high ambitions for themselves and others.

·  The C/I/S personality (Practitioner) works hard at becoming a key person in a specialized field.

·  It is not uncommon for them to strike out on then own, even though they may have to give up some security that also drives them.

·  Getting the C/I/S personality to discuss their feelings of disappointment about the performance of others helps resolve potential conflicts.

Response Under Pressure

·  Unlike the other High C’s, the C/I/S personalities have good verbal skills and can handle most of their conflicts adequately.

·  Example: In 1 Kings 18:27 was able to face the priests of Baal in the test to burn up the sacrifice placed on the wet wood.

The High C = S Personality

(The Unidentified Personality)

I. Tendencies of the C/S Personality:

Primary drive Critical thinking, being cooperative,

validating data

Personal giftedness Team player, good at following

through, commitment to quality

and order

Group giftedness Maintains, traditions, adapting

to those in authority

Potential spiritual gifts Knowledge, Teaching, Service

Internal fears Surprises and illogical thinking

Strength out of control Questions all data for accuracy

and flaws

Under stress becomes Introspective and overly

concerned with “what ifs”

Blind spots Being preoccupied with having

to resolve every experience


Needs to work on Talking about negative

thoughts and feelings

Best team members I, I/C, I/S, I/S/C, S

II. Biblical Characters Who Represent C=S Personality Traits:

·  John

·  Mary (?)

III. Further Bible Study:

·  Strengths John 19:26-27; Luke 1:26-56

·  Weaknesses Luke 2:15-19; 2:41-51

The High C = S Personality Traits
(The Unidentified Personality)

Positive Traits

·  The C=S personalities tend to be critical thinkers

·  When asked to perform a new task they often ask clarification questions.

·  They adapt once given logical, affirming reasons for a particular course of action.

·  They reject interpersonal aggression and like to fit in with the team.

·  In conflictual situations they often withdraw and avoid the conflict.

·  They cooperate with those in authority.

·  Example: Ruth’s story is a good example of a High C=S.

Value To The Team

·  The C=S personality are loyal team players and are good at following through.

·  They are stable, accommodating, and faithful.

·  The C=S personality is the model of being available and supportive.

·  Example: At the cross, John was the only one present. Jesus asked him to take care of Mary who eventually became a part of his household.

Internal Fear

·  The C=S personality does not like surprises or illogical thinking. They will ask questions in order to validate information and reestablish order and stability.

·  They prefer to follow traditional rules, regulations, and procedures which provide them with a level of security.

·  Example: When confronted with her pregnancy (illogical surprise) Mary asked questions about how this was possible. Gabriel answered all of her questions and told her about her aunt Elizabeth. Mary continued to ponder all that had happened.

Needs Of The Conscientiousness Personality


·  High C’s have a special talent for organizing and following instructions correctly. They believe that an important part of life is obeying laws, following the rules, and fulfilling commitments.